
A Peaceful Weekend

A friend of mine recommended that I go back and look to see where I was a year ago to really see growth. I definitely tend to get stuck in the everyday, which makes me see growth as super tiny and incremental. But to go back an entire year and see where I was compared to where I am now is amazing.
Thankfully, I have this amazing little record of my life (i.e. this blog!) and can go back and literally “read between the lines” to know exactly what was going on in my life at the time. It’s almost as if going back in time in a time machine. I also have an amazing friend who serves as my pen pal and we have these amazing exchanges over email. No. Detail. Is. Forgotten. Sometimes they’re bullet-pointed and other times they’re just rambling chunks of text going over every thought and activity throughout a week.
This past weekend was really one of the best ones I’ve had here. Maybe I say that every weekend… but this one is the truth! And not for the usual reasons. New York City at Christmastime is hard not to love. I mean, it’s kind of magical. Sloppy weather can’t even put a damper on the magic.
But even with Christmas trees lining the sidewalks (that may just be my most favorite part), or trees wrapped in thousands of tiny bulbs, or windows of stores decked greater than any hall… this weekend was a great demonstration in balance and shutting off and spending simple time. Because, I’ve learned, simple is sometimes the absolute greatest.
Not so ironically, I went back to read the post I wrote exactly one year ago and it’s about work/life balance. (Okay, so it’s more about the decision to have children in the future and whatnot…. but go with me here.) It was interesting to see what I was feeling then compared to how I’m feeling now. For starters, my neighbors are more grown up than ever and Teddy has certainly put my baby fever on the back burner. It does feel like more than a year has passed between then and now, so it’s weird to think that it’s really only been 365 days.
In terms of where I am for work/life balance right now… I’ve been trying to keep more normal “working hours” every day and especially on the weekends. Now, I work for myself, so there are times when that’s simply not possibly, but I am absolutely making a big effort to make it happen. Taking time for myself, sleeping more, spending wonderful time with my friends is making a HUGE difference in my life.
I wish I had made this happen sooner!!! I do know that I put in the time where I needed to last year, but I’m very glad that I’m in a position to be where I am right now. So I’m thankful for that.
This weekend, I pulled together a last minute photoshoot– in 48 hours, I had clothing/shoe samples secured, my favorite photographer friend locked in, a location, and edited photos/descriptions delivered. It’s for a spring issue, so I was in wedge sandals and a beachy tunic while it snowed. The truth is that while it counts as “work” it definitely was lots of fun, numb feet and everything.
(This was right after we finished. I got lots of crazy looks….)
Other than that, I spent most of my weekend relaxing with friends and Teddy. Unwinding on the couch with a book and a cup of tea. Browsing bookstores. Eating my favorite foods (umm… two trips to BurgerFi…). Staying in bed a little bit longer. Checking out pop up shops. Making a special cheesecake delivery for a certain someone.
I don’t get that Sunday night dread feeling anymore (which may or may not be due to the fact that I don’t have homework anymore…), but it’s also because I’ve been making the most of the weekends. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and happy and ready to sit down and tackle the to-do lists and email inboxes. This is how I was feeling on Friday… and the difference between Friday at 6pm and Monday at 8am was all due to the relaxing, low-key, perfect little weekend.
What’s your favorite “simple” thing to do on the weekend?
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Weekends are the best. Lately my go-to favorite thing is making time to go eat with friends (old and new) and finding time to just lay under a heating blanket and read/watch Netflix. It's really the little things!

Cristina Marie

It sounds like you had an amazing weekend! I'm still in the phase of feeling like weekends are too short. There needs to be a day between Saturday and Sunday haha.

I definitely think my favorite "simple" thing to do on the weekend is curl up under a blanket, with a cup of tea, and either watch a movie or read. There's nothing better! 🙂

Cristina Marie

Meredith Scroggin

I think the best secret benefit of a blog is being able to keep track of absolutely everything! Even when you didn't write exactly what you were thinking, it's so simple to remember what was on your mind while you were writing a particular post. Loved this post!

Meredith |


Bookstores are absolutely my biggest weakness! That shot of you looking at the books made me want to go to one so bad, but I'm in Switzerland and all of the books are in German. I cannot wait to be back in the US in a Barnes & Noble!!

Brianna Kolota

Since I don't normally have time during the week, I make breakfast and coffee on the weekend and take time to read blogs. A good day depends on a leisurely morning!
