

First, I just want to start this post by saying thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mike and I were so elated when we found out and it has been a challenge to keep it a secret from everyone! Sharing the news was so exciting.

I also want to send a virtual hug to anyone struggling right now or trying to conceive. I recognize that not everyone is a place where they can or want to read about someone else’s pregnancy experience. 🤍

There are also a lot of things I’m still figuring out as a mom-to-be in general and as someone who lives a somewhat public life. What will it look like exactly? I’m not sure. Right now I’m playing things by ear and doing what feels right to me. This blog has always been a place where I share my experiences (the good and the bad) and I imagine pregnancy, and ultimately motherhood, will be no different. As a reminder, I’m going to put out my favorite disclaimer which I’ve said hundreds of times over the years about various topics:

I’m not an expert. This is my first pregnancy and I’m sure I will make mistakes, but I’m surrounding myself with a great support system of veteran moms in my life and (most importantly) the medical staff at my OBGYN. What works for me, may not work for you and vice-versa. The best (and most) I can do is share my own experience.


FIRST TRIMESTER RECAP | positive pregnancy test result

Here’s how the first trimester went:

How did I find out I was pregnant?

I was tracking ovulation (used cheap strips from Amazon) and was basically doing the two week wait where you’re wondering if any symptom is the symptom. Scientifically speaking, you’re not pregnant until implantation occurs, and they say you’re not supposed to feel anything before implantation. Still, I just…. knew. One night I woke up in the middle of the night starving and went downstairs to make eggs, which was definitely weird for me, and the next morning I fainted. It was still too early for a pregnancy test (even though I was absolutely taking one every morning 😅), but once I fainted there really was no question in my mind something was happening.

How did I tell Mike?

Wish I had done something super cute to tell him… but he watched me faint that morning. He asked me if I was okay and I just point-blank responded that I thought I was pregnant. (It wasn’t cute.) And a few days later, a super faint line popped up on my daily morning test, which I immediately told him about as I stood in our bedroom shaking like a leaf. Even though I intuitively knew, seeing the second line made it feel real!!! It was such an exciting moment. Looking back, I don’t think I could have waited to tell him even if I had planned to. I was SO EXCITED, I would have blurted it out to him immediately no matter what.

FIRST TRIMESTER RECAP | video call with family

How did we tell our families?

We told everyone pretty early, mostly out of excitement but also because of “covid protocols” we had in place with Mike’s family in order to celebrate Christmas together. I had two doctor’s appointments that broke the protocol we all agreed to and I just wanted to get ahead of it so no one would think we were withholding information. So we told my parents on Facetime and my sister on Facetime after that. We had planned to have Mike’s parents over for dinner and we told them in person and then all of Mike’s siblings on Christmas Eve!

How has it been being pregnant during a pandemic?

Last year when we realized the pandemic was going to be longer than a couple of months, Mike and I decided we didn’t want to put life on hold. There’s really no guarantee for anything in life. We knew we wanted to get married, so we got married. We knew we wanted to start a family, so we started family planning. (Part of our reasoning is that we had no idea how long it would take to get pregnant or if natural pregnancy would be an option. You never know.)

Realistically, when we found out we were pregnant, it didn’t matter to me whether there was a pandemic or not. I have nothing to compare it to anyway!! It was sad not to have Mike in the first few appointments, but he was able to come with me to the 12 week scan which was way more exciting than the 6 week ultrasound. I wish I could have flown down to my parents’ house, but it is what it is. I was already taking the pandemic pretty seriously, and now I’m just double masking and doing what I’ve been doing. And I am planning on getting the vaccine and am eligible now because I’m pregnant– just have to wait for appointments to become available. (My doctor was 100% pro-vaccine, but obviously you’ll want to talk to yours before making any decision.)


What pregnancy symptoms have you had?

So I will just start this off by saying I’m extremely grateful to have had an easy pregnancy in terms of a healthy baby and zero complications. Everything has been pretty straightforward so far with the typical pregnancy symptoms.

The first most noticeable symptom for me was extreme thirst.

I normally have to force myself to stay on top of hydration, but pretty much the minute I got a positive pregnancy test I have NOT been able to get enough water in me. And it has to be ice water. I chug water all day, every day.

After that, tender breasts.

