
Meet Ari

To tell you the truth I have no idea what I am doing. I am a eighth grade student in New Jersey. One of the big eighth grade projects is a four day internship. My name is Ariadna or Ari for short and this is my take on the world. To tell you little about me you first need to know about my family who have helped shape me into the person I am today. My mom and dad, Judit and Eduard, both grew up in Spain but when they met in New York they decided to move to New Jersey and start a family. Which led to me and my younger brother, Eric, being born. We also have a dog named Chili who is two years old.

Eighth Grade Fashion Blogger

Growing up I always loved art. There was something so beautiful and calming about it but mysterious and exciting too. At the age of three I preformed in my first play, at the age of six I painted my first masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, no just kidding! I just copied it to the best of my ability. At the age of 10 I performed a duet in a New York cabaret. We sang “Broadway Baby.” The point is I have, and continually will, love the arts which is what lead me to this internship.

My principal (a friend of Carly’s) was helping me look for an internship. My passion has always been fashion, which I expressed to him. As we brainstormed internship ideas he mentioned friends connected to the fashion industry. He connected me with Carly and it clicked for me right away. She was very kind through the process of figuring everything out and made me feel comfortable going into it. So for that I would like to thank her for an amazing internship so far and being an amazing role model.

Apart from the internship, my eighth grade year has been crazy with applying to high schools, preparing for the graduation festivities, and life in general. It has all been amazing yet overwhelming. Apart from that I am also a competitive snowboarder who injured her shoulder and couldn’t do anything with it for four months. The injury limited me from my last season competing. Luckily for me my mom had already purchased flights and booked hotel rooms in Copper Colorado, so even though I can’t compete, I still get to go and see my snowboarder friends! This mountain is where snowboarders and skiers from all over the country come to compete with each other in Slalom, Giant Slalom, Boardercross, Skier Cross, Slopestyle, and Rail Gam. (These are the events that the competitors race.)

Target Striped Dress

As Carly and I discussed in a cab returning to Hoboken, finding your personal style can be hard. New trends, styles, and clothes come as often as the sunrise and sunset. It’s easy to get lost in the craziness of it all! The journey of finding your personal style is also the same one as discovering who you are and what you want to give to the world. You, yourself, are a walking display of art that shows people who you are. So, of course it’s hard to know what you want. Style is also for you so don’t get caught up in what Instagram models are wearing. They’re always are going to look good of it because of their amazing editors. At the same time if you want to try new things go for it! No one is stoping you and sometimes you’re going to think, “What was I thinking!” but other times you are going to find a piece you will wear so much that the seams will fall apart! Wear what you wear for you so you can feel good about showing who you are to the world.

Ariadna Llanas

Carly and I shot this outfit in the West Village. The night before I was looking through my closet for what to wear. The more I looked the more I was drawn to this dress. It is comfy yet cute! The periwinkle blue screamed spring to me and it also matched my nails. After choosing the dress I started looking for other parts that would make it a complete outfit. The black leggings and booties added to the look but didn’t overpower the dress. They also gave an allusion of a longer leg.

Rainbow Keychain Backpack

Friendship Bracelet

The two bracelets and the rainbow pompom keychain added a little surprise as you looked closer. The denim bag was an easy match because it was so simple. The black jacket was to keep warm but because of its simplicity, I was able to put it with the outfit. I chose a loud piece (the dress) but by accessorizing with simple pieces I was able to make a cohesive outfit that was fun and fresh.

Middle School Style

Striped Dress // Similar Backpack (on sale!) // Black Leggings // Similar Jacket // Similar Keychain (I got mine at an arcade!) // Similar Booties

Anyways thank you for reading this little tidbit of my life and I hope you enjoy it. If you want to see more of it you can go follow me on Instagram @arillanas123. And for all those older sisters out there, it does get better, kind of.

Signing off,                                                                                                                                      Ari 😛

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I teach 8th grade and I’m very impressed by how well this was written; good job, Ari! It must be scary to write something like this for such a large audience. Also, very cute outfit!

Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

Wow Ari’s going places! I didn’t even look for internships until I was in college haha. (Before then I spent most summers at summer programs.) It’s cool to see how supportive Ari’s principal is of his students. And what an amazing internship opportunity, for a job that didn’t exist years before! Anywho, I’m totally on board with following your personal style rather than trends. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


It’s so nice to meet you, Ari! What a wonderful introduction and I just love your style (and your gorgeous hair!).

I am so sorry to hear about your injury but it sounds like you are making the most of your downtime and you also sound like a wonderful friend. Thank you for sharing! I am looking foward to hearing more from you in the future, what a great addition to Carly’s blog! <3

Allie N.

Ari, it’s so nice to meet you! You are so clearly driven, professional, and genuine. I loved your advice about finding your personal style and not being too focused on what’s trendy on Instagram– good reminder. Best of luck to you for the rest of this year, and beyond– happy (early!) graduation! (And totally agree – being a big sister does get better. 🙂

Ashley Brown

Good job, Ari! This is so well written and you seem to have such a great sense of self which is hard at any age. Good luck!


I really loved this! It reminds me of why I loved Teen Vogue so much – even as I got older. Hearing younger takes on fashion, style, and life in general is so refreshing. I would love if this were a recurring series!


Lovely article! It sounds as though you are talented, surrounded by supportive mentors and family, and positive. Hope infinite good things and fun fashion! Carly, good job you for being such a good mentor too!


I had such fun reading your post, Ari!! So happy you were able to intern with Carly. And I love your outfit and the way you put it together!


Hi Ari! I have an 8th grade girl and I bet she will love this (I’ll show her after school)! Great advice on finding your style. Amazing job!


I love your style and your thoughts on fashion and art! Great post and best of luck with your HS applications!


Hi Ari,
I too have family from Spain. I was born in Cuba but grew up in Miami and my paternal grandparents are from Spain. It’s very interesting to say the least. Thank you for such a well written post. You are articulate, intelligent and authentic. Your parents must be so proud of the kind of person you are. I wish you the best in your applications and your internship. If you love fashion, you ended up with one of the best people to intern for. My fashion advice to you is, experiment until you find your own style but don’t be swayed by trends. As you get older you will find that the best way to shop is to go for classic high quality pieces. It will save you a lot of money, you’ll always look good and you will be able to wear the clothes for decades because it never goes out of style. I would say the staples should be things in beige, black, white, grey, & navy. You can always mix and match those colors easily to create new outfits. Of course don’t be afraid to buy things in other colors but these are what I would consider basic colors that go with everything.


you’re awesome! Have fun and work hard — and don’t EVER stop being artistic. 🙂 good luck in HS i’m sure we’ll all be hearing your name everywhere in a few years.


You are crushing it! It takes so much courage to put your writing out there, especially at this young age. Keep writing & expressing your creativity!


Wow, I see a future blogger hehe
Great job, what a well written post for someone who is still in 8th grade! Keep it up Ari!
