
10 THINGS Vol. 16

Whew, a lot has happened since my last “ten things” post! I stole this idea from my friend Kelly– but it’s basically just an old school blog post where I share the first ten things that come to mind… Ready, set, go!

ONE // Love Is Blind

So I know this is kind of “over” already, but I never really chatted about it on here. This season of Love Is Blind was so good. I watched and loved the first season when it came out (we binged it on a girls’ trip right before the pandemic started), but couldn’t get into any other season. Then…. this year. I was seeing buzz on social media and my interest was piqued. It ended up being the best “postpartum” show to watch. I was HOOKED!!! It was also kind of fun to watch a show that everyone was watching– my friends and I couldn’t wait to discuss every new episode and we’d “live” text each other reactions as the season unfolded.

TWO // We really miss Hamilton

I feel like this should go without saying…. saying it anyway though. We miss Hamilton so much. My heart aches daily. It’s been hard to explain to Jack, though he’s understanding it more I think. Teddy’s been off. Mike and I both get emotional randomly throughout the day. It feels like he should be running back to through the door at any moment– it doesn’t feel real that he’s actually gone. I was also just in such a weird mental state at the end of my pregnancy and throes of winter and general stress compounded with caring for a sick dog while everything else was happening…. I don’t think I was processing how intense it had gotten. I was just surviving. Now that Rory is here, and the dust of postpartum life is settling, and we are getting back into a good rhythm of daily life, I’m finding myself more and more overcome with grief. It’s like it actually is hitting me? I’ve gone through a number of the stages of grief… working on getting through the anger I feel that we couldn’t make him better 😭

THREE // Breastfeeding

I’m breastfeeding again and I have so many mixed emotions. First and foremost, I feel very grateful I’m able to do this. Breastfeeding is such a challenge in the best of circumstances and it’s not a give. Breastfeeding with Jack was incredible… and draining. I felt scared to restart this journey just knowing how all-consuming it is. I will say, on one hand, it’s easier with Rory because it’s “old hat” and I know it’s actually a pretty short season, so I’m trying to cherish it while also knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel. But, I’m also finding it way harder to nurse with a toddler. Whew! It’s not like I’m just curled up in a quiet nursery on a glider with a cozy baby. It feels like a bit more of a contact sport juggling a toddler and nursing a newborn. Thankfully, Jack loves to go into big brother mode and is always so helpful to mama and Rory while he’s eating!

Also, I’ve been getting questions about whether I’m experiencing D-MER again and I am, but it also feels different? Still trying to figure out how to explain the differences this time around, so I’ll try to share that experience when I can.

FOUR // Grey’s Anatomy

I started watching Grey’s Anatomy and it was a nice walk down memory lane. I was really enjoying rewatching the show. It felt familiar enough where I kind of remembered the big plot points so no big surprises, but also I hadn’t watched it in so many years that the smaller episodic details felt new again. Rewatching as an adult was an interesting experience too when I originally watched it as younger than the characters and now I am older. Bottom line, I was enjoying it. And then the show got to be a little too much and I remembered why I stopped watching it in the first place. It was good while it lasted!

FIVE // Walking

Omg I am loving walking again!!! It felt like such a chore towards the end of my pregnancy and now I’m just loving it again. With the nicer weather, we’ve been getting out frequently– sometimes multiple times a day– to go for walks. I’ll go out with the baby and listen to an audiobook, or I’ll chase Jack around the neighborhood, or we all go out for a family walk. It’s been extra nice having the sunlight at the end of the day– we don’t feel rushed to come back inside. I’m also back at the gym trying to build up my stamina again for walks on the treadmill. I used to love to the 3-12-30 workouts (3 speed, 12 incline, 30 minutes) and let’s just say I can’t quite handle that…. yet. I’ve been doing 3 speed, six incline, for 40 minutes and experimenting with raising the incline and speed, too. It was a major struggle and now it’s already feeling easier. Excited to feel stronger again.

