There are few things in life that are truly one of a kind.
This, my friends, is definitely one of those things.
Are you ready?
I did a giveaway with him back in April and it was a huge success. Except this one is EVEN BETTER…..
My love for Kiel (pronounced like Kyle) James Patrick dates way back… and I’ve seen him develop and grow as a businessman. He’s the real deal. Made in the U.S.A. Hard worker. Lover of life.
Well guess what! KJP designed a ONE OF A KIND bracelet for one lucky College Prep reader. And when I say one of a kind, I mean ONE OF A KIND.
Here are the facts about the bracelet as told by KJP himself:
1. 100% Silk
2. 100% one of a kind (will never sell or make another one of these)
3. 1 of 7 bracelets I have ever made not using the signature KJP plaid backing
4. Section of backing lined in vintage madras bought by my grammy in Nantucket, other section lined in silk pink dolphins
5. Bracelet 100% crafted, sewn and photographed by me
6. 1 of 74 bracelets that I’ve ever made 1 of a kind.
7. Hmmmm… it so cool I sorta wish I had enough material to make for myself.
8. Between size small to medium… if doesn’t fit whoever wins it they can simply cut and adjust button.
Incredibly amazing, right? Just want until you see it….
yay! I'm obviously a follower and just liked KJP on facebook…and am receiving Prep Talk! phew. {Sorry for the confusion!} I'd obviously LOVE to win this beauty–great giveaway! xoxo {av}
I am a CP follower, like KJP on facebook, I'm signed up for Prep Talk (and love it!), and I blogged about it on! 4 entries please! :]
One of the best giveaways ever! I am a CP Follower and like KJP on facebook. I am already signed up and obsessed with Prep Talk and I blogged about this giveaway at:
Five entries please! I liked CP and KJP on Facebook, I follow CP on tumblr and on Blogger, I already am on Prep Talk's email list, and I blogged about it on Tumblr (at
I am an avid reader of Prep Talk. I just OFFICIALLY followed you [after creepily checking your page everyday instead of subscribing to it]. Liked KJP on Facebook. His work is amazing, how have I lived without ever knowing about his bracelets before? and I blogged about you here:
This is so awesome!!! I follow you and like KJP, am signed up for Prep Talk, andddd reblogged on Tumblr- (5)!!! Thanks Carly! ~Mari
I already like KJP on Facebook, follow you on Twitter and signed up for the mailing list. I own 3 KJP bracelets and would love to add this to my collection!
1.CP follower :D, 2.i like KJP on facebook (loving the new photos of the spring collection, i cant wait!- the copper button is so cute!)3.Also signed up for Prep Talk and 4.ive also blogged about this on my blog (
1.follow CP 2.follow KJP on FB 3signed-up for Prep Talk 4.blogged on The Daily Prep, abt. this giveaway 5.blogged on QueenBeeSwain abt. this giveaway just to be sure I also blogged abt. this giveaway to a French Blog,"Bodie and Fou" for international exposure. Thaks
HI, I absolutely Love this!! 1. I am a follower and I like KJP (+1) 2. I already get Prep talk (+1) 3. And I blogged about this on my site allways pink and preppy (+3)
Carly, I am so excited about this giveaway! I have loved KJP products for quite some time now and this sailboats bracelet is one of my favs!!
1. Longtime follower of you & KJP on Facebook 2. Definitely getting Prep Talk because it's the best weekly newsletter out there 🙂 3. Just posted about the giveaway!
I follow you of course and like KJP on FB. I signed up for Prep Talk before its debut and I love it! I am blogging about this giveaway tomorrow, check it out on! Thanks for hosting! XO
I follow CP and I like KJP on Facebook. I signed up for Prep Talk a while back. I first discovered KJP at Murray's Toggery Shop on Nantucket, so I love that this bracelet is designed with fabric bought on Nantucket…and the rainbow sail boats are so fitting!
I have liked KJP on fb and already receive Prep Talk! Love this!!
One entry please! I follow College Prep, like KJP on Facebook and receive Prep Talk. I bought some of his earrings last summer and fell in love with them!
1) I liked KLP on facebook 2) I already follow CP ([email protected]) 3) I already read Prep Talk every week (can't wait for tomorrow's!) 4) I blogged about your give-away (
1) Follow your blog and your tumblr 2) Liked KJP on facebook (helenhall) 3) Already signed up for preptalk! 4) Blogged through tumblr (
I'm a follower, I follow KJP on facebook, I'm a subscriber to Prep Talk and I blogged about this on my blog. ( 5 entries!
