I’m writing this as September winds down. This month absolutely flew by– especially compared to August which seemed to stretch on for eternity. September is usually my favorite month of the entire year. Still giving warm vibes but dipping back into routines and getting a taste of fall…. but this year it went by so quickly. I feel as if I didn’t even get a chance to enjoy it. I’m actually a little sad about it!

Now that I’m thinking about it though, and realizing just how fast the days turn into weeks and then boom a whole month has gone by, I thought it could help to write down some things I want to do as we enter the fall and winter months. Notoriously, I struggle with the cold, dark days. But I’m hoping having some activities I’m really excited about doing will help me look at these months as productive time to be creative and do things at home I don’t often have the chance to do during the busier summer months when we’re on the go more. I already know we don’t have much travel planned (hallelujah!) and I know I have a few hours every evening to myself once the boys are in bed plus some time on the weekend– usually– during naps!

Carly Riordan on her bed wearing blue loungewear reading her kindle

Pajamas (c/o) + Eyeglasses (c/o)

Some activities I’m looking forward to doing this fall:

– Sewing the boys’ Halloween costumes! I made Jack’s costume last year and it was the cutest thing ever. I have an idea of what I want to do for them this year, but haven’t been able to find exact patterns, so it’s going to be a bit of a project! This is my big “October” project.

– Needlepointing & Reading! As always, I have books I want to read and canvases I want to switch.

– Quilting! I’ve been saying this for a while, but I really want to try my hand at quilting. Even just one quilt. I got onto quilting TikTok (particularly this group of friends who lug their sewing machines to a friends’ house to work on quilts together) and I’ve been finding myself obsessing over quilting again.

– Making sourdough! Yes, yes, I’m four years late to the trend. I have been thinking about doing sourdough for a while, but our schedule was just too unpredictable. Now I feel like we’re in a groove and we’re home every weekend now. In my dream world, I’d be whipping up loaves of sourdough bread every weekend. TBD on how this will go, but I picked up starter from someone in our town’s Facebook group this past weekend and I’m diving head into this journey. I’m sure it’ll be filled with ups and downs– but what better time than fall and winter to perfect things!

– Cartonnage! Because I really am feeling ambitious. I discovered the art of cartonnage recently and went down a serious rabbit hole of videos on Youtube. I wanted to finish a needlepoint project into a box and found myself deep into the world of cartonnage. I ended up buying a course from someone to learn and I have all the materials! Can’t wait to dive into this.

Am I missing this? Of course, this all feels incredibly ambitious and I will do doubt fail to accomplish everything. I’m just excited to have some crafts and creativity to look forward to over fall/wintertime!

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Bread Baking for Beginners (Bonnie O’Hara) – that’s my favorite bread cookbook! Sourdough, and more.