I assumed it would feel the same as when I was on my period, but this was next level. (They have also doubled in size it seems.) For the first month or so, they were so tender that I literally couldn’t face the shower head in the shower because the water was too painful and I could not walk around without a bra. I lived in this bra– including sleep just to make sure they didn’t move. (Still wearing that style every day, frankly!)

Okay the next one is TMI, but honestly I wish someone had warned me.

I experienced intense constipation. I’ve never been constipated in my life and I have never experienced discomfort like that before. At one point, I was curled up on the couch, I could not move from discomfort, and just started sobbing. Along with the constipation came bloating. I looked a lot more pregnant than I was!! Both thankfully resolved over time. This was the first symptom where I thought, “my body is now serving a greater purpose beyond my own comfort.”

I don’t know if this is an actual symptom, but I felt/feel constantly “disgusting.”

Like that first day of your period where you don’t want anyone to touch you and you want to unzip from your body? I just feel all over gross.

Exhaustion was pretty consistent throughout the first trimester too.

It was a different kind of tired than I’ve ever experienced. Some afternoons, I could not keep my eyes open and doing menial tasks felt impossible. It almost felt like constant jet lag.

The one that hit me the hardest was “morning sickness.”

I read a lot of mom blogs and have watched a lot of Youtube videos about pregnancy. I knew what morning sickness was obviously and I knew it wasn’t just in the morning. But I don’t think you can know it until you’re in it. It was 1,000x different than I was expecting it to be. I assume it’s different for every pregnancy too. For me it felt like I was constantly in the back seat of a bad Uber in NYC stop-and-go traffic while reading on my phone. A mix of sea sickness and motion sickness, but it never lets up. All day, every day. I threw up a couple of times in December/early January and then I was throwing up every single day up. And the throwing up felt different to me too– I can’t even describe it but it didn’t feel like normal vomiting.

The first week of February felt like the peak of it– the morning sickness intensified and I felt so worn down from it. I felt like a shell of myself honestly. Last week wasn’t great, but I feel like I hit a turning point on Thursday. And now I feel less motion sick and have only thrown up every other day. Even just this break has made a world of difference in how I feel.

How has pregnancy affected your mental health?

I restarted therapy, in part because of the pregnancy. I had so many people send DMs saying they thought I was depressed. And I just wanted to respond that I wasn’t depressed, I was pregnant and throwing up every day. January and February is usually a slow part of my business year. But it’s been intense right now, even if I wasn’t pregnant. Coming off of an insane November/December, I was burnt out and instead of being able to recover from that, I am writing a book with very tight deadlines (not an official announcement but I signed the book deal three weeks before I found out I was pregnant). This is obviously on top of my regular work, where I’m also taking and editing photos myself now.

And I don’t think I realized how much I’d miss my mom throughout this (like, sure, I’m 31 and about to become a mom, but will I ever not want my mom? No). And then you’ve got the pandemic mixed in for good measure.

I felt in. over. my. head.

I also realized that while I had always pictured myself becoming a mom and having children, I never thought about the pregnancy portion of it. Like at all. With that said, as a highly anxious and sensitive person in general, I expected myself to feel a LOT more anxious about the pregnancy than I have been. I think I’ve been good about just taking things one day at a time and not worrying too much about what may or may not be coming down the road. But it was impossible for me to not feel physically worn down from throwing up every day and have that wear me down mentally too. I really felt like a shell of myself.

I was not very kind to myself while all this was happening. And I felt so disgusting (from the hormones), I wasn’t able to do as much work as I’m used to, and I couldn’t work out (a healthy coping strategy for me) in the same way that I did before either. I felt like an absolute slug and I hated it. Instead of giving myself grace and saying, “Carly, you’re not lazy, you’re pregnant,” I had this story about myself being a lazy, slug on repeat in my head.

Every day I didn’t get what I wanted (or needed) to get done, I felt like I had failed. (I also had extreme guilt throughout this because the baby was fine and I was so lucky, why couldn’t I just feel good about it and be grateful for a healthy pregnancy.) Thankfully, between getting some energy back, the vomiting subsiding a bit, and therapy, I definitely feel more like myself now and can see the past couple of months with a lot more clarity.

Are you still working out?