I'm a FB follower… and I follow KJP on twitter. I mean, thats not listed as an entry, but I figures it helps to cover all my social networking bases…? Pick me! I LOVE KJP!
Hi there 🙂 whoohoo, love this giveaway!! -I'm a CP Follower -I already liked KJP on Facebook -I'm signed up with Prep Talk and – I blogged about this giveaway at:
Hey Carly, I love your blog, read prep talk, follow your tumblr,and your twitter. I favorited KJP on FB today as well as reblogged the entry you posted on tumblr via my tumblr. I wrote a little post on my tumblr ( ) a week or two ago about your blog and that you answered my question about preppy on a budget 🙂 I love your fashion centered blog and that you are doing this awesome give away. I think this is 5 entries 🙂
Hey, this is so cute! I already get preptalk, I liked KJP, and already have liked the college prepster. I posted about the giveaway on my blogger, and my tumblr. ( Five<3
Hey, I follow you on twitter, I blogged this on my facebook (since I don't have a blog), and I just signed up for prep talk. Good luck to all the applicants!
Love this! I follow College Prep I liked Kiel James Patrick on Facebook I'm signed up with Prep Talk I blogged about this giveaway:
I'm a CP follower, and I liked KJP on Facebook. I've been receiving (and loving) Prep Talk since the first issue, and I just blogged about the giveaway on my Tumblr… Such a great bracelet! 🙂
I am a follower of your blog & I like KJP on facebook & I am signed up for Prep Talk & I blogged about your amazing giveaway on my blog:
I have all five entries. – Follow you [of course] and liked KJP on Facebook. – Already receiving [and loving] Prep Talk – Blogged [and tweeted!] this giveaway!
Hey! Love the bracelet, so cute! I follow CP and I liked KJP on facebook. Tried multiple times to subscribe, but it didn't want to cooperate, so that's two (2) enteries for me!
I follow College Prep, liked KJP on facebook, am signed up for Prep Talk (it's marvelous), and I am about to blog about this wonderful giveaway at!
I am a CP Follower and like KJP on facebook I am already signed up for and reading Prep Talk I tumblr'd about this giveaway at
i am following CP and i liked KJP on facebook. I also signed up for prep talk. i loved this weeks newsletter 😀 the bracelet is amazing. thank you for this giveaway! i would love to win.
I am following College Prepster and I liked KJP on Facebook. I receive Prep Talk each week (I've subscribed). I reblogged about the giveaway on my tumblr. (
Hey there sweet girly girl, I would so love to be entered in your AMAZING giveaway! I would follow you anywhere, I like KJP on FB and follow on Twitter too. His designs are so unique and what an honor to have on custom made in your lovely name! 🙂 Hugs to you xoxoox
I follow you, liked kiel james patrick on facebook, i am signed up for prep talk, and I blogged about this super fantastic giveaway over at!!!
Such a lovely bracelet. I love the madras! -already liked KJP and CP on Facebook. -swooned over CollegePrep's posts <3 -already signed up for Prep Talk-can't wait for Sunday -blogged about the giveaway here:
Great giveaway!! I follow College Prep, signed up for prep talk, liked Kiel James Patrick on facebook, and blogged about your giveaway at 5 entries please!
@ohmymahjong hooked me UP! Learning mahjong has been on my mind for a while and this year we finally made it happen! My 97 year old grandma Charlotte plays mahjong every week- and now that I have learned, I know what’s been keeping her so young! Mahjong is FUN and the perfect mix of luck and strategy. The rules can be a lot to learn (I’m still learning for sure) but it’s easy to pick up with a good teacher.
Thank you #ohmymahjong for all the fun goodies… chic tiles, a handy mat, great organizers! Everything we need for our next mahjong girls night! #mahjong
🏈🍴 As a #HoodPartner, I’m bringing my A-game with a chili bar featuring the ultimate all-star—@hphood Sour Cream. Made with real Hood Milk and Cream, every bite’s a win with high quality flavor!
When your toothbrush (@shoptrask!) is so cute you ALMOST don’t want to use it! I considered “saving” it (for what? I don’t know) and decided to ignore my instinct and enjoy it every day! I often have to remind myself about the number of stickers I didn’t use as a kid because I was “saving” them… or stationery collecting dust in a drawer because I was “saving” them… or candles that went unlit because I was “saving” them… or even a cute outfit I was “saving” for a special occasion. Trying to be better about using the things I have and love without guilt!!
