
Apartment Refresh with Target

My apartment is finally getting into order! Using inspiration and guidance from my Havenly designer, I found some ways to spruce up my space. I am not quite committed to spending a ton of money on furniture since my apartment has weird dimensions and I won’t be here super long term.
But the space was really lacking for a while. Target let me pick out a few things as part of their back to school campaign. I can’t really even begin to tell you how much time I took going through the entire site. You can honestly furnish a whole house and have every room look perfect and different! I chose a couple of core pieces and a few things to just zhoosh a bit. 
When I first moved into my apartment two (omg) years ago, my mom and I went to Target first thing to get the things that I needed: cookware, sheets, cleaning supplies, everything for my bathroom, office supplies… really all the essentials. We took a cab back and had to get a van to fit everything!!! I love that I’m incorporating even more things from Target now!
The bookcase was a no-brainer. (It also comes in different sizes!) My other bookcase was maxed out on space and I ended up moving it into my bedroom. I love the uniform size of each shelf and the height between them… perfect for stacking and layering. 
I also got this floor lamp. I needed another lamp in my living room as there are no windows (yay NYC), but the location of this little guy is still to be determined. I’ve actually been moving it around every few days to figure out where it looks best. Regardless of where it ends up.. I’m seriously obsessed with it.
I also picked out two new pillows and a blanket that feels how I imagine a fluffy cloud would. My air conditioning unit blasts onto my couch and there’s nothing better than snuggling with Teddy and a book. Extra pillows are also perfect for lounging on the floor. (Seating real estate is at an all-time high in my tiny living room.) Teddy loves the pillows too. He hangs out under the couch a lot and likes it when they’re on the ground in a blockade making it nice and dark.
Okay. These little bins are my life right now. Teddy gets so many toys sent to him… aka he’s the luckiest dog ever. I don’t have room in drawers to hide them so for a while, my floor was littered with toys. I hated it. Now I keep all of them in these little bins by my bed. (Fun fact: I seriously reach down and give him new toys every 20 minutes when I want to sleep a bit more before getting out of bed…) It’s funny how something as small as having a place to store his toys has made me happier.
Just a few small updates and I feel like I moved into a whole new apartment. 

A big thanks to Target for letting me refresh my apartment! If you’re decorating a small space (dorm room, apartment, shared bedroom), Target is the best!!! Definitely check out their college section if you want to make your dorm feel super homey.


PS Another huge thanks to Garrett for putting together the bookcase and taking it upon himself to hang every picture frame that has been sitting on my floor for two years.

Say Hello



Absolutely beautiful! Love your gallery wall too. I'm thinking of doing something like this in my dorm this year! Teddy looks as adorable as always.

Annie Belle

Gigi @ Dolce and Gabriella

Well Garrett is just the sweetest– your gallery wall looks lovely. The Target pieces are great, but I'm still #1 lusting over that pink sofa! So glad you're getting your space together in a way that makes you happy. It's crazy how much having pretty surroundings can boost your mood.

Love, Gigi
Dolce and Gabriella


My family just got another puppy and your idea of reaching down to give Teddy a new toy every so often is perfect. I only wish I could do that when the dog is howling downstairs.

I also absolutely love the way you arranged your bookcase!


Brittany Tempest

Ah! This post is PERFECT! I'm on the prowl for a bookshelf and night stands, and never even thought to look at Target! I kept looking at all of these expensive furniture stores that were way out of my budget and didn't really even have what I was after! Thank you!


Your living room is perfect! Definitely a great place to read a book or watch a movie! Can't believe you got all that from Target.. cute stuff and good prices! Love it!!


Cat at OddlyLovely.com

Your new items look awesome! I'm working on getting my home more organized as well (doggy toy bins are definitely on the list…) and I've already picked up some great products from target. You'd never suspect how affordable these items are, since they look so sophisticated!


the kimberly diaries

cute! When I lived on the UES I got almost all of my furniture aside from my bed from the lobby of my building or the trash nearby, but super nice things! This week I'm getting a new desk from craigslist!

Vi Nguyen

Teddy looks so cute in that picture! I adore your pink couch with the pillows and blanket. Gotta love a bf who helps you with apartment assembling 🙂

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