YES!!! Not as intensely or frequently as I was before, but yes. At my first doppler-heartbeat appointment, my own heartbeat was in the low 50s and the doctor asked if I was a runner. (I was very flattered, haha!) I told him I rode the Peloton and he was super encouraging. And told me to keep working out for as much as I could because it would help with pregnancy, birth, and recovery. Consider me sold. I didn’t realize how a symptom of the pregnancy hormones is shortness of breath and you have increased blood volume. So I am absolutely not able to ride with the same vigor as before. But on days where I think I can, I get on the Peloton and feel so much better, mentally and physically.

Some days I was so nauseous that I really couldn’t get on the bike much less look at the screen. But when I can, I feel the best nausea wise for an hour or two after. (Those endorphins!) I also am trying to keep up with my arm workouts and incorporating a barre or yoga class into the mix as well.

Any special support?

Wasn’t sure how to phrase this question, but I wanted to talk about a few things that have been so helpful. I’m honestly going to avoid reading books. And I know I have a tendency to over-Google as a coping mechanism (re: anything, not just pregnancy), so I’m trying to keep my information to a minimum. 1) Having an OB practice that I really like has been so helpful. I have had a lot of appointments. It seems like more than the average person, but it’s been nice because I can go “straight to the source” and get feedback on all my questions without the fear factor of Dr. Google.

I also joined a Reddit group for people due in August. Wow, I can’t tell you how incredible it’s been. I have never posted, I just lurk and read everything. But it’s been amazing to read everyone’s tips, complaints, victories, etc. So. Freaking. Helpful. Sounds so lame, but just knowing other people were at the same point in pregnancy and experiencing similar symptoms made me feel a lot less alone! Highly recommend this (you can find yours by searching “bumpers [month and year you’re due]”).

Leaning on friends who have had kids or are expecting themselves has also been a gift, too. I don’t know why I was compelled to tell my friend Riley over text that I was expecting as I think I was only five weeks pregnant when I told her. (We hadn’t even told our parents!) And she texted back saying SHE was expecting. We’re less than a week apart and it has been so nice to have a friend for every step of the way through the ups and downs.

Best moment so far?

The 12-week ultrasound was hands down the best moment so far. First of all, it was the first appointment Mike could come to because it was in a different office than my normal OB. During my first ultrasound, I was only six weeks along. So the baby looked like a shrimp shaped blob with a teeny flickering heartbeat. At 12-weeks, the baby looked like a baby!!!! Obviously, I’m already biased, but it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. At first, the baby was all curled up just snoozing…. and then the baby YAWNED and did this biiiiiiig cat-like stretch and started rolling over to get into a comfier spot. I couldn’t believe that was happening inside of me. That was the moment where being pregnant went from being conceptual to feeling very, very real.


I am not taking a healthy pregnancy for granted. And I’ve never been more thankful to have a flexible job schedule as I’ve had it easy knowing I can always work from bed or rearrange my work schedule with ease on particularly bad days. (If you’re going into work and wearing real pants every day while pregnant– let me just say… I consider you an actual superhero 🙏🏻.) Even though there were hard days and I haven’t felt great, I already know it’s worth it 100%.

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Sydney Paulsen

Gah, Carly!! I’m just so happy for you and Mike! I’m so anxious to be a mom in the next few years, and honestly, reading about your ups and downs helps me so much. Thank you for sharing with us!

Swapna King

Such a wonderful post and time in your life. Me telling my hubs was similar for our first, nothing special, but special enough! I think I left the pregnancy test setting out. I hope your symptoms are easing up and you can enjoy the pregnancy more so. I hated the smell of cooking meat in my first trimester. Bacon, hamburgers, steak…yuck! But then I craved hamburgers and with my second pizza. My SIL became very dehydrated in her pregnancy, so the water intake is awesome! I love that you will be pregnant with friends and other folks that you are friends with. This is the year of pregnancies and babies!! Love seeing my fave bloggers and young friends pregnant.


Interesting to hear you mention the crazy thirst! That was my first pregnancy symptom too. We had been trying to conceive for such a long time that I thought I knew all the possible early pregnancy symptoms but the thirst took me by surprise and I don’t think I’ve actually heard anyone mention it apart from you! It was very unusual for me so definitely made me wonder.
I’m also jealous that you’re getting the vaccine – I am in the UK and our policy is that you can only have it when pregnant if you are at some kind of additional high risk such as being a frontline worker or you have other health issues, so it will be a while before I get it. I’m 35 wks pregnant now though so shielding until the baby comes shouldn’t be too much of an issue and luckily my husband has had the vaccine now (he’s military and has been assisting with the vaccine rollout) so at least I don’t need to worry about him getting a positive test and missing the birth!