I’ve been loving wearing my scarf collection and I’ve been getting questions about how I tie them! This is probably the way I wear it most- it’s super easy and the trick is to not be overly fussy with it. Go for it and zhuzh it up a little but don’t make it too perfect! Goal is effortless!
Fold the silk scarf across the middle to create a long triangle. Holding the two corners, twist the triangle back *towards* you a few times. While holding the corners, wrap behind your neck crossing behind you and pulling the corners back to the front of your neck. Tie once, then again to secure. I like to tuck mine into a button down!
PS I got this Hermes scarf as a souvenir while in Paris!
A wild Saturday night around here… and I wouldn’t want it any other way! A relaxing shower, clean hair, cozy bedtime routine, sourdough, laundry, a clean playroom, mahjong, (a little sweet treat… or two), needlepoint, skincare, and a good book! What could be better???
An evening routine as a mom of two with timestamps!
@mackenziechilds has done it again! Say hello to Mocha Check, the latest pattern in the MacKenzie-Childs family. I am loving how the neutral but warm tones brighten up my office space! Swipe to see how I’ve incorporated the pieces throughout my office. #MCPartner #MCMochaCheck
I already like KJP on FB and am a follower! Great giveaway!
yay! I'm obviously a follower and just liked KJP on facebook…and am receiving Prep Talk! phew. {Sorry for the confusion!} I'd obviously LOVE to win this beauty–great giveaway! xoxo {av}
I'm a follower, I like KJP on Facebook and I have signed up for PrepTalk! (2)
I am a CP follower, like KJP on fb and I signed up for Prep Talk. Two entries please! 🙂
I am a CP follower, receive Prep Talk and have liked KJP on FB. Wonderful giveaway!
I am a CP follower, like KJP on facebook, I'm signed up for Prep Talk (and love it!), and I blogged about it on! 4 entries please! :]
One of the best giveaways ever!
I am a CP Follower and like KJP on facebook.
I am already signed up and obsessed with Prep Talk
and I blogged about this giveaway at:
Thanks College Prepster!
I'm a fan/follower and signed up for Prep Talk 🙂
Hey Carly I liked it on facebook I reblogged it and I get preptalk!!! 5!!
I am a devoted follower of both, College Prep and KJP on facebook!
I also receive Prep Talk every Sunday night!
Five Entries Please!!! :)!
Liked everything…already receive Prep Talk…and posted it on my tumblr! 🙂
Beyond excited for this giveaway!!!
Definitely already following and getting Prep Talk, plus I 'liked' KJP and blogged the giveaway.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
Five entries please! I liked CP and KJP on Facebook, I follow CP on tumblr and on Blogger, I already am on Prep Talk's email list, and I blogged about it on Tumblr (at
I'm extremely excited for this giveaway 🙂
Brilliant idea!! Love CP on tumblr and here and KJP is amazing.
CP follower
KJP like-r
Prep Talk receiver
New to tumblr blog poster!
all done! 5 please 🙂
I am a Follower of Both CP and KJP on Facebook!
Just signed up for PT 🙂
I follow, I liked, and I have already been getting the always delightful Prep Talk! Loving the sailboats on the bracelet!
Everything, but the blogging… too, too cute!
I follow College Prep (mh301). I like KJP on facebook. I am subscribed to Prep Talk and I reblogged.
Liked on facebook!
And I'm signed up for prep talk!
Love the sailboats!
I follow CP and i liked KJP; and I subscribe to prep talk and i blogged about this amazing bracelet! 🙂
I follow College Prepster && like KJP on facebook. I signed up for PrepTalk &&& Blogged on tumblr about this!
I follow your blog and like KJP on facebook. Posting about this on my blog now.
I am an avid reader of Prep Talk.
I just OFFICIALLY followed you [after creepily checking your page everyday instead of subscribing to it].
Liked KJP on Facebook. His work is amazing, how have I lived without ever knowing about his bracelets before?
and I blogged about you here:
I folllow your blog, liked KJP on Facebook and am already signed up for Prep Talk… 2 entries please!
Hi! I follow your blog, I already like KJP on FB and I am signed up for Preptalk. Thank you!
This is a fantastic giveaway, plus we have the same initials! I like KJP on facebook and I'm already signed up for prep talk!
Heck yessssss I'm a follower, like Kiel James Patrick on facebook and I signed up for Prep Talk. I truly love your blog AND THIS GIVEAWAY. xoxo
This is so awesome!!!
