
Favorite Movies

I love watching movies. I’m normally not the biggest fan of rewatching movies… unless I absolutely love them. I watch all kinds of genres and have a few too many favorites. Really though, it takes a lot for me to dislike a movie. At the very least, I just love watching a movie– in a theatre, at home, when I’m tired, when I want to be entertained. When I’m working from home, I tend to put on Netflix or iTunes so I have background noise. I’ll either choose a terrible TV show with a million episodes or an old favorite movie I don’t have to pay attention to.
I’m also always so interested to know what other people’s favorite movies are. I recently went to a group dinner meeting and that was the ice breaker question. It was hilarious how the movies everyone chose were so so so their personalities.
Okay, so I tried to gather some of my favorite movies. I excluded documentaries because, well, the whole list would have been documentaries. My list was well over 25 and I tried to narrow them down, but I’m sure I missed a few.
10 Things I Hate About You | Confession: I have a serious thing for guys with long hair. No but really. I’m pretty sure it stemmed from watching this movie far too many times. I love the plot and the characters and I more than love the 90s grunge. Driving to crew regattas would always be super stressful for me, some guys would watch sports movies to pump up, but I’d watch and rewatch this movie on my iPod just to keep my emotions and adrenaline in check. Sometimes I’ll put this on iTunes and feel like I’m back in high school on my way to a regatta again!

13 Going on 30 | When this movie came out, I was just obsessed with it. I wanted to be 30, living in a killer apartment, and working for a magazine. Would I sing “Love Is a Battlefield” on repeat? Yes, followed by an intense craving for Razzles. (Not going to lie, I think this movie inspired me to start that digital magazine in college!)
A Walk to Remember | This movie gave me terrible unrealistic expectations about dating in high school. I really wanted the “hot guy realizes he loves the weirdo” thing to happen to me. (I also blame Boy Meets World.) Oh, I could watch this movie again and again. And you know, cry my eyes out. I also love the soundtrack for this movie.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s | I was super late to this bandwagon. Mostly because I didn’t want to like it because it’s so cliche. Oh well, it ended up totally capturing my heart. I’ll never look at a Little Black Dress the same way again. 
Crazy, Stupid, Love | All-star cast. I went and saw this with my parents (my dad is Cal). I don’t know what else to say about this movie other than I’m just obsessed. (And I have a girl crush on Emma Stone.)
Dead Poets Society | This movie really gets to me. Beyond the clothes and scenery (and rowing cameo!), I just love the relationships in the movie. Coming of age films can be so overdone, but I think this one is done perfectly. 
Mona Lisa Smile | Julia Roberts is one of my favorite actors and I love her in this one. Well really, the whole cast is great. My mom went to a woman’s college and I love watching this thinking of her on campus.
Phoebe in Wonderland | Definitely my #1 pick for movies. I would watch it every day if I had the time. My favorite line: “At a certain part in your life. Probably when too much of it has gone by. You will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are. Especially for everything that made you so different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself, ‘But I am this person.’ And in that statement, that correction, there will be a kind of love.”
The Princess Diaries | Can’t every girl relate to miss Mia a little bit? Who wouldn’t want to find out that you’re a princess and get whisked away for a royal makeover. (Fun fact: I used to straighten my hair, do a small French braid, but leave the pony-tail down and call it a “Princess Diaries braid.”) We have the DVD at home and I loved watching all the behind-the-scenes footage. It’s one of my favorite Anne Hathaway movies (I’m in the minority apparently, but I like her!) and Julie Andrews is my spirit animal.
The Parent Trap | My sister and I are OBSESSED with The Parent Trap. We know absolutely every single line and would watch it every Saturday morning essentially speaking the whole movie. I’m a huge sucker for kids movies and this has to be my favorite, especially since it was one my sister and I would watch together. #memories
Do you have favorite movies that you can watch over and over again? Please share! 

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Oh my gosh, this is such a great list of movies! Dead Poets Society is definitely on my top, along with Ferris Bueller's Day Off. But really, I just have a thing for 80s movies. 🙂

alaina shea

Good list – I'm a huge fan of 10 Things I hate About You, A Walk to Remember, Princess Diaries, and The Parent Trap too!

I also LOVE: She's the Man, Pretty Woman, Money Ball, and It's a Wonderful Life.

Movies are awesome 🙂

xxoo, alaina

Emily Snider

Reading this post definitely took me down memory lane to when I first saw each of these movies.

