5 Ways to Stay Positive

Maxie’s here with the perfect Monday post. I always find that if I start the week off on the right foot, it’s much easier to stay that way as the week continues! So let’s get positive and stay that way…
5 Ways to Stay Positive
Guest post by Maxie McCoy
Have you ever been around someone who seems to pick out the terrible in everything? They’re negative. downers. And not very fun to be around. It’s like when you’re with them their energy starts to make you feel that way about life. 
And then there’s the cheery friends. They bring an upbeat attitude to everything they do. Not only do they see the world from a place of possibility and fun, but they see the potential for joy even in the sometimes hard situations of life. These people give their great energy away, which is why you feel awesome being around them. 
We all know people in both of these buckets. And as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that the positive people in my life have a profound impact on my energy, and my own outlook day to day. It’s also helped me see that even when I’m in a funk (which happens) or when I’m going through a rough spot, these people are the one’s I go to for support.
In the same way that I like being around positive people, so too do positive people. Positivity breeds positivity. Not only will it attract awesome people around us, it is a driving energy that keeps our outlook enjoyable and helps others feel like they can do it too. Which is why it’s important to focus on the small actions that can help us see the glass half full:
Love What You’ve Got
It’s easy to fall into funks and the rabbit holes of your own mind when you’re obsessing over what you want in the future and what you currently don’t have. There’s nothing like taking inventory of everything that you do have to feel an instant pick-me-up. Whether you begin a gratitude journal or email yourself every night with what you’re thankful for (my own little trick), seeing all of the good things in your life will brighten your outlook and attract more of that goodness into your life.
Hang with Energizers
Remember those positive people I mentioned before? Figure out who they are and spend time with them. Think about the people that you literally skip out of a coffee date with, feeling like you could do anything and keep them close. This support group of people that fill you with positive energy will in turn help you be a more positive in your own life. On the flip side, take note of the ones that feel draining and negative all the time…
Help Someone Else Out
There’s no better way to feel a jolt of positivity which will fuel you for days to come than to do something kind for someone else. By getting out of your own self-centric thoughts, you’ll be able to send your energy to someone who needs it. Whether that’s randomly buying a friend flowers or heading to the local soup kitchen, integrate giving into your life on a regular basis.
Replace the Negatives
Every single one of us gets negative thoughts. Sometime you can get more bombarded with them than others. What’s important is to realize that you’re having them and consciously retrain that pattern. Start paying attention to the crazy (negative) stuff you say to yourself sometimes. When you start noticing it, you can begin teaching yourself to replace it with a positive thought. Over time, you’ll find that you naturally think more positive thoughts than negative ones.
Get Into Nature
There’s no better positivity recharge than a good nature session. It helps you feel connected to something bigger, and gives you a relieving sense of peace. If you find yourself falling into the negative bucket more than you’d like, get near a body of water, go for a long walk, lay in the grass under a tree. And reset with the things that actually matter.
Keeping positivity in your daily life will give you just the boost you need to believe in your dreams and enjoy the little, wonderful moments of life. You don’t have to be a pollyanna but bringing a positive outlook to your day will absolutely make a difference, for good.

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Audrey Lin

Scrolling down this post, I was hoping to see something about doing something for someone else, and I wasn't disappointed! This is one of the more life-changing things I learned in life. Many people don't realize that one way to help yourself feel better is to help someone else feel better 🙂 This is one of my favorite quotes: Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's


Help Someone Else Out
There’s no better way to feel a jolt of positivity which will fuel you for days to come than to do something kind for someone else. By getting out of your own self-centric thoughts, you’ll be able to send your energy to someone who needs it. Whether that’s randomly buying a friend flowers or heading to the local soup kitchen, integrate giving into your life on a regular basis.


Such the perfect thing to read before heading into a busy week before the holiday! Maxie killed it once again 🙂 I love her Monday posts on here Carly!

Annie || Annie N Belle


So glad, Nicole – my journal wasn't working for me because of how much I travel and always needing it on me. So i set up a special email account to email my gratitude to every night with the top things I'm grateful for. Works like a charm!


Great list! I'd add a sixth tip if I may: Create! create! create! Doesn't matter whether your creation is a cake you baked or a blog you've started, by putting your creative energy to work you're automatically shifting to a mindset of both possibility and positivity.