I follow you and like KJP, am signed up for Prep Talk, andddd reblogged on Tumblr- (5)!!!
Thanks Carly!
Love! I'm already signed up for Prep Talk, follow your blog and I already liked KJP on Facebook! 🙂
I also blogged about it here:
5 entries please 🙂
Thank YOU and KJP for hosting another fantastic giveaway! 🙂
Followed once, and liked it, and I'm signed up for Prep Talk!
I'm a follower
I like KJP on Facebook
I get prep talk
Posted on my blog
I'm already signed up for Prep Talk 🙂 and I follow College Prep on Tumblr and Twitter. Just went and liked KJP on Facebook…and I reblogged the giveaway post on my Tumblr.
I'm a follower, like KJP on Facebook and am already signed up for Prep Talk. 🙂
Wonderful giveaway!
I'm a follower!
[email protected]
I already follow you and subscribe to Prep Talk. I just liked KJP on FB (can't believe I hadn't before). Finally I blogged about this awesome giveaway on my blog here:
LOVE this bracelet!
I'm a follower, liked KJP on facebook, and subscribed to Prep Talk! 🙂
I'm a follower, I like KJP on facebook and I've subscribed to Prep Talk!!
This is a great giveaway!
I follow College Prep, like KJP on Facebook, am signed up for Prep Talk and I blogged about it!
i follow college prep, like KJP, am signed up for prep talk and I posted it on my tumblr!!!
thanks so much!
LOVE it! Already a followe, a facebook fan of KJP and signed up for Prep Talk.
I follow you here and on tumblr. I "like" KJP on Facebook. I blogged about this (, and I already get Prep Talk.
Done it all! =)! and way to represent Canada with the young lady from mcgill! xx
I am a follower, I liked KJP of facebook (but I wish I could have loved it) and I signed up for Prep Talk.
I'm a follower who "Likes" KJP on Facebook and I blogged about this amazing giveaway on my Tumblr (
I also receive Prep Talk since we all know I love my Tumblr friends' amazing contributions esp. Mason's tales of Dino Boy!
Followed both facebook. Already read prep talk and love it! Reblogged on tumblr!
hiii i follow you, liked KJP on fb, blogged about it :, and i am signed up for prep talk ([email protected])
sso 5 entries 🙂
Hey Carly!
I'm following you on Twitter and like KJP on FB, signed up for Prep Talk and just tweeted about the giveaway!
This is an awesome giveaway and I'm really excited to see who wins!
1. Follow CP on FB
2. Follow KJP on FB
3. Receive Prep Talk 🙂 Ask for email address if need be.
I follow you. (I thought I had been but realized I wasn't! How dreadful! I quickly rectfied the situation.)
I liked KJP on FB.
I am already signed up for Prep Talk.
I blogged about it on Tumblr (
Fabulous giveaway!!
follow CP
like KJP
signed up for Prep Talk
blogged on tumblr
love this bracelet and would love to add it to my KJP collection!
This is an AMAZING giveaway! Thanks Carly!
1. I've been an avid follower of CP!
2. Just liked KJP on FB.
3. I've been subscribed to Prep Talk 🙂
I already like KJP on Facebook, follow you on Twitter and signed up for the mailing list. I own 3 KJP bracelets and would love to add this to my collection!
I'm a follower of college prep, a subscriber of preptalk and I already liked kjp on facebook! blogging about it as soon as I leave this site!
Hi there College Prep!
1) I am already an avid follower of your blog
2) I "Liked" KJP on FB
3) I blogged about it on my new tumblr! (
Thanks so much! This is a great giveaway and I'm so excited I finally get to participate!
I Fallow both College Prep and KLP on facebook and I'm already a subscriber to preptalk!
I follow College Prep, I am a fan of KJP on Facebook, and I signed up for Prep Talk.
YAY! I knew a one of a kind was coming, but as a giveaway makes it even better!!
I follow CP
Like KJP on Facebook
avid Prep Talk reader
and made a post about this giveaway on my tumblr!
Thanks so much for offering this great prize 🙂
Two entries please? A follower on FB and College Prep.
1) I follow & enjoy your blog via GFC
2) I already follow/like KJP
Thanks so much. Enjoy your weekend.
I Re-blogged this post,follow your blog, i also and already a fan of Kiel James Patrick on Facebook, and signed up for prep-talk.
good luck you guys!!!!!!!
