
On My Radar

Can we just talk about the fact that September is almost over? Is it just me or did it go by extraordinarily fast? I’m actually writing this super late, it’s as “real time” blogging as it can get while still queuing it up for midnight. (PS I love my 12:00-am-EST-on-the-dot readers!)

It’s been such a packed week– filled with some of my favorite things and favorite people. I’m shooting with Julia for their Gal Meets Glam holiday collection for the next few days in NYC so I scrunched my work schedule up to take the days off. And my best friend Nicole is in town with her mom to try on wedding dresses so I also got to see them while they’re in town. To see two of my friends in one day felt so special. Not getting to see everyone as much as I’d like because of geography is the worst.

ONE // Reese + Crate and Barrel Panel

The video of the panel I went to with Reese Witherspoon, Neela Montgomery, Tracy Sun, and Elaine Welteroth is live. I promised I’d share it and I highly recommend giving it a watch. I hope you find it as inspiring as I did. (Let me know if you spot my brief cameo haha.)

TWO // Bow Pumps

I know I shared another pair of bow heels on my blog last week…. but, ugh, what can I say? I simply can’t resist! These heels look perfect for holiday parties (is it too soon to think about that?). I’m usually not a pink person, but I’m kind of loving the light pink pair!

THREE // Ellen Surprises McDonald’s Pranksters

Did you catch the viral prank of two guys who hung up a poster in a McDonald’s that went unnoticed for nearly two months? Ellen had the duo on her show recently and totally surprised them! I was cracking up at their prank because it seemed harmless and in good spirits– so often pranks miss the mark because they end up hurting someone somehow. Obviously McDonald’s agreed!

FOUR // Slim Perfect Shirt with Embellishments

I have the sleeveless version of this and love it so much. It’s great to layer with. I ordered the long sleeve because I think it’ll be cute to wear by itself with skirts and even with jeans. Whenever I wear the tank top version, I get a million questions about where it’s from so I thought I’d share the updated long sleeve in case you’ve been hunting for one!

FIVE // Tuckernuck’s Friends and Family Sale

Tuckernuck’s Friends and Family Sale launched this week. Everything is 20% off with “Friends20” at checkout. So many great fall items to take a peek at… including this bell sleeve shirt that I wear all the time.

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Anna Thompson

Dear Carly,
Thank you for the little hello at the start! I am one of your 12am-EST-on-the-dot readers. I’ve been reading your blog since I was in high school, now I am in grad school in Norway and with the 6 hour time difference I get to wake up and have a little read of your blog before the day “officially” starts (6 am in Norway-12EST). Living so far away from friends and family can be hard but having little rituals like this makes me feel closer to home ❤️ Thank you for your on time posts! And if you ever get the chance, Norway is an absolutely breathtaking and charming country to visit 🇳🇴


I’ve been reading your posts ever since my cousin shared one with me about a Lilly dress… I’ve been hooked ever since. You’ve been quite an inspiration for me to ‘up’ my style game, and I appreciate that you’ve broadened your scope to include more personal posts… especially the ones about Teddy & Ham! Keep up the amazing work and hold your head high for all of the positivity you bring into our lives every day at 12am EST!


I want to preface this by saying I’m not trying to criticize, but am purely curious. Obviously, this week was particularly challenging for a lot of women. I know for me, I was brought to tears by Dr. Ford’s hearing yesterday, as well certain senators’ handling of this whole situation. It feels like half the federal government is saying that sexual assault just doesn’t matter. I’m just curious about your decision not to address it at all. I appreciate having internet spaces that are NOT about Brett Kavanaugh right now but it also feels weird to read a blog by a woman I look up to and trust (from afar at least!) and not see any acknowledgment of the pain and trauma that so many women are being forced to relive this week.


There is SO much news about it and it’s onviously on my mind and “on my radar” in my personal life. But I just don’t think my blog is the place to discuss it. With stuff happening every day it’s impossible to choose what to and what not to talk about. So I choose to discuss nothing, so that it doesn’t come across as me preferring one conversation, one issue, one natural disaster, etc. over another. Hope this helps.


That makes sense to me. Thanks for taking the time to reply so thoughtfully. I really appreciate you + your blog!