Congratulations, Carly! Thank you so much for your honesty in this post. I’m due in September and have felt the exact same in regards to feeling “gross” and “lazy”, which I know is not true. It’s so nice to know I’m not alone.

And thank you for sharing your thoughts about the vaccine! I’m already vaccinated bc I’m a healthcare worker and it’s a totally personal choice but I feel like all I’m hearing is vaccine hesitancy and doubt. It’s so important to talk to a doctor before making a decision!


Ah! Carly! Thank you for the realness! Also, Meesh’s face!! Pure joy 🙂 So excited for you and Mike and your family!


Thank you so much for sharing all of this Carly. I am happy to hear there were additional factors playing into you not feeling yourself, and that therapy is playing a part in helping! What is the best thing to say to someone who is so sick? I’ve had a few friends with rough pregnancy’s lately and I don’t know what to say aside from “I’m so sorry can I do anything?!” Hang in there!


I’ve been trying to not complain (except to poor Mike LOL), but if someone asks me how I am I try to focus on how I am in that moment which is usually not terrible if I can talk to someone haha. But I think just saying anything is nice and thoughtful!


I have also struggled with the “shell of myself” feeling during pregnancy and a frustration that I simply cannot accomplish what I am used to accomplishing. I keep reminding myself that my body is using all its energy to grow another person (which it has never done before) and so anything I get done on top of that is gravy! But it’s hard mentally to deal with when you’re used to achieving easily. I also found it very hard to feel sick every day and not know if or when it would end. So many of the things you wrote here resonated with me. Thank you for your honesty!! You are not alone.


YES! Seeing the 12 week scan put it in perspective for me because 6 weeks before the baby wasn’t much of a baby. Seeing a BRAIN and the hands and the feet and the spine… I was like WHAT, I grew that!


The fingers and brain were what blew my mind. 5 little fingers! 5 little toes! A BRAIN! I agree–so cool! And I forgot to mention–congrats on the book deal! What a cool challenge to take on during the most exhausting time of your life! LOL.


One of the things I longed for in those first weeks when I was feeling so miserable was for someone to bring me a meal! I’m 16 weeks now and can finally think about food again, but when I was so nauseous, the thought (or pictures) of food made it worse. While I might not have wanted to eat what was brought to me, at least my husband would have been well-fed and I wouldn’t have dreaded meal time. So that could be a very practical way to help! 🙂

Brigid Devney-Rye

Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve enjoyed your journey since your college days so this is beyond special.


I am so excited for you and Mike! What a perfect blessing ❤️

My son is now almost 5 months old— he was born at the end of September which means I was pregnant (and had birth) all during the pandemic! When we saw that positive test last January, we had NO idea what the year would look like. But honestly, it was the biggest blessing. Obviously I feel like I missed out on some things, but my little guy (Ezra!) kept me company all through the strangest year. I’m working from home with him and in no other reality would I still be at home with my five month old! It’s hard to balance feeling guilty with what’s still going on and feeling grateful.

You’re going to be a great mom. I can’t wait to follow along with you!


Just want to say that I lurked in my bumpers group on Reddit too for months and it was the best resource for being pregnant in a pandemic. We now have a spin off Facebook group and our babies will all be one in April and it has been so comforting to have virtual mom friends. I dreamed of mom stroller walks and music group at the park and since Covid took that, those bumpers were a lifesaver. We even have a “secret birthday exchange” for our babies to send gifts to each other with pictures so they can get to know their baby friends.

Congrats again! The hard days will pass, pregnancy is no joke- you got this!


I would never want to take your happiness from you, but I just want to share I too was due in August before we lost our babe in Jan at 11 weeks (MMC at 9 weeks). I’m so happy for you and know you will be a great mom!


I know you said you don’t want to read any books, and I support that. I didn’t read any of the “What to Expect” -style books myself. I would highly recommend taking a peek at the book “Expecting Better” by Emily Oster, however. She’s an economist and approached her own pregnancy from a scientific, statistical stance. She did the research on a bunch of conflicting opinions surrounding pregnancy. It’s very easy to skim through and just read the sections that interest you the most, too. For easy access, check your library’s ebook collection.


