

My mom made Jack a quilt!!! This is so, so special and something I’m sure he (and I!) will cherish forever. My mom made my sister and I quilts, as well as a few for our cousins and family friends. They are truly works of art. My mom did all the quilting by hand. BY HAND.

When I was pregnant, we talked through the design for the quilt and picked out some fabric…. and then she got to work. She would tell me about the progress but it wasn’t until I went to their house for a visit that I could see the full scope of it. I don’t know why, but in my head I thought it was going to be a tiny baby-sized quilt. She made a full-sized quilt. Did I mention she did the quilting by hand. She worked on it every night for months and months. I’m just not getting over this anytime soon. I shared this on Instagram Stories and realized that I didn’t do a proper post about it. Needed to memorialize it on my blog to make it official 😍

(Side note, I took these photos back in the beginning of May and Jack is already such a different baby! More teeth and more hair!)

I found this pattern for the quilt online if you, or a grandma!, want to try it yourself. It is the sweetest little sailboat pattern and I love every detail.

See that wave pattern and the lines across the white panels? That is what my mom hand stitched 🤯 I feel like you really have to see it up close and personal to really appreciate the love that went into this quilt.

What a special, special gift! THANK YOU MEESH!!

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I would love to see the other baby quilts she made. Looking for inspiration for my mom to make my daughter one.

Courtney Jenney

Oh my goodness, this is beautiful! I marveled over the quilt when you shared on Instagram a few months back, but I’m swooning all over again! Perhaps Meesh will offer a guest post for beginners looking to create a quilt?! 🙂


She is a true quilter to hand stitch! The love that went into every stitch is incredible. So talented.


Such a beautiful quilt, and an even more special memory for you both to hold onto forever! My mom passed away when I was 24, years before my own son was born, but she made me some art pieces that I have up in our home and we always talk about his Grammy in heaven. Cherish the quilt, it’s gorgeous!


What a special gift! I love the design and the colors she has used. Perfect for Jack’s room. Just really a very special gift!


I’ve loved this quilt since you posted it – thank you for sharing the pattern!!!!


Cuuuuuute! My mom handmakes quilts for all my friends weddings and new babies. It’s such a special gift! You’re amazing to appreciate it (some people don’t!)


My mother-in-law and her friends use to quilt by hand in the winter a long time ago and I have so many beautiful quilts. My sister made my son and grandson quilts from favorite T-shirts. It is a unique trait to do by hand.

Amy Hahn

What an adorable keepsake that Jack will have forever! Mesh needs to go into the quilting business – a beautiful work of art!
