
A Day in the Life

I haven’t done one of these in a while, but they are one of my favorite types of posts to read (right up there with “what’s in my bag” posts!). The tricky part about my days are that they are always different. Some days I’m holed up in my apartment cranking away (super boring… that post would highlight me making a trip to Starbucks and opening the door for Seamless). Other days, I’m running around town like a maniac. Or some sort of mixture of both.
Variety is the spice of life right?
For someone who loves, and I mean LOVES, a schedule… it’s been kind of a challenge, but a good one for me. I do try to make sure that two times a week I don’t have to do my hair. Sounds weird, but all that really means is that those days don’t have events, photoshoots, or important meetings. The hair system keeps me in check 😉 (I hope I’m not the only one who thinks this way…)
Here was one day last week for me:
7:00 // Wake up + Puppy Time: Waking up at 7 is so much better than 5am. There are some days when  have to wake up earlier, but if I can sleep until 7… I’m sleeping until 7. Luckily Teddy is totally a sleeper and likes to sleep in too. I mean, look at that little face. Schleepy.
7:25 // Shower, Hair, & Makeup: I try to get this done as quickly as possible. Probably my least favorite part of the day. I wish I could either wake up looking perfect… or have someone do it for me every morning. Not. My. Forte. (Here’s a post on how I curl my hair every morning!)
9:45 // Coffee Meeting: If I have meetings in the morning, you better believe that there is coffee involved. Croissants are a bonus. Trust me when I say that I’m at Maison Kayser a few times a week 😉
11:00 // Garment District: Leading up to the launch, I felt like I was constantly in the Garment District. At least the fabric is pretty to look at!!
12:00 // Puppy Time: Look at that determined face. Cracks me up!!! Coming back from meetings to this little guy is kind of the best. I plop down on the floor and just play with him.
12:45 // Emails: My life is pretty much run by my email inbox. I really do reply to every email I receive… so I can spend up to five hours a day in gmail on particularly high volume days.
3:45 // Design Darling: Teddy and I swung by Design Darling headquarters to pick something up. Teddy landed the role of DD’s newest intern.
4:45 // Starbucks: I’m addicted to these snack boxes. I would eat one every single day if I let myself. Just the best.
5:00 // Emails + Blogging: Wrapped up more emails and finished up some final touches on upcoming blog posts.
7:30 // Dinner: Celebrating Amy’s birthday at a cute restaurant downtown. Props were obviously included.
9:45 // Puppy Time: More play time with Teddy! 
10:30 // Emails: Seriously. So. Many. Emails.
11:00 // Book & Bed: I think I made it through five pages of my book before falling asleep!
What do your days look like? Do you have a schedule or is every day different? 
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Katherine L

That's one hell of a schedule. I'm in full-fledge essay writing mode with less than a month to go before exams start (who ever thought December exams were a good idea seriously needed to get their priorities straight). I would love a schedule, but whenever I plan one, it falls apart. I'm generally up until 5am doing readings and writing essays, sleep in until 12-1, get ready for class, and head downtown around 5 for my 6pm start times; night classes can really mess up any kind of normal functioning system you may have.

What Kate Likes

Those Starbucks boxes are the BEST!!! So easy and filling!

I'm always amazed by how much you squeeze into every single day. And this is going to sound weird, but your blog posts just seem so much more relaxed since you quit your job! Relaxed in a totally good way! And Teddy is just the cutest little thing on four legs!


I'm glad to see that you're enjoying your day more instead of rushing and flying by without taking time to "smell the flowers". It's a great change and I'm sure you think so too! Better state of mind.


my schedule lately has been working on projects on my computer and class. :/ pretty boring but that's finals week in college i guess.


Haha, I'm exactly the same way when it comes to doing my hair! If I know I have something coming up where I want my hair to look nice I'll make sure to schedule it in. I NEVER wash my hair two days in a row!

Amber Lee Rosenzweig

I recently had to throw my schedule out the window as well. I did manage to adapt a new one, but it's still been a huge change and I'm having to learn to be more flexible in my days. It is so, so hard. It's good to know that someone else is doing the same and still struggles a little bit with it too!

Hannah Yu

Reading your schedule is kinda cute. How I wish I would do the same but mostly of my time are working straight 8 hours or more. Working at home is a little bit terrible when laziness comes. Aside from having daily meals, I also read books and sometimes play candy crush 😀

How I wish I can stick to my schedule daily. Hmmmmf.

PS: Teddy so soo cute 🙂


I work for an NHL team so my days are all over the place depending on whether we have a game and if the team is in-town or on the road!

Katy Watkins

You've actually given me a great idea. I'm forever complaining that all the time I spend at the stables/swimming pool gives me no time to do anything else. Maybe I should start scheduling my days. Maybe I would be more productive that way rather than sitting around doing nothing? All I'd have to do is be motivated enough to stick to it!

Love your blog! 🙂

Breckenridge Clare

This is actually super inspiring. I always feel like I'm so unorganized. I really need an actual TIME management plan instead of just going "this is what needs to be done today." It seems that lately I've been running around with no direction which obviously isn't something anyone wants to feel like! Thanks for this inspiring post!

