

This post is sponsored by Audible!

When Jack was born, I had no idea how quickly my little baby would turn into a busy, curious toddler with endless energy and a fierce sense of independence. At three years old, he’s got his own little personality (and opinions!) and keeps me on my toes all day long. Some days, it feels like we’re just bouncing from one activity to the next, and I’m constantly searching for things that can hold his attention and keep him entertained in a way that’s both fun and enriching both at home and while we’re on the go. And (bonus!) is enjoyable for me, too.

Enter what might just be my best mom-hack: audiobooks and podcasts on Audible. When I discovered this, it was like a whole new world opened up and I couldn’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner. Books are a huge part of my life and I’m always listening to podcasts and audiobooks throughout the day. (Audiobooks is a whole game changer for me as a mom, too– here are my tips for getting started!) Of course, it only makes sense that they would be just as enjoyable for my toddler, too.


Carly sitting in her boys' room holding her phone with her Audible subscription

Why Audiobooks and Podcasts?

I first started looking into audiobooks when I was trying to keep Jack awake during car rides. Jack has a tendency to fall asleep in the car which can be great but not when we don’t want to ruin our nap schedule for the day. I’d end up reaching into my bag of tricks—snacks, toys, a million rounds of “Wheels on the Bus.” But after about the tenth time, it was clear I needed a new strategy.

In addition to a huge selection of books and other audio content for adults, Audible is also a great resource for audiobooks and podcasts for kids too. I was blown away by how many books are included in the Audible Plus catalog (which you get access to with your membership). I’ve discovered content that features Jack’s favorite characters and new-to-us Audible Original content as well as classic literature and engaging podcasts.

More often than not, when I have an audiobook going in the car for Jack, we end up sitting in our driveway to finish the story because he’s not ready to go inside. (If that’s not a mom win, I don’t know what is!!)

It’s Not Just for the Car

One I didn’t expect was how much we’d end up using audiobooks and podcasts outside of the car, too. They’ve become a staple during our “quiet time” at home—those afternoons when Jack’s had enough of playing outside but isn’t quite ready for a nap. I’ll set him up with a cozy corner of blankets and pillows, put on one of his favorite stories, and watch him get lost in the world of his imagination.

And can I just say, it’s also been a lifesaver for me? Having 30 minutes to sit down with a cup of coffee while he’s engaged in a story feels like a little gift from the universe. Again, mom win.

Our Current Favorites

Another nice feature about Audible is that you can create a Kids Profile. Once you save the audiobook to your library, you can share it with the kids profile so it’s all organized.

If you’re new to the world of children’s audiobooks and podcasts, I put together a collection of audiobooks for toddlers to discover. And here are some of Jack’s favorites that have been on heavy rotation in our house:

How to Make the Most of It

If you’re thinking about giving audiobooks or podcasts a try with your toddler, here are a few tips that have worked for us:

  1. Start Small: Choose shorter stories to begin with, so your child doesn’t get overwhelmed. You can always build up to longer books as they get more used to listening.
  2. Create a Cozy Listening Space: Whether it’s in the car or at home, make it a special time. Soft blankets, pillows, maybe even a little snack—anything that helps your child associate listening time with comfort and fun.
  3. Mix It Up: Alternate between audiobooks and podcasts to keep things fresh. Some days Jack is in the mood for a story, other days he prefers a quick, playful podcast.
  4. Get Involved: I try to listen with Jack whenever I can, so we can talk about the stories together. It’s become a special little bonding time for us.
  5. With an Audible membership both you and your child can enjoy the magic of a great audiobook! Thank you Audible for sponsoring today’s post!

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Do you have a hack for not ruining your personal Audible algorithm while also not having multiple accounts?

Lauren Scottaline

Hi Carly, love this post! Have to chime in, we have a Yoto Mini and they have similar features with and without subscriptions 🙂 (I am a librarian so Audible not something I am willing to pay for).
