
10+ Things

I’m taking a page out of my friend Kelly’s book. She does a blog series where she writes about ten (or more) things that come to mind when she sits down at the computer. I love reading those posts of hers and I’m currently sitting here at 9pm on Sunday night with writer’s block. So here we are… the first ten things that come to mind:

I need to order new outdoor furniture. Our outdoor furniture had a good run, but it didn’t last. We will definitely want to upgrade our table and chairs before the weather starts getting warm. I’m trying to figure out what vision I have. Do we go for something like we’ve had in the past or do we mix it up and try something new? Metal or wood? Traditional or fun? I haven’t even started looking yet so maybe I should start with Pinterest and look for things I like.

After a long hiatus, I’m ready to go back to the gym. I paused during the pandemic and then restarted it while I was pregnant. I had all these good intentions of going back once I was cleared to go, but now I’m nervous or something. I’ve been out of the game and it’s hard to reenter! When I’m in a good groove, it feels so natural and if I’m not? Feels so intimidating. I’ve really loved my Peloton rides (especially lately!!), but I think it’s time I work up the courage to get to the gym.

After two years of a pandemic, I need to “deprogram” my brain a little? A weird one, but as things start finding a new normal, I’m realizing I need to let go of some things. Even though I know it’s fine to do certain things, in the back of my head I question everything. Watching TV, I still get a pang of “there’s too many people in that room” and “they’re not wearing masks!” I kind of thought it would be like a light switch where I wouldn’t be worried anymore, but it’s turning out to be more of a dimmer than anything else.

I am finally getting back into a skincare routine. At some point while I was pregnant, I just got lazy and stopped doing much for my skin beyond the very bare minimum (namely cleansing at night and sunscreen in the morning). It was such a bad habit though and my skin was not looking, or feeling, its best. After a few weeks of getting back into my routine, my skin feels so much better. And the best part? It’s been such a good little ritual every night before bed and then again in the morning.

Speaking of rituals, I’ve been trying to do a few things for me every night. After Jack goes down to bed, I feel a huge weight off my shoulder. For a while, I was just kind of deflating like a balloon and just diving into work without taking a breather. I quickly realized I was going to burn out if I didn’t take at least a beat for myself. Now I try to relax after I get my work done– even if it’s just watching a 10-minute video on Youtube before I fall asleep or stitching a few rows on a needlepoint canvas. It’s small, but it’s a start.

My hair has been so staticky. I’ve tried all my usually tricks and nothing is working. My hair is as staticky as its ever been! Honestly it looks like I stuck my finger in a socket any time I move. It doesn’t matter what I wear, if I use product or don’t use product, it’s just as staticky as can be. Is there some secret trick I’m missing?

I’ve been daydreaming about taking a vacation alone. Jack is almost seven months old and I’m craving a little break. I haven’t been able to leave Jack really because he won’t take a bottle (and yes, we’ve tried everything 🤪)… so I am just day dreaming about, like, one night away. I don’t even need to go far… just one little night.

I need to confess that I quit Wordle weeks ago.loved it, until I didn’t love it. It was something I looked forward to every day and then I felt like it kind of lost its magic! Usually, I’m a sucker for maintaining streaks, but I was relieved to let this one go.

Not sure if it’s more for him or me, but I’ve been signing Jack up for all kinds of activities. Like sure, it’s for him, but I also like getting out and meeting other moms. There are so many waiting lists right now because so many people have moved out of the city and into the suburbs, so I’ve had to really hunt around for classes that have openings for him. He’s already doing swim class– which we both are obsessed with. He’s doing a mini trial  for like a baby gym class and I got him into a music class this spring! So fun!

My brain is going crazy with business ideas. I don’t even have time to do most of my regular work, so I won’t be starting any new businesses any time soon. But man, I feel like there’s so many things I want to do and just not enough time to do it. Maybe down the road… for now I’ll just keep jotting down ideas in my phone!

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Love this format!

If it helps, I work at a gym as an instructor/trainer – so many people are continuing to come back to the gym after being on hiatus due to COVID. I know the first few times are HARD but please know you’re not the only one returning from a break 🙂


Mom of a 17mo old and I can say with certainty that it is 99.9% about you getting out, seeing other moms, and enjoying your kid interacting with others! Kids are just as happy at home. It’s totally us, and that’s cool!

I took my first time away without feeding obligations two weeks ago. It was magical. The day will come and it will be the best night(s) ever. Even if you go and stay with a friend (who doesn’t have kids!!) around the corner. It will feel like a five star vacation!


Start searching estate sales in your area for outdoor furniture. Sometimes you can find amazing brands in like new condition and at a fraction of the cost – because, let’s be honest, if you keep your patio furniture outside like most people, eventually you need to replace it down the road anyway!
Also, search your area for a mom’s club. It is what saved me when I had my babies in Los Angeles and all of my family lived in Chicago. I’m still friends with these ladies 20+ years later and I could not have gotten through those baby years without them!!!


I’m in the same spot with needing to deprogram my brain, though I have two kids who are too young to be vaccinated and I don’t think we’ve seen the last variant. A study also just came out showing that people who’ve had covid have clots on their lungs/hearts and there is still so much unknown about long covid. Not saying this to cause a panic, and I completely agree that the risk is much much lower, but it’s not really something that will have an end date. I also realize how lucky I am that I am not immunocompromised and neither is anyone in my family, because for other families the risk calculus looks different.


Love this post and I can definitely relate to a lot of these thoughts even though I’m not a mother!


Hi Carly! I love your writing and how honest you are. I just saw a Tik Tok about running aluminum foil over your hair to remove static! Maybe that will help! Have a great week 🙂


I saw a tiktok hack this weekend for static – aluminum foil. Give it a try and let us know if it works.


Do you have a humidifier on your furnace? You may still need an extra boost and get a tabletop model to run in the rooms you are in. Sounds like the air in your your house is dry and creating static.


I love this kind of post as well! It’s a cool concept and very relatable.


The Covid deprogramming comment really spoke to me! We’re going through our omicron surge currently so in a few weeks I guess we’ll be returning to…something else. Who knows what?! My husband asked me last night what would happen next and all I could do was stare blankly at him. Do we just sit back and wait for the next variant? It feels so odd!


Deprograming your brain– definitely resonates! I’m having some trouble adjusting and just reminding myself to take it at a pace that’s comfortable. It’s nice to hear I’m not alone in that!


3 Things: 1st I love this post, please do them more often! 2nd you look absolutly gorgeous in this picture. And 3rd would you mind, sharing your skin care routine?

Shannon Mahaney

I really enjoyed this post!

I feel you on the wanting a vacation alone, maybe just for a night. I’ve thought about it but I know I’d just miss my son if I did!


I finally caved and splurged on the Function Of Beauty shampoo/conditioner after my sister basically bullied me into trying it 😉 I’ve been loving my custom formula so far- maybe worth a shot for you!