I'm a follower, I like KJP on Facebook, and I already subscribed to Prep Talk. LOVE this bracelet! Such a great giveaway!
Like KJP on FB
Receive Prep Talk
Reblogged this post on tumblr!
I have liked KJP on facebook, am on the mailing list for Prep talk, and follow your blog.
Love the bracelet!
I follow CP and KJP on facebook.
I'm also signed up for Prep Talk!
Love the bracelet!!
1.CP follower :D, 2.i like KJP on facebook (loving the new photos of the spring collection, i cant wait!- the copper button is so cute!)3.Also signed up for Prep Talk and 4.ive also blogged about this on my blog (
Good luck everyone 😀
Hi College Prepster! I like KJP on facebook, follow your fabulous blog, and just signed up for Prep Talk! Such a cute bracelet!!!
I follow CP, like JPK on facebook, I've already signed up for Preptalk, and I blogged about the giveaway (! 🙂
1.follow CP
2.follow KJP on FB
3signed-up for Prep Talk
4.blogged on The Daily Prep, abt. this giveaway
5.blogged on QueenBeeSwain abt. this giveaway
just to be sure I also blogged abt. this giveaway to a French Blog,"Bodie and Fou" for international exposure. Thaks
I follow CP, liked JPK on Facebook, and I blogged about it! So i think that is 4 entries?
Following CP, like KJP on Facebook, and signed up for Prep Talk. Love the bracelet!!
I get PT emails, Follow KJP and blogged about the giveaway!!
Follwing you and "liked" KJP and am now subscribed to PrepTalk!
x M.
I follow you and get prep talk. Plus I liked KJP on facebook. So, that's two entries please!
HI, I absolutely Love this!!
1. I am a follower and I like KJP (+1)
2. I already get Prep talk (+1)
3. And I blogged about this on my site allways pink and preppy (+3)
total of 5 entries!!
Carly, I am so excited about this giveaway! I have loved KJP products for quite some time now and this sailboats bracelet is one of my favs!!
1. Longtime follower of you & KJP on Facebook
2. Definitely getting Prep Talk because it's the best weekly newsletter out there 🙂
3. Just posted about the giveaway!
Love this!
1) Follower and I like KJP on Fbook (1)
2) Blogged about it on (3)
4 entries total, thanks!
I follow you of course and like KJP on FB.
I signed up for Prep Talk before its debut and I love it!
I am blogging about this giveaway tomorrow, check it out on! Thanks for hosting! XO
I follow CP and I like KJP on Facebook. I signed up for Prep Talk a while back. I first discovered KJP at Murray's Toggery Shop on Nantucket, so I love that this bracelet is designed with fabric bought on Nantucket…and the rainbow sail boats are so fitting!
I have liked KJP on fb and already receive Prep Talk!
Love this!!
Done and done! I completed all of the entries for this giveaway.
I follow you and like Kiel James Patrick on facebook. I also get Preptalk!
One entry please! I follow College Prep, like KJP on Facebook and receive Prep Talk. I bought some of his earrings last summer and fell in love with them!
I like KJP on facebook and of course follow your blog! I also signed up for Prep Talk! AMAZING giveaway!!!
signed up for prep talk, blogged about this adorable bracelet, followed & liked on facebook 🙂
I like KJP on facebook, follow your blog, religiously read Prep Talk and am blogging about it! Woo hoo!
I follow via Google Connect and I liked on facebook, 🙂
I like KJP, follow CP, I read Prep Talk every sunday and I reblogged the entry on tumblr! (
That bracelet is adorable!!!
I like KLP on facebook, I reblogged the entry, and I love reading Prep Talk 🙂
1) I liked KLP on facebook
2) I already follow CP ([email protected])
3) I already read Prep Talk every week (can't wait for tomorrow's!)
4) I blogged about your give-away (
This is so adorable!!
Five Entries Please 🙂
Blogged about your give-a-way on
& love prep talk every sunday. it's so fab!!
Liked KJP on facebook, am a follower and already have signed up for Preptalk (really enjoy it too).
Thank you!!
I follow CP, and I liked KJP on FB! I also love Prep Talk on Sundays.
And, I blogged about your giveaway!!!
I'm a follower, I like KJP on Facebook and I have signed up for PrepTalk!
Such a cute bracelet!!
I'm a follower, I like KJP on facebook, I blogged about this, and I signed up for Prep Talk!