I also highly recommend Oster’s book “Cribsheet”! With my first, I found that there are very separate schools of thought on infancy, and it can be confusing to figure out your own values and stances. Oster breaks it down with the evidence. I’ve read ALL of the books, and this was one of my favorites.


+1 to both of these books when you’re ready for them. Cribsheet especially was so helpful for me. Nothing worse than feeling like you have to Google as a last resort during infancy.


Expecting Better was a huge help to me in the first tri! There are so many worries about what you can do/eat that this calmed a lot of my nerves. I still indulged in sushi on occasion and ate turkey sandwiches nearly every day because it was the only thing I wanted that had a good amount of protein. Emily also has a great newsletter series which is helpful. That was one of like two books I read my entire pregnancy.


+100000000 to both of these books! They gave me so much peace of mind. Recommend them to all my expecting friends <3


Congrats, Carly! So much joy for you and Mike. One of the reasons I follow you is because you feel like a true friend and it is so exciting for you to share such special news with us. Please be assured of my good thoughts and prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy!

I am also pregnant- like you and Mike, my husband and I did not want to be putting our life on hold because of the pandemic. I am 27 weeks and shared many of your symptoms but one that really floored me was the constipation and tender breasts, too! My breasts were small before a size B and now at DD. they grew so fast at the start of my second tri they became so painful and red. Ive religiously used Burts Bee’s mama belly butter all over my belly and boobs 2-3 times a day and it has helped so much! Also kindred bravely has been wonderful for comfy soft clothing!

Excited for all that is to come for you and share this special time with a friend 🙂


Congratulations! I just had a baby myself at Morristown hospital and they were great. (Not sure where you’re delivering but I was always curious about what my hospitals protocols were.) I also suffered from severe morning sickness and don’t be afraid to ask for help! I tried many different medicines and finally found a combo that could help me just simply get out of bed in the morning. So excited for you and Mike! Madison is such a great town to raise a family too.


Yes! I am planning on delivering at Morristown Hospital. My friends and sister-in-laws have all had nothing but great things to say about their experiences there, which instilled confidence in me!

Janinne abel

Remind yourself in those moments when you feel sluggish, or you feel like you have not accomplished a lot. “I made a lung today. I am growing a set of healthy kidneys”. You are doing such important work by being still and resting. Your babykins is going to use that healthy lung, heart, kidney for many decades. Grace momma! Grace ❤️. We are sending you so much love and prayers. Hugs


So fun to read this. I’m a week behind you and feeling exactly the same! I’m also in the August Reddit Bump group 🙂 so helpful!

Elizabeth Jones

First, congratulations! I think your approach is spot on – give yourself grace, experience it and try not to overanalyze every little thing. My first, and continuous, pregnancy symptom was the need to pee. All. The. Time. I swear from the moment of conception, I had urgency! To the point that my daughter was resting on some nerve that made me feel like I was leaking. I convinced myself it was amniotic fluid and went to the doctor multiple times concerned. Of course, it was just a nerve being pinched. But OBGYN offices are filled with amazing people who, lucky for us, are used to the weird pregnant women. I also took your approach about not reading too much. In fact, I even skipped doing a childbirth class. My grandmother had 11 kids at home, so I thought – what are they doing to tell me except get me FREAKED out about what’s about to happen. I’ll just close with our bodies are capable of amazing things. Enjoy every minute is this experience. It is completely worth it. xo

Nicole Wickholm

First of all, I’m so extremely excited for you! I’ve been reading your blog for almost 10 years now and I’m just so happy for you. Secondly, I just so appreciate you sharing this experience with us. I know you didn’t HAVE to do that, and I really appreciate it. I’m starting to plan a family within the next couple of years and it’s so helpful to have the behind the scenes look at everything from morning sickness to what to expect from a pandemic pregnancy. (because who knows how long covid is here to stay) I appreciate it and look forward to following along on your journey into motherhood! 🙂


YES to the Bumper sub!!! That was one of my favorite things during pregnancy! What’s even better (for me at least), is that almost all bumper subs usually create a FB group so it’s a little more intimate. My sub has like 2k members but our FB group is 460 at most. And it’s easier to share pics. They’ve been such a great resource anytime I’ve had questions in between OB and now ped appts. So happy for you and Mike! Y’all are gonna be such wonderful parents 💖


Yes!! I had my daughter in August 2017 and our bumper group (migrated to Facebook) is still going strong 3.5 years later. It’s the only reason I use FB now. It’s funny to imagine still seeing all these kids whose birth stories I read off to kindergarten and maybe even college!

