Back to School with PayPal

It is no secret that I love PayPal. It plays a huge factor in how I run my business. I send and receive a few invoices a week through PayPal for TCP. I also have an account for personal reasons. It’s how I checkout when shopping online (it’s almost too easy!) and it’s how I safely transfer funds between friends and family. Last year I downloaded the PayPal app and it truly changed the game for how I conducted mobile payments. The app is secure, safe, and incredibly user friendly.

I’ve used the PayPal app to pay back friends after a meal (like last week!), send money to my sister when we were going in on a gift together for a family member, and collect money from friends when making travel related purchases for a group trip.

With everyone heading back to school soon, it’s the perfect time to download the app if you haven’t already. The uses for the app at college are endless whether you’re buying school supplies or your FDO (first day outfit) online. 
And it’s especially useful for peer to peer transactions. If you have roommates, you can collect money for utilities, groceries, and other household needs (like toilet paper… because Jane never remembers to buy more toilet paper). Send money to a classmate to pay him back for the poster board and markers he bought for your presentation. You can order pizza for everyone on your floor and get paid back instantly. Parents can even safely send money to their students for textbook purchases or if they end up in a financial pinch.
This school year #paypalit and you’ll always be prepared and in the good graces of your friends and classmates!

Thank you PayPal for sponsoring this post!

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