

There’s just something so fascinating about watching videos of babies. And what could be better than watching an entire film about babies???

I rented this the other day and was blown away. The film was fantastic and did a fabulous job seamlessly featuring four babies from around the world as they grew, developed, and encountered the world during their first year of life.

Normally when I watch movies, I do a million other things at the same time (blog, write emails, read magazines, gchat, etc. But, since there was very (very very veryyyy) little speech involved, my full attention was required during viewing.

The scenes are beautiful, the babies are beautiful, and the relationships the babies have are beautiful.

The film really did a great job of capturing the similarities (and differences) of the babies’ lives.

I absolutely loved the relationships that the babies had with the animals (honestly, some parts are hilarious and absurdly cute) and their siblings.

Have you seen it? What did you think? If you haven’t, definitely watch!


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