Daily Outfits


We had a lovely, lovely week here. Just so many good things all crammed into one week! My mom was here and we just had the best time and then we had a good weekend at home filled with lots of play and family time. Sometimes life moves so fast, and I try to cherish the slow weeks because they’re much more my speed.

LAST WEEK’S WIN: I crossed off two major projects that have been lingering on my to-do list. Nothing crazy important, but you know, just the things that need to be done without any given timeline so they kind of never get done. Having my mom here to help was a big motivator for one and then I stayed up late on Friday night with a surge of motivation for another. Felt so good to cross those off!!!

THIS WEEK’S WIN: I went to type that I wanted to bake something fall-y… and, um, realized that was last week’s goal. I did make a disgusting batch of almond flour pumpkin muffins from a box, but I will not be counting that. Maybe I’ll get in the Halloween spirit and get it done this weekend! In my dream world, I would also carve a pumpkin. Jack is a little young for it, but I personally love to roast the seeds!

Here’s what I wore last week:


My mom and I spent the day together taking Jack to gymnastics and had lunch with my mother in law!



Similar jeans


Another great day with my mom in town! She got to see Jack’s swim lesson and do music class with him!

Similar sweater


Similar flats


Toured a potential preschool for next year (how!) and then just spent the rest of the day at my desk.

Jacket (c/o)


Similar jeans

Flats (c/o)


Pickleball clinic in the morning, work from home the rest of the day.

Cardigan (c/o)


Similar jeans



A nice family day! We played pickleball with Mike’s brother and our sister-in-law and a friend and just enjoyed being outside as much as possible!




Had a lazy day at home before ending the day with a long walk in the rain.

Sweatshirt (c/o)

Similar jeans



Worked on a big campaign most of the day!



Similar jeans



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Congratulations on getting to-do’s crossed off your list. Those “non-deadline” ones are always hard to get to.

Kelly C

Do you have any suggestions for finding a pickle ball clinic or group to play with? I’m thinking Facebook but wanted to see if you have any other suggestions.


Hi Carly, I have never left a comment on your blog but I felt compelled to leave one today. I recently opened a IG account and while I have looked at your stories, haven’t yet made the jump to full follower-still working on the kinks of the platform and am personally not a fan of affiliate links. Heck, I haven’t even posted a profile photo or pics on my grid for that matter. So I was oddly surprised when I went to have my coffee this morning and look at your account only to find it blocked. Yup, you or “your assistant” took the time to look through all the watchers on your recent videos and block accounts for reasons unbeknownst to me. For that, I felt like I should finally make a comment about it here. I’ve read this blog for years and while I find most of it lackluster-it was harmless. But to finally make the jump to your social media platform and then be blocked because I probably am nefarious-that’s laughable. I suspect your ego really thought I was commenting on a gossip page-don’t have an account and don’t want one. I guess this means goodbye to your blog and now to IG-what’s the point in having an account when I haven’t commented or liked anything yet have been blocked. Don’t worry, I sleep very well at night.


I feel like I shouldn’t have to email you to have you unblock me just for looking. It’s like window shopping and being told I can’t come in a store now because I looked from the outside in. This is not the first time I’ve seen someone come here and post this same type of comment. I also shouldn’t be required to post pics to my grid or profile on a social media account; I actually value my privacy and go to great lengths to keep it that way. I don’t comment or like anything on IG and like I said, will be closing it because what’s the point in even having one if I can’t just look vs interactive.



Why? C has a track record of randomly blocking people on social media. I simply made an inquiry; I wasn’t rude about it. And now I know her email and can ask via that way if I actually want to.


I hear you. I like the slower speed of life and time with family. It’s crazy to think that your little one is now getting old enough for preschool. That’s so crazy. I have never played pickle ball before. Clearly, I have been living under a rock and need to check out what it is!

Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
