Giveaway :: Dear Kate

Remember Julie from Dear Kate and her story about how she fell into entrepreneurship during college? Dear Kate has teamed up with TCP to give away five pairs of the revolutionary undies.
I’m all about supporting female run and female focused companies (#whoruntheworld) so I’m especially excited about this giveaway. Don’t forget to read Julie’s story; I find it so inspiring and a true testament to following your passions and fearlessly taking the path less traveled.
The winner will get to choose five pairs (the perfect beginning to a personal collection!) and the options are all great! (Julie has a chemical engineering background and used that to create the best technology for the entire line of underwear.)
Enter to win using the Rafflecopter widget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

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$36 for one pair?! That's a lot of money (especially for your core audience of 20ish year olds), regardless of the "revolutionary" technology.

Megan Joy Williams

The purchasing of quality underthings is a sign of maturity that should not be compromised. We all have to budget money and when a women realizes that buying goods of quality is actually less expensive in the long term, that is a sign of her fantastic prioritizing skills.