Shannon Mahaney

I am so excited for you, Carly! I had my first baby last June. One of the apps that I relied on(and still do) is the What to Expect app. They have a group for each month mom’s are due that you can join. It’s nice to be in that community especially after the baby is born!

Also, I highly recommend prenatal yoga. I did it throughout my pregnancy and when it came time for labor/recovery, it helped my body so much!

Amy F.

Carly I am just so happy for you! Here’s to hoping you continue to feel better and have a safe, healthy pregnancy!

Emily Anderson

Thank you for being so honest Carly! I wish you the best in your pregnancy, congratulations!


Carly, I am so sorry your first trimester has been so draining for you. I hope you keep feeling better and things get easier!! I have never been pregnant before but I can imagine it’s such a strange/beautiful thing to be growing a little life inside you. Thank you for all of your insight into such an incredible experience!! It’s something I’m really looking forward to someday.



Carly, first of all, congratulations! I’m actually really looking forward to following along on your pregnancy journey. I appreciate your honesty and candidness already about some of the not-so-pretty parts of pregnancy. I’d love to know more about how you and Mike even decided you were ready. This may stray into the too personal, but as someone who wants to get pregnant some time later this year, I’m ready for all the information I can get!

Rachel P

Hi Carly! Long time follower, first time commenter here! First, congrats to you & Mike! Secondly, thanks for being so open & honest. My husband & I also got married in the pandemic for the same reasons you mentioned. We are now family planning because, as you said, nothing is guaranteed and this pandemic doesn’t have a definitive end in sight. I feel like I am sharing in the joy of a close friend reading about your journey. I wish the 3 of you the very best and can’t wait to find out if Baby R is a boy or girl!


Congratulations Carly 🥳❤️ I’ve been following you for 7 years now and I’m so happy to be reading this! I had a baby August 9th 2020. What day are you due ?


Congrats!! I am 26 weeks with my second and I have been so much sicker this time around. Interestingly this time I am having a girl. Just wanted to say I got the vaccine and it is such a personal decision and was so happy my OB was 100% on board and encouraging of getting it. It was a hard decision but as my mom said to me I am making the best decision I can right now with the information I have available. I have also been taking the peloton prenatal classes which have been fun!


I am so happy for your Carly! I gave birth last August, in the middle of the pandemic, and while it was “different” than other’s pregnancies and delivery experiences, it was no less magical. If anything, it gave us more time to adjust being a family of 3 before we had visitors meet the baby. You will do awesome!


Congratulations! That’s such great news and I’m very happy for you. I’m glad your doctor gave you the go-ahead on exercise. It’s so important and there are still so many myths out there (never let your heart rate rise above 100, etc.) that are persistent despite being debunked. Everyone I know who has exercised during pregnancy has felt so much better for it. Congratulations again!


Yes!!! He said it helped with everything including baby’s brain development. I think of that when I’m struggling through a ride HA!


I’m so happy for you and Mike. Honestly, I teared up when I read your Instagram post. I think there are a lot of us who have sort of grown up *with* you and seeing you so happy makes me happy! Being a mother is the most wonderful gift and you will be such a great one. I wanted to post to let you know about Dr. Sterling OBGYN on Instagram. She has a service made entirely for “achiever” women who become pregnant. I’m done with pregnancies (lol) but wish it was around when I was in your position- feeling exhausted, sick, and yet making myself feel so guilty for taking time off and slowing down. Maybe give her a follow for some tips to help with the guilt. She’s a great follow. Again, congratulations! Best wishes for a smooth pregnancy!


So happy for you! People thought I was crazy but the BEST thing I did was read NOTHING. I asked my doctor questions if I had them and just showed up when it was time to deliver. The nurses were Angels and I felt so much calmer without all of that “extra” information. Best wishes!