LOVE KJP & LOVE CollegePrepster! 🙂
[email protected]
you are absolutely AMAZING, what a wonderful giveaway. it's very kind of you, and the bracelet is beautiful! I've always been such a big fan of KJP
i have already liked KJP on FB, I'm a follower, and i signed up for Prep Talk
xx elle
Follower, liked KJP on facebook, and i receive Prep Talk! This is ADORABLE.
I am a College Prep follower, like KJP on facebook (love the bracelet!), I'm signed up for Prep Talk, 3 entries 🙂
I follow College Prep, like KJP of Facebook, and signed up for Prep Talk 🙂
I follow you, I'm signed up for Prep Talk (ofcourse) and i like KJP on facebook! Awesome giveaway!!!!
1) Follow your blog and your tumblr
2) Liked KJP on facebook (helenhall)
3) Already signed up for preptalk!
4) Blogged through tumblr (
I'm a follower, liked KJP on facebook! (2)!
I follow CP, liked KJP on FB and signed up for Prep Talk; 2 entries please! 🙂
I follow CP, like KJP on Facebook and I am signed up for Prep Talk!
I like both CP and KJP on facebook! Im also signed up for Prep Talk, Love it!
Hi CP,
I am a follower and became a fan of KJP on fb. I also get Prep Talk every Sunday, and I love it! Thanks for hosting this. Fingers crossed 🙂
I follow CP, and I liked KJP on FB! I also love Prep Talk on Sundays.
I'm a follower, I follow KJP on facebook, I'm a subscriber to Prep Talk and I blogged about this on my blog. ( 5 entries!
I'm a FB follower… and I follow KJP on twitter. I mean, thats not listed as an entry, but I figures it helps to cover all my social networking bases…?
Pick me! I LOVE KJP!
Hi there 🙂
whoohoo, love this giveaway!!
-I'm a CP Follower
-I already liked KJP on Facebook
-I'm signed up with Prep Talk
– I blogged about this giveaway at:
I am a CP follower, I "liked" KJP on facebook, and I'm signed up for Prep Talk!! 🙂
Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Hey Carly,
I love your blog, read prep talk, follow your tumblr,and your twitter. I favorited KJP on FB today as well as reblogged the entry you posted on tumblr via my tumblr. I wrote a little post on my tumblr ( ) a week or two ago about your blog and that you answered my question about preppy on a budget 🙂 I love your fashion centered blog and that you are doing this awesome give away. I think this is 5 entries 🙂
ahhh! love kjp and college prepster!!!
1) follow blog and like kjp on facebook
2) receive preptalk emails
I follow kjp on Facebook, I follow college prep, I blogged, and I get college prep! So 5!
I follow you, like KJP on facebook, I subscribe to prep talk and I blogged! So 5 entries! 🙂
Hey, this is so cute!
I already get preptalk, I liked KJP, and already have liked the college prepster. I posted about the giveaway on my blogger, and my tumblr. ( Five<3
i will be blogging about your giveaway tomorrow, but sure to check back!
this is so amazing! I'm of course a follower, liked KJP on Facebook and have been receiving Prep Talk 🙂
definitely putting this on my tumblr, loveddd KJP, and am looking forward to tonight's prep talk! happy sunday!
I follow, I liked, I'm signed up for prep talk and I put it on tumblr
I already follow KJP on FB and College Prep. Just signed up for Talk Prep
I follow you both and I receive prep talk!
Hey, I follow you on twitter, I blogged this on my facebook (since I don't have a blog), and I just signed up for prep talk. Good luck to all the applicants!
Love this!
I follow College Prep
I liked Kiel James Patrick on Facebook
I'm signed up with Prep Talk
I blogged about this giveaway:
Of course I liked KJP, followed your blog, get Prep Talk, and blogged about it on Tumblr!
so. excited. I am a CP follower, like KJP on fb, i reblogged this via tumblr and I signed up for Prep Talk. is that 3 or 4 entries? 🙂
I liked KJP on facebook, follow PrepTalk and blogged about this on my tumblr blog. Loving this giveaway!
I'm a follower, I like KJP on Facebook and I have signed up for PrepTalk!
I'm a follower,
I liked KJP on facebook,
I am signed up for PrepTalk,
and I blogged about this on my tumblr
Following CP and KJP. Already getting Prep Talk 🙂 And I reblogged on Tumblr (idk if that counts)
<3 it!