Breckenridge Clare

Madeline Chapin

Could Teddy be any cuter! I think I would be at least 23% happier answering emails all day long with that adorable face cuddled next to me!
Thanks for sharing your day with us! I love when you do these types of posts!

XO – Madeline


I try to have a set schedule. But unfortunately that just doesn't end up working. I'm writing my thesis, I'm applying for jobs in DC, I'm doing all my other homework, I'm trying to stay active in my fraternity. It's a mess. Keep sharing pictures of Teddy, because those pictures totally help me cope while away from my puppy.

Mana Smith

I have a very unbusy life, I'm a stay at home mom who homeschools and blogs and that's really all my days consist of. I still end up stressed out and feeling crazed a couple times of week though. Maybe I need a better schedule.

Fashion and Happy Things



a day in the life…

My schedule is so different now than it’s ever been. Even while I was at school, I had a lot of flexibility but still a lot of structure. (And even though I did work really hard in school… I also had a lot of “free time” to play with.) I thought this would be a fun little post to share with you what my “normal” day is like. [Note: I use the word normal here very lightly considering my schedule is different every day!] I also thought it would be funny to be able to look back a few months (or years) later and compare how my days have changed or stayed the same.
Here we go.
5:45 AM | Wake up. Shower. Deal with my hair
6:25 AM | Makeup
6:30 AM | Make bed & Clean room (I can’t focus if the bed isn’t made! And there is nothing worse, in my opinion, than coming home to a messy room!!!)
6:32 AM | Get dressed.
Love this Old Navy Dress… I think I might just get it in every color!!!!
6:55ish AM | Walk to the subway. I love my walk.
7:20ish AM | Settle into Starbucks. Hopefully finding a super nice, quiet spot. I work for a few hours here! I answer emails, write blog posts, and maybe write a couple of texts to friends!
10 AM to 6:30 PM | Work with Levo!!!! 
(Normally we’re here later, but I skipped the evening for a meeting.)
6:45 PM | Head over to Elizabeth McKay‘s showroom. 
7 PM – 10 PM | Hang out with the Elizabeth McKay team. It was seriously so much fun!
10:15 PM | Hop into pajamas and do some last minute emailing and blog posting!
Midnight | I tend to paint my nails at the worst times. Midnight is horrible because I have to wait for them to dry before hopping into bed. (Sheet wrinkles in nail polish? Not fun.)
And then I start the whole process over again!!!
Is your schedule this school year (slash… work year???) different than years in the past?

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Mine is way different than last year! I graduated from my sorority but since I switched my major, I'm still in school. I'm taking extra classes and sitting on a couple of new committees this year. The changes will be weird at first but I'm excited for the year ahead!


Caitlin C.

I loved this post, Carly! It's so fun to hear what your life is like in NYC. My schedule right now is wayyy different than when I was in college… but that's partly because I just graduated and am still looking for a job! 🙂

The Cardinal Planner

I’m approaching my senior year of college and I definitely anticipate that it’s going to be even busier than my previous years. A few more required classes to fit in, lots of activities, and hopefully a lot of fun senior events too! I’m just hoping my time management skills will pay off so that I’ll enjoy every moment (a la your Kate Spade wallpaper) and and make the most of my final year of college :).



I'm still in college, but because I'm working on my major/minor requirements, "making my class schedule" means I have to take the courses at whatever time they're offered, instead of at whatever time I want to set my schedule. This semester, my earliest course begins at 11 am and ends at 4:30 pm! I'm a morning person, so getting used to late afternoon schedule is an adjustment for sure!



I am obsessed with that Old Navy dress. I actually do have it in every color, except the b&w polka dots. I was nervous it would be too sheer.
I am obsessed with the navy and green heart version!
Have you tried seche vite for your nails? It's completely dry in a few minutes. No sheet wrinkles!


Loved reading this post!! One question… why do you work at a Starbucks? For the wifi? Or because it's just so much easier to concentrate there? Just curious!


I'd also love to know what your bedding is – I'm looking for crisp, white, and the ability to throw it in the washing machine! (My dry clean only comforter is gorgeous but a pain in the butt)

Megan G.

My schedule is so different now that I'm not in school! I used to have set times for class and work and everything I ever did; now I just wing it and I never know when I'll get out of work! It's a huge pain because I like doing things like blogging and working out and talking to friends after work, and sometimes I have to reschedule things. It's a pain for someone who loves schedules and set times!


Every year since I started college my schedule was very different every year. This year hasn't changed as much since I work mon-fri and just take one night class. so for me my schedule is pretty repeatitive which makes it easy for me to schedule hangout with my friends after work, and time with family and boyfriend.

Caley-Jade Rosenberg

This is a cute post – would be nice to see all my blogger friends days in pictures!
My schedule has changed year to year – from school to university to a part time job to a full time job to moving countries to studying again to now being a stay at home mom!!


I loved this post! You have inspired me to make more of my mornings.

Would also love to know where you got your bedding!


I love that you "settle" into Starbucks for a few hours before making your way to work. It seems like you stay very very busy, but I love it!


Julia D.

Wow, you're certainly very busy! My schedule is going to be quite different this year because of adapting to living in a house and overloading, but hopefully it works out. Loved this post!
