Ask Me!

I get so many questions on Tumblr and I always have fun answering them.  I was thinking, however, that my answers would be a little bit more cool if I spoke them!
I’m going to continue to answer questions on Tumblr (although I have turned off anonymous), but go ahead and send me questions over the next couple of days!  I’ll put together a video of me answering as many as I can over the weekend and post later next week.
Ready, set, GO!
(You can ask by sending an email to Carly [at] thecollegeprepster [dot] com or commenting on this post!)
On an unrelated note, I’ve received a few questions about the business cards that I mentioned in yesterday’s post.  They’re not my normal school ones or whatever, but they fit with the whole College Prepster brand (which, I’m really excited to announce was officially incorporated as of 12 hours ago!).
I really never thought I needed them, but I found that I was constantly dictating my url to people interested in my blog.  I had a girl from Twitter offer to design them and the file just sat on my computer for a while.  I finally broke down and got them printed, and let me tell you… they’re so helpful!

The QR code on the back is definitely the best part.  I can just whip the card out and have someone on the mobile site in, like, 30 seconds.  It’s also pretty aggressive because at that point they don’t have the “Oh, I forgot your address” excuse!
You’d be amazed at how many people working in stores, running online shops, or potential fans I run into every week.  Having a card is a great way to a) start a conversation and b) build the network more!
Don’t forget to ask those questions!!!

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I'm new to "dressing preppy". What basics do I need? Should I stick to all one brand or shop around?

thank you soo much! <33


Hey Carly! Like you I had a pretty rough first semester of college (bad roommate situation, slipping grades, homesickness, severe anxiety, etc). Second semester was better and I'm going back for sophomore year in a couple of weeks. I am kinda scared though. I'm worried about having another bad experience like first semester. Did you feel this way? Any advice?


Hey Carly, I love the business cards. Would you mind posting the business ones you have as well? Being a business student I know I need to go ahead and invest in some, and I'd love to see a college student's as an example!

Tallahassee Belle

What an awesome idea!! Maybe someday my blog will be as successful as yours. On a different note, I live in St. Pete. So, whenever I stop by the Lilly store in Tampa, I always wonder if I'll run into you!!



How did you get your blog/brand incorporated? I have no idea how to trademark and all that but would like to do something similar with my own blog