I qualify for all 5 entries! Check out my blog post below:
reblogged 🙂 love it (shmaddieshmay on tumbla!)
liked and reblogged 🙂
Blog post:
LOVE your blog. xo
I would [obviously] LOVE to win this giveaway!
I liked KJP on facebook.
I have been signed up for Prep Talk since the first issue.
I blogged about the giveaway on my tumblr here:
5 entries here!
oh! i ADORE this!
i would LOVELOVELOVE to win this giveaway!
I like KJP on facebook
I have been signed up (and loving) Prep Talk since issue 1
and I follow you!
3 entries here!
I already follow you and KJP on facebook!
Too cute!!
Follow KJP and CP
On the mailing list for PrepTalk
Blogged about this!
– i follow CP through GFC, as well as LIKD KJP on facebook
– i am a PrepTalk Subscriber! ([email protected])
I liked College Prep and KJP on Facebook.
And I'm signed up for Prep Talk.
(2 entries)
I'm a CP follower, and I liked KJP on Facebook. I've been receiving (and loving) Prep Talk since the first issue, and I just blogged about the giveaway on my Tumblr… Such a great bracelet! 🙂
I'm a follower of your blog Carly and I like KJP on facebook and I've signed up for Prep Talk! xoxo
I am a follower of your blog & I like KJP on facebook & I am signed up for Prep Talk & I blogged about your amazing giveaway on my blog:
So I am thinking that is 5 entries!
You along with KJP rock.
-liked KJP:):):)
– follow the College Prepster and LOVE IT.
– subscribe to Prep Talk!… such a good way to jumpstart my week 🙂
Hey girly, I am so excited for this giveaway!
I have all five entries.
– Follow you [of course] and liked KJP on Facebook.
– Already receiving [and loving] Prep Talk
– Blogged [and tweeted!] this giveaway!!/missamygene/status/32142449316990977
Thanks girly, xoxo!
I already like KJP and already follow your blog (one of my faves)! I also already receive prep talk 🙂
I am already a follower of KJP on Facebook and get prep talk (love it!). I also blogged about it on my tumblr! Love love love this giveaway!
Always following, already signed up for prep talk and liked KJP on FB
I liked Kiel James Patrick and I am subscribed to Prep Talk!
follow you, liked KJP on facebook, and subscribed to Prep talk!!
Hey! Love the bracelet, so cute!
I follow CP and I liked KJP on facebook. Tried multiple times to subscribe, but it didn't want to cooperate, so that's two (2) enteries for me!
Omg I am so excited!! I love KJP – I got my boyfriend one of his bracelets for Christmas! This is so exciting, a one-of-a-kind!
I follow CP and I [already] liked KJP on Facebook! 🙂
Love the blog, love kjp, and love the giveaway.
I follow College Prep, liked KJP on facebook, am signed up for Prep Talk (it's marvelous), and I am about to blog about this wonderful giveaway at!
5 entries please!
Thanks Carly!
Count me in! I follow CP and like KJP! 🙂
Follow, like KJP, posted on my Tumblr, and read Prep Talk religiously! Also, I will be blogging about this right now! Thanks!
already follow you and kjp on fb.. and just signed up for prep talk two weeks ago!
I've entered in all three ways:
+ I liked KJP on fb
+ I reposted to my blog (
+ And I signed up for Prep Talk!
I'm super excited about the prep talk email, and like that you guys use Chimp Mail. (I love their interface)
Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway Carly!! 🙂
I'm a follower, I like KJP on facebook and I've been reading Prep Talk every sunday night!!
this is amazing. i'm a follower, get prep talk, and would love to win this!
-Liked KJP on facebook
-I already follow CP 🙂
-Posted to my blog
-Signed up for Prep Talk
Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!!
I am a follower and love your blog! I "liked" KJP on facebook and subscribed to "Prep Talk"! Yeah! Fab giveaway!
Done, and done 🙂
this is a wonderful giveaway! really. I would be very lucky to win this
(5) please 🙂
Love KJP!!
I follow you and like KJP and signed up for Prep Talk…great giveaway 🙂
I follow you and just "liked" KJP. Also, I signed up for Prep Talk.
I follow your blog, liked KJP on Facebook, and I am also signed up for Prep Talk!!
I'm following your blog, i liked KJP on facebook, and i'm signed up for prep talk!!! I LOVE THAT BRACELET!!!
Of course I follow you,
I signed up for prep talk… super fun!
& I liked KJP on facebook!
Hopefully I have better luck this year. hehe!
