
Family Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

My mom is an amazing baker. She’s very well known in Tampa as “The Cake Pop Lady” nowadays, but she’s been baking long before I was born. Some of my favorite memories with my mom are from the kitchen measuring out ingredients and mixing and stirring doughs. (And even more favorite memories? Eating everything!)
There are always homemade bake goods in our house and it’s always a good day when chocolate chip cookies are being made. I would make them all the time in NYC if I had a legitimate kitchen. (I successfully made them once, but my oven is so small regular cookie sheets don’t fit and it heats my apartment up in a really bad kind of way.
Our family favorite chocolate chip cookie? It’s an ever-so-slightly modified version of the Toll House cookie recipe.

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup Crisco*
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips**
* Instead of butter. They taste so much better without butter and the cookies keep a better shape.
** We go light on chocolate chips. I think they taste amazing as plain cookies without chips!

Preheat oven to 375° or 350° for a convection oven (our preference).
Combine and stir dry ingredients: flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl.
Mix wet ingredients (butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar and vanilla extract) until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time and mix well.
Gradually mix in flour mixture. (Meesh’s note: Use the back of a big spoon to mix the dough. It’s an arm workout!) Then stir in chocolate chips!
Pinch tablespoon sized balls onto a cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes. (Check in after 8 minutes and turn the sheet if it needs a minute or two more.) Let cool for a couple of minutes (they’ll bake up a bit more) and then transfer to wire trays to cool completely.
YUM! Do you have a family favorite recipe?

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Yum, I'll have to try these! I live in NYC too, and my kitchen is about the same size as yours…except I share it with two other roommates! None of us are gourmet chefs, but we make things like pasta, roasted veggies, chicken dishes, and of course baked goods. If you're just making simple meals like that, a small kitchen really isn't so bad. Maybe you could start experimenting with yours and turn it into a blog series! I'm sure it would be interesting to readers who live in apartments/dorms and are trying to figure out how to cook/eat healthy/budget for food!

Kaitlyn (Bookish Comforts)

I completely agree, May! It would be a really interesting series. I know for myself I am just starting out with cooking and baking and am finding it hard, especially healthy eating.


I totally agree with you on using Crisco. I only use butter for cookies if I've run out of shortening, and then I'll have to refrigerate the dough for about 10 minutes immediately before baking. With shortening, you won't get a pancake cookie!

Ashley Stockwell

Chocolate chips cookies are my and my Dad's favorite. Every Christmas I'm home he has me bake for his office. I seriously made more than 150 this past season!


Looks so yummy! I'll have to try these some time 🙂



Thank you so much for the recipe! Can’t wait to share this with my sister who is always looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe!❤️🍪


Planning on trying these! How many cookies does it make?


FYI I halved the recipe and it made 29 cookies lol but they are really good!


I can 100% vouch for these cookies! I’ve made them about 30 times since you posted this recipe before Christmas and they are hands down the best cookies I’ve ever made. They literally personify ‘American Cookies’ (is from the UK) and it’s the perfect recipe!
One side note, make sure to only put them in for the 8-10 minutes stated, they will look kinda runny and in-cooked but when you take them out the oven and leave to cool they solidify perfectly! I made the mistake of leaving them in until they looked fully cooked and they ended up dry and crunchy 🙈


After seeing a few of your posts about your mom’s baking I decided to check your site for a chocolate chip recipe and I’m so glad I did. These cookies were absolutely delicious. Thanks for sharing!


Just had to post that I continue to come back to the recipe time and time again! Getting ready to bake them for the millionth time to bring to a friend who just had a baby. Thanks to you and your momma for this delicious recipe!

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