This past week has been pretty crazy for me.  If anything though, this week has given me extra confidence in my decisions and choices (and sacrifices).
If you’ve known me or read my blog for a while, you’ve probably figured out that I love challenging myself with new “projects.”  Well, I’m ready to announce one of the new projects right now!!!
Okay here we go:
You know the whole “digital magazine” craze?  Well, I’ve really, really tried to love them.  I honestly have.  I’ve read a few issues in their entirety, but most of them I can’t even get through a few pages.  I like the feel of them, I like the idea of them… but I’m not decorating a house.  In fact, for most of the year, I’m living in a room smaller than my closet at home.  (And really, what’s the point of reading the magazine when all the prettiest pictures end up on the Tumblr page anyway?)
Now… I still subscribe to Seventeen and Teen Vogue and the like… and I really love those magazines.  Or, I did at least.  But now they feel so teeny-bopper to me; probably because I’m definitely not a teen anymore.  I don’t subscribe, but I’ve read Cosmo or whatever and while I like that it’s not “for teens,” I’m not really into the whole 1839 s*ex positions.  I mean, seriously… is that really all what being in your 20s is all about?!?
Where does that leave us… the 18-20somethings?
We’re not teeny-boppers, we’re not all about s*ex, and we’re not furnishing 6,000 square feet houses.
I asked Paris (from The Campus Style) to join me in the quest to provide a digital magazine for college students and recent graduates.  We are so excited about this project.  We’re also hoping it catches on and is successful, but just in case, we’re launching a “Pilot” issue first.  This is so that we can get feedback from you guys, fix or nix whatever isn’t working, and make it even better.
Sweet Lemon Mag

But here’s the thing… we aren’t the writers for the magazine…
Want to be involved?  We’re looking for writers and photographers from all over the country.  We want our magazine to represent the diverse, hardworking, driven, flirty, healthy, environmentally conscious, and FUN group of girls that we are.
Note: Must be a graduate of high school.
Clarification: Applications due July 25, 2011.

Not big into writing or photography, but would still like to help?  We’re also looking for a graphic designer/illustrator to help decide on a logo!!!  Send an email to carlyparisproject [at] gmail [dot] com to throw your name in the mix and find out more details!
Are you as excited as we are?!?
Carly & Paris

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I think this is an absolutely fabulous idea! I've felt the same way about not being able to find a magazine that suits my lifestyle, like I'm stuck in the middle of Vogue and Teen Vogue. Best of luck!

Mrs. Wasp

How exciting! I sent in my application! I know exactly what you mean. I'm a young wife, not even 25 and I feel stuck when it comes to magazines that I can completely enjoy from front to back.


Can't wait to see it !
and I don't know if you guys have it over there but there's a great British magazine called Tatler I reccomend, it's 'grown up' and everything but doesn't talk about sex every other page


P.S. I think there should be an article about different majors, what they usually entail and ways to study, etc. Personally I am most productive studying in-between classes in my "free hours" which I don't think many freshman take advantage of.


The magazine sounds like a great idea, and I think that it could defiantly find a substantial market!

One question,
I am still in High School, although I live in a major city, and would consider myself to be mature for my age, could I still be considered for a writing position?


WholeHeartedly Hannah

This sounds fabulous! I'm just a year too young to apply as a writer (sad face x23943), but I just sent you an email about doing some graphic design work! I'd love to be a part of this awesome project!

Have a fabulous week!



For those that applied: when will we hear back?/Will we hear back either way?

♡ bAs

This is such exciting news!! If I did graphic design I would do it in a heartbeat! I look forward to following the development of everything! (:


I love this idea – there is a definite gap in the market! Teen magazines are for teens, and not every twenty-something is interested in having sex twenty four hours a day – sometimes (read: all the time) we need intelligent, relevant, well-written things to read. This is one time I wish I was American – I would love to contribute! Maybe one day you'll need the perspective of an Australian graduate student?! 🙂

Bonne chance! I can't wait for the first issue!

C x