I am a CP Follower and like KJP on facebook
I am already signed up for and reading Prep Talk
I tumblr'd about this giveaway at
Is that good for the 5 entries?! I hope so!!
I follow CP and like KJP on facebook. I am signed up for Prep Talk and I blogged about the giveaway here:
Love this giveaway! So unique and adorable as ususal 🙂
i am following CP and i liked KJP on facebook. I also signed up for prep talk. i loved this weeks newsletter 😀 the bracelet is amazing.
thank you for this giveaway! i would love to win.
I am following College Prepster and I liked KJP on Facebook.
I receive Prep Talk each week (I've subscribed).
I reblogged about the giveaway on my tumblr. (
Thanks for doing all of these giveaways!
I'm following CP, I've like KJP on facebook, I'm signed up for Prep Talk, and I've reblogged (
You're amazing for doing such great giveaways!!!
–Following CP
–Liked KJP on fb
–Signed up for PT
Holly =)
-follow CP, Like KJP, signed up for PT and blogged
about it at so cool hope I win
I'm a follower, I like KJP on facebook and I've subscribed to Prep Talk!!
Hey Carly! This giveaway is beyond amazing!
I'm a CP follower, I like KJP on Facebook, and I'm a subscriber to Prep Talk!
I am a subscriber to Prep Talk, and liked KJP on facebook, and of course follow CP!!
so cute! i already follow you & like KJP on FB
i signed up for prep talk (yay!)
and blogged about this here:
I like KJP on Facebook I am a CP follower and I also subscribe to Prep Talk. I am also a crew dog!!!
Hey there sweet girly girl, I would so love to be entered in your AMAZING giveaway! I would follow you anywhere, I like KJP on FB and follow on Twitter too. His designs are so unique and what an honor to have on custom made in your lovely name! 🙂 Hugs to you xoxoox
I like KJP on facebook, follow CP, and subscribed to Prep Talk 🙂
I die at the gorgeousness!
I follow your blog and "like" KJP on Facebook!
Howdy! I am a new follower on your blog, I was already a fan of KJP on Facebook, and I subscribed to PrepTalk… yay!
– I follow you and I "like" Kiel on FB! (Krystal S.)
– I signed up for Prep Talk
– I bloggged it!
I follow both of yall, this is probably one of my favorite KJPs I've ever seen!!
prep love, Rachel
so freaking cute!
I follow you, liked kiel james patrick on facebook, i am signed up for prep talk, and I blogged about this super fantastic giveaway over at!!!
aka, five entries, please 🙂
Oh goodness.
I follow, you love KJP on FB, I signed up for Prep Talk, and I blogged about this over at my blog:!!
5 entries and a wish for that DARLING bracelet!!
I followed College Prepster, liked KJP, and posted on my Tumblr:
I follow you and KJP on facebook, and I signed up for Prep Talk! Thank you so much for having this contest!
ooooh, I've been wanting one of these, but can't settle on a design.
I'm a follower now, and "liked" KJP, plus I signed up for the newsletter (excited for that, too).
Such a lovely bracelet. I love the madras!
-already liked KJP and CP on Facebook.
-swooned over CollegePrep's posts <3
-already signed up for Prep Talk-can't wait for Sunday
-blogged about the giveaway here:
…5 entries please!!
Great giveaway!! I follow College Prep, signed up for prep talk, liked Kiel James Patrick on facebook, and blogged about your giveaway at 5 entries please!
Hey Carly!
1. I follow you & "Like" KJP on facebook.
2. I am signed up for Prep Talk
3. and I blogged about it here:
That should be 5 entries 🙂
5 entries
I really need to stop entering your giveaways at the LAST SECOND
Hey! Procrastination got to me:
I liked KJP on Facebook, I am already signed up for Prep Talk and is where I reblogged a post about the giveaway!
Oh, I follow you too of course!
I follow college prep, liked KJP and have been signed up for prep talk since day one! love love love prep talk — especially the recipes!
So four entries 🙂
I have been subscribed to Prep Talk, I liked KJP on Facebook and I reblogged a post about the giveaway here:
I'm a follower, I like KJP on Facebook, & I'm signed up for Prep Talk!
I'm signed up on Prep Talk & just reblogged on!
And just liked KJP on Facebook! 🙂
I liked KJP on Facebook and I follow this blog! Also, I signed up for Prep Talk (email: [email protected])
5 entries for me 🙂
I follow, I like KJP on facebook, and I joined preptalk!
aww nevermind I missed it 🙁 please do another one soon!