
Create and Cultivate Conference

This weekend, I had the absolute honor of speaking on a panel at the Create & Cultivate NYC conference. I had been looking forward to the conference for months now. My expectations for it were set pretty high because my friends who had gone to previous ones (especially Maxie!) had nothing but positive things to say.

Create and Cultivate Conference

That said… the conference was truly above and beyond anything I could have imagined. And I was only there for about a quarter of it!!!

I wish I had blocked off the entire day for the conference– unfortunately, I had to get back home for the dogs. In the future, I’d love to attend another one. My friend Alison and I have already decided we’re going to go to the next one together and make a girls’ trip out of it.

While I knew it was going to be a great event based on my friends’ recommendations and I knew it was an honor to be included as a speaker, I was a tiny bit skeptical too. (Can’t lie here guys.) I speak on panels every few months and a lot of times they’re for female-focused conferences. Normally the conferences are fine, but they do kind of all start to feel the same.

Create & Cultivate was so different though.

Collaboration Competition

While it was beautiful and the brand activations were awesome (hello, there was a wall of LaCroix!), it was the ENERGY in the room that made it stand out from the rest.

Everyone there was invested in their success. So many big dreams and even bigger dreamers in one room. It’s hard to describe unless you were there, so you might just have to take my word for it. The vibe was so positive and so supportive. Sometimes it feels like there’s just not enough of that in the world and it was pretty incredible to be surrounded by it for a day.

Maxie McCoy

(Thank you to everyone who helped me pick out my shoes! I went with these lace-up flats to go with my Tory Burch dress.)

Personally, I loved getting a chance to meet so many readers there (you guys are the best), reconnect with old colleagues and classmates (I knew more people than I was expecting to), and learning from people I look up to (definitely some fangirling moments). And I was only there for four hours. I can’t imagine what I would walk away with had I been there for the full twelve!

Anyway, I wanted to share my experience because I know the ticket price can be a little steep, but if you can swing it, know it’s definitely worth it. Seriously though… I can’t wait to find out when and where the next one is going to be! Hopefully, I’ll see you there 😜

PS If you can’t attend a conference, or can’t wait until the next one, they share a bunch of great interviews and career advice on the C&C Blog.

PPS I did a really terrible job at vlogging during the day, but there are a few clips from the conference (including the LaCroix wall, haha).


Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

I went to my first blogging conference just last month and had such a great time! I had heard a lot about Create & Cultivate and wanted to go, but the ticket price was a little steep for me. I look forward to seeing recaps around the blogosphere though 🙂 // Love the colours in your outfit -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


Carly this conference sounds amazing. What was your speech about? Just a suggestion, but maybe the next time you vlog you can get a friend to film your speech. I would love to see even just a clip of your talk. Im sure you are a really good public speaker and as a reader I would like to see that aspect of your job too. Congrats on getting to speak at such an amazing conference!


Maxie filmed it for me, but the acoustics were really hard to pick up on the camera unfortunately. (I actually couldn’t even hear myself on stage haha…) will definitely try again next time.

Diana Pearl

I was there too! Your panel was great (my fave of the day!) and I thought you gave such helpful advice. I’d love to go to another one, the whole thing was such an amazing experience!


What made the Create and Cultivate conference so great? Energy is a little vague. Maybe next time you can mention some the topics you or other panelists discussed?


That’s why I included the paragraph: “It’s hard to describe unless you were there, so you might just have to take my word for it. The vibe was so positive and so supportive. Sometimes it feels like there’s just not enough of that in the world and it was pretty incredible to be surrounded by it for a day.”

It really is hard to describe unless you were there… but it was just an incredible group of women in one room talking about things that they are passionate about (careers, family, etc.) and sharing what they’ve learned and challenges they’ve overcome.


Wendy, some of the attendees have already written really great descriptive posts about the conference – another blogger I follow, Pinapple and Pearls, wrote a good one that has a lot more info, with panelists and topics and takeaways.


When the new city is announced you’ll be able to purchase. They haven’t announced yet!


I just want to thank YOU for introducing us all to Maxie here on your blog, because of that I was SUPER excited to meet her at C&C. She is everything!

You had great input on the panel you spoke on and it was a pleasure meeting you! Keep up the good work.


Hi Carly! If this is true, I hope you’re coming to the Chicago Conference next month – would love to finally meet you in person after following for years. 🙂 Can’t wait!!

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