SIX // Stylist

I’m very tempted to work with a personal stylist this year. I am holding out on selling/donating all of my clothes while I wait to see where my body “settles” to after more time postpartum. But I am adding things here and there that fit so I have some cute clothes that I feel good in in sizes that feel comfortable. I thought maybe in the meantime working with someone who has a fresh set of eyes could help me feel a little bit more confident and add a bit of inspiration, too.

SEVEN  // Stocked by Three Owls

My friend Nan shared this meal delivery service on Instagram and I immediately looked it up to see if it was available in our town and it is. I signed up as an option for meals during the newborn stage and it’s been a game changer. I love it for so many reasons. It’s not a subscription and I really like that we can opt into weeks as we need. The food is so good and the servings are generous. I originally was doing the family fridge stock, but we realized we would rather have more regular options and Jack eats whatever we eat. It’s saving me so much time and energy during the week and has been answering that dreadful question of “what’s for dinner.”

EIGHT // Stress Fracture

My foot has been hurting since this summer! I had gone to three doctors trying to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately, I wasn’t getting a lot of answers (though we were able to rule out some of the big concerns I had) and we decided I just needed to have the baby and then we could get to the bottom of it. It turns out to be a stress fracture (from an old injury + mixed with increased weight/pressure from pregnancy). It was a relief to jus thave an answer! Not much to do, but I was also relieved to have an answer and be able to take ibuprofen again at the very least!

NINE // 75 Soft

The 75 Hard challenge has taken over my TikTok FYP. Basically it’s where you challenge yourself to follow a diet, drink a lot of water, workout twice a day, read for 10 minutes (etc…) for 75 days straight! There have been other versions of it too, like 75 Soft and 75 Mom. I’ve been thinking about doing my own “soft”/mom version once I’m cleared to workout again. I wouldn’t be doing it to lose weight or anything like that– more to jumpstart healthy habits. I’ve fallen into some not so great habits and now that I’m not in survival mode anymore, it’s time to get back to a good routine. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I’m excited to see how it goes and I’ll share more when I’m ready.

TEN // Rory’s Stocking

I have my work cut out for me! Rory’s stocking is here!!! It’s going to take forever to stitch, but I’m committed to getting it done. It’s the most beautiful canvas and, while I’m intimidated by how much work it’ll be, I am so, so excited to start stitching it.

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Emily Palmer

Please be careful with the fracture! I had a stress fracture and it became a full on fracture through my heel that I’m now looking at having to have surgery for. I hear you on it being such an odd to pin down injury.


I’m not on TikTok, but I also welcomed my second baby recently. Love the 75 Mom/ 75 Soft idea! Thanks for sharing! I’m back from a very generous mat leave, but I think this is something I could incorporate to a degree while still nursing/ pumping/ juggling two kids/ working full time.


Re: Stylist postpartum!

I wanted to offer some encouragement about not stressing about clothes fitting, etc postpartum – you’re still SO early on! Once you stop breastfeeding you might find your old clothes start to fit again. I bought a bunch of clothes about 1-2 months PP with my second which are all mostly too big now. It’s nice to have some comfortable items, though!!

I also hired a stylist about 1-year PP with my 2nd (and last) baby, about a year ago. It was helpful, but too expensive for what I got out of it, to be honest. The most helpful components were learning my best colors and what cuts/styles suit my body best. I also felt like she gave me the “permission” I felt I needed to invest in timeless/quality pieces, which it seems like you’re already good at!


Hailey Thomas

Hey Carly,

Once you get around to that closet clean out, would love if you posted items for sale on Poshmark. I would definitely be interest in some of your pieces and I’m sure others would too. Poshmark takes care of the shipping so it would be pretty easy way to clear up space for your new pieces.


Ok first, that picture is so precious and you radiate joy!

As a reader, I’d love to hear about working with a stylist! It’s something I’ve vaguely thought about for a long time and I’d love to see how it all unfolds.

Something about the 75 hard is so annoying to me. It feels so forced and like a try hard way right be “intense.” Like just work out once a day for longer. Do you really need to take two showers? And anyone into fitness knows if you’re workin out hard 75 days with 0 days off is totally counter productive. I like the idea of a “75 soft” much better! Even though I was kind of hoping it was going to be like light a candle and take a nap 75 days in a row 😂
