Cozy Knitting

Remember when I blogged about knitting two years ago, well I just got back into it again. There’s something about the winter months I think that make me want to snuggle up and knit. It’s weird, but I definitely don’t hate it. It’s so relaxing once you get into the hang of it and it keeps my hands busy. The nights when my anxiety is bothering me, I just plop on the couch or the bed, flip on Netflix, and knit away. It’s the best distraction and seriously calms my nerves. Partly due to the fact that I can’t scroll through emails or fiddle with my phone and mostly due to the fact that it’s a simple, repetitive motion. I don’t even make anything, I’ve been knitting to the end of the yarn and then unraveling it all to use the yarn again.
When I was in Tampa, I bought more yarn and new needles and camped out in my favorite spot in the entire house: the porch! My mom has it so nice out there. It’s the perfect place to unwind after a long day.
The porch is screened in so it does get chilly out there at night (relative to Florida, of course). I wore an oversized, ultra comfortable Hanes sweatshirt and my favorite monogrammed pajama bottoms.Talk about perfect!!!
Teddy loves the porch too, look at that bum!

Photos by my sister’s friend Morgan who is just the coolest. She recently ran 50 mile race and is now training for a 100 miler… legit.

Anyone else into knitting as much as I am?!
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Kayla Paxton

I could never really get myself into knitting. I felt like projects just took way to long, and I don't have a very long attention span!


Cocktails at 6

I've been knitting a lot recently as well. It's generally been something I keep under wraps (I used to catch a lot of flack for it way back when.), but you're right – it's such a cozy pastime in the colder months.
I just learned how to use double-pointed needles, so I've been cranking out lots of little mittens and things.


Kaitlin Olivero

Omg, I love knitting… great post!!! I definitely knit up a storm while in college, and while I was working coat check at a museum part time… plenty of time to knit Christmas gifts! But since I've been working full time, I fell out of practice. You've encouraged me pick out a fun color yarn and start up again 🙂 My favorite part about knitting in the city (Chicago) was knitting on the El or bus… got a lot of weird looks 😉

Kaitlin ||

Sarah Williamson

I, too, go through intense knitting phases, usually about once a year and also around Christmas time! I always think that I'll KNIT ALL THE GIFTS but then get bored after one scarf (ha!). I tried something new this year though and have been knitting using the Martha Stewart Loom Kit and I love it so much more than working with the two needles! You should try it 🙂


Ooo that looks like a great place to hang! I always crochet over knitting, but it does give me something to do with my hands too when I'm watching Netflix. I just recently picked it back up again after taking a break, I've been working on a baby blanket for about two years now and all the sudden have a deadline 😉

Kristina does the Internets

Kate @ Like American Honey

I love the idea of knitting to help manage anxiety. I also struggle with anxiety issues and find that the night can be the worst. Maybe you could share at some point some beginner's guides? PS: Also from Tampa! 🙂


looks pretty great! you could easily make a baby sweater like the one I made for Alison in 5 easy pieces (or leave them as is and get 5 potholders – up to you) happy to share the recipe!


I wish I knew how to knit! How awesome would it be if I were to create a scarf or a pair of cute socks for myself or as gifts? Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see some of your work!

♡ veena |
twitter/instagram: @veenamccoole

Ali Henriques

Definitely very into knitting! I saw this post on Thursday and didn't get a chance to comment then, but had to come back and say something because I think it's awesome that you knit too! I started knitting during the summer between 5th and 6th grade because my older sister and some of her friends started a knitting service project where we made baby blankets for expectant mothers in the migrant worker community at St. Ann's Mission in Homestead, FL (I'm from Miami) and we helped with a drive that our school did annually to collect supplies for them because they couldn't afford to buy all the clothes, diapers, strollers, etc.

When I got to high school I made a club with other girls from my school to keep making the baby blankets for this drive and then we started making potholders as well to accompany a food drive that happens annually to provide needy families with food for Thanksgiving, and the potholders were an addition to add some handmade love.

After that when I started my undergrad I made hats and scarves for friends of mine as Christmas gifts and taught anyone who was interested to knit. It's amazing how therapeutic it is in relieving stress, and it's really rewarding to teach people a skill and see them light up when they get the hang of it. Plus it's great when you give people handmade gifts that are nice and practical and pretty (I pick only the best yarns!). They appreciate it so much because of the time that went into it.

My godmother taught me to knit, along with all the other girls in the original group, and it's been a great way to bond with her and sit for hours listening to her amazing stories; she's 95 years old and probably the sassiest, funniest, most incredible person I've ever met.

Enjoy the knitting and keep it up!