My all-time favorite has to be Dirty Dancing – young Patrick Swayze, the high-waisted shorts fad and an awesome soundtrack never seem to let me down!


Lauren Rose

These are all great and some of my favorites too! You should watch The Spectacular Now, it's my new/current favorite! It's a love story, but it's not cheesy and it feels real.


Heath Ledger serenading Julia Stiles was THE BEST, I cried while watching A Walk to Remember, The Parent Trap was my childhood!! Great picks! I'll definitely check out the rest 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's


Love this list! Some of my favourites as well. My sister and I loved The Parent Trap as well! It was on when we were in Rome, and it didn't matter that it was in Italian because we knew every single word and just replaced Lindsay Lohan's voice with ours (I was Annie and she was Hallie)!

Laura Kathleen

I've seen all of these but one! I love movie musicals and anything by Wes Anderson, I just love the colorful worlds and characters he creates! And I love Midnight In Paris (especially because I saw it in a theater in Paris)!

Caroline White

Princess Diaries, The Parent Trap, 13 Going on 30 and a Walk to Remember are all some of my favorites, but I would definitely have to add Ferris Bueller's Day Off to the list as well!


"You've Got Mail" on repeat and repeat and repeat. But lately I have been DYING to watch Princess Diaries, but I only own it on VHS – and I don't own a VHS player. Great list 🙂

Amy Marie

I love The Holiday and Pretty in Pink! I could watch both those on repeat! Also, Breakfast at Tiffany's posted above! They are my favorite movies to snuggle up with tea and watch!


Zoe Marie

Reading this post made we want to go watch all of those movies! I love so many on that list!

One of my all time favorite love story movie has to be Castle in the Sky. Such a good animation and great story! I hope you get a chance to watch it!


I love The Princess Diaries and I can't tell you how many times I've seen The Parent Trap! Great picks 🙂



I am also absolutely obsessed with Crazy Stupid Love. Another one of my "noise in the background" favorites is Adventureland. I didn't like it the first time I saw it, but the more I watched it, the more it made sense? And now it's probably my most watched on Netflix.


Great list!!! I actually just had a Favorite Movie weekend with my best friend!! Included: 10 Things I Hate About You, Clueless, Center Stage, My Father the Hero & She's All That!! I would include Adventures in Babysitting, Troop Beverly Hills, Flight of the Navigator, Love Actually, and Darby O'Gill and the Little People in my next list!!

Alexandra {Heart Love Weddings}

I'm right there with you in that Anne Hathaway/Princess Diaries minority. Love that movie!! The Parent Trap is one of my all-time, forever favorite movies. And I'll cry every time I watch A Walk to Remember. Every time. Such a great list of movies 🙂

Katie McC

I love all of these movies! There are a few I haven't seen but the Princess Diaries, Walk to Remember, and Parent Trap…classics. They are just so so good I can re-watch all of them. I am like you (re-watching movies is like dragging chalk against a chalkboard sometimes) but these movies are exact opposite. They keep my attention the whole time and are hilarious in their own ways. 13 Going on 30 is another good one. I want to have a movie marathon now!

Jordan @ All The Small Things

this is such a great list. i haven't seen all the movies on there, but i am right there with you with "10 things", and "crazy, stupid love". i am also a huge fan of "pitch perfect", "you've got mail", and "it's a wonderful life."

Sylvia Dennis

oh my god it's the first time someone loves Parent's trap as much as me 🙂 🙂 i can't believe it i used the watch VHS so much it died it's my favourite film ever I know every single sentence of the film 🙂 so funny!! xo



Penelope, starring Christina Ricci (and currently streaming on Netflix) is a movie that I think you would really like, based on this list. It's one of my top 5 all time favorite movies. It's a really great, funny, fresh, fairy tale. Seriously, watch it!


YES to so many of these movies. I especially love 10 Things I Hate About You, Dead Poet's Society, Princess Diaries, Mona Lisa Smile, and The Parent Trap! Excellent picks!

The Yuppie Files

Well, we have a lot of the same taste! Breakfast at Tiffany's is my favorite & I can watch it over & over again.

I also love Dead Poet's Society (need to rewatch it soon!) & 13 Going on 30. I would add Love Actually & honestly the Batman trilogy. My husband can watch the same terrible movies over & over again, so Christian Bale Batman are the only ones we agree on to watch together!


Such a solid list of movies!! I literally love almost every single one of these. They are classics in my family <3 I watched Parent Trap every single day when I was in elementary school I was that in love with it. And 10 Things I Hate About You will forever be a fave!!

A College Confession