Hi Carly, congratulations to you and your husband!
I’m an old time follower but never comment. I’m so happy for you!
I’m 29 and kinda feel like we have been through the same life changes recently, we got a house, got married on November 2020 and TTC right now.
I have wanted to be a mother for a long time but because of my career and timing in general we couldn’t start trying until November – December and I’ve never realized what an emotional journey this is! I’m healthy woman but I guess is kinda normal to be afraid if you will ever get pregnant. I’m also using the ovulation strips and obsessing over every single symptom, we have only being actively looking for the baby for my last 3 cycles and being the type A person I am all of this is driving me crazy, sincerely tough once you decided you wanted to get pregnant it will happen right away, oh how mistaken! I guess what im trying to say is that this is a topic that you usually know nothing about until you get down to it and there’s so little talk about it in real life! How did you cope with the wait and the stress of it all?
Best wishes for your family! and hope you have a beautiful pregnancy and healthy baby! xoxo.
PS. Sorry for the grammar, english is not my first language.


I know you get scared and am pretty sure that you don’t think you will know how to do this but guess what – you definitely will! The first time you hold your baby the greatest joy and love you have ever felt will wash over you and you will just know. For the rest of your lives together you will just know what that child needs from you. (Ask your Mom cause the way you two feel about each other is the same and for you, the new Mom of your own child, that instinct even stronger). I wish you and Mike nothing but happiness with your baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult and adult that he/she will become. You both are starting the biggest and BEST adventure of a lifetime. How very lucky you are to share this together! (advice from a 74 year old grandma who knows). You have been blessed with life’s greatest gift.

Christine S.

Congratulations again, Carly! I’m sorry your first trimester was rough and that you’ve been having so much morning sickness, but I really appreciate (as always) you sharing your journey with us.


I am currently in my first trimester and your paragraph about feeling constantly “disgusting,” is EXACTLY how I am feeling as well. It’s wild. I knew there were going to be symptoms but I never realized how similar to that of period symptoms they are, which is so alarming at first! Thank you for sharing, I look forward to following you on this new journey!


Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since we were both in college. I had a baby last year and my biggest piece of advice would be to let go of the guilt. You are not a slob; you are adjusting to being pregnant! Do what you need to do to take of yourself and that baby.

You are going to be an amazing mom! 🙂


The most exciting news 🗞 I’ve loved following you over the years and am excited for your new chapter. You are going to be the cutest mom, and I hope you keep your held high doing so! You mentioned at the beginning of your blog that being a public person is hard, and if I’ve seen anything from social media is that being a mom on social media is harder.

I have nannied for 30+ different families. Many babies and kids. All great families and all very different parenting styles. I’m often so surprised by comments on social media that “mom shame” someone for something that isn’t necessarily bad, but just a different way of parenting. Nobody sees the true hearts of the parents, so never feed into the negative feedback. I’ve see. Literally every type of parenting style you can imagine and ultimately- It is impossible to raise a child the right/wrong way so don’t stress it. The only thing that ultimately matters is that they’re loved. There are a lot of different ways to parent, and the best way is your way.

This baby is going to be the most loved. Congrats!


Thank you for sharing your experience. I have had two children and never once experienced morning sickness so I can not relate to anyone having it. I know it is real with friends relating similar experiences. My doctor told me then I should thank my luck stars because most women have it. Saying a little prayer every night you will have smooth sailing from here on out.


I’m so happy for you. I wish you enjoy your pregnancy and the attention and care mothers – to – be receive from all people.


Congratulations – what a blessing!
It’s not lazy – don’t feel guilty about napping… it’s hard work growing a little human. Just listen to your body, your little “peach” will tell you what he/she needs. I hope you can mentally step back and enjoy the wonderous ride. It really is a miracle.


Congratulations!! I am at 7 weeks pregnant and have only told one person and my parents. We also decided life is too short to wait around! Reading this post has been so encouraging- your first trimester seems very similar to mine and it’s so comforting to have heard all of this from someone else doing through it! None of my close friends are pregnant and I’m also still waiting to tell some. Thank you for being so open and honest!


My big 1st tri symptoms I didn’t expect were exhaustion, aversion to salads, and addition to Micky D’s breakfast lol. I love that you started therapy during this special time in your life. Being pregnant is like going through college all over again. Information overload and so much to learn! I had to really protect myself against the constant advice and opinions of others, knowing that it was just the start of it all when becoming a parent. My mantra was “Be easy on yourself, you’re growing a human” and I took it one trimester at a time, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th!
