
ON MY RADAR 12.15.23

We are having a full Santa Claus weekend with two Santa meet and greets, time with cousin, and a little kid holiday party too. Now that the Cyber Week fog has lifted, I am settling hard into Operation Christmas Spirit. Trying to make it extra special without burning myself out, but so far so good.

Here’s what’s been on my radar this week:

ONE // Blendable Liquid Blush

I bought this and finally got around to trying it out. The color I bought wasn’t perfect, but I was really into the actual product. This week I finally got to the mall to exchange it for the proper color and wow it is a GOOD liquid blush!!! I think blush color is personal (everyone has their own skin colors and undertones), but I switched to “Chilly” and it’s perfect for me.

TWO // Advice for Going from One to Two Kids

This popped up in my Feedly at the perfect time. I’m thrilled to be welcoming a second baby into our family early next year but… I also can’t imagine what it’s actually going to be like. I’m a little anxious. I know we will, but it feels impossible that we will love a baby as much as we love Jack. How will Jack’s life change? Will I be able to be the kind of mom I want to be with two little ones? I’m looking forward to getting to enjoy all the wonders of newborn life and also feel like I’m “resetting” the clock, which feels a little intimidating. Reading through this post (and the comments!) was so reassuring. 

THREE // Cookie Exchange Advice

I’ve been mapping out things I really want to do in the year 2024 (instead of traditional goals!) because I am coming to the end of 2023 feeling like I didn’t do things I know I wish I would have done. (Does that even make sense?!) Anyway, one of the things I would love to organize is a cookie exchange party! 12 months seems like a realistic amount of time to start planning, right? Ha! I loved this video of someone recapping how their cookie exchange went– what worked, what they would change, advice, etc.  It definitely got my wheels turning!

FOUR // Cape Dress

Can we talk about how gorgeous this black cape dress is?! While I can’t fit into it right now (and don’t have anywhere to wear it), I am tempted to buy it to save for a special occasion down the road. It’s chic and fun and a little unexpected (but a total classic, too).

FIVE // “I’m A Samantha” Needlepoint Canvas

This needlepoint canvas speaks to me! What a fun design– it captures the essence of the 1990s Samantha American Girl doll (and all of her accessories) so perfectly.

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Yes, immediately thought of Samantha Jones but that would not be the vibe for this blog so I knew it was an American Girl reference. I had a Samantha doll and loved SATC so I speak both. 😝


The cape dress is stunning. I must say the model wearing it is strikingly on point with it, also!


Love that article on going from one to two children! Our kids are 2y2ms apart and the first year with two was hands down the hardest of my life. My kids were wonderful, my eldest loved that he was a big brother and the connection with the whole family was beautiful. I grew to love my eldest even MORE watching him as a big brother and loved the tiniest sweet little baby girl that I knew was my last kiddo and the completion to our family. But I was beyond exhausted. We quickly hired a post-partum doula and asked our family and friends for all hands on deck support! At 12 months something magical happened, and parenting became easier with two kids versus one. They play together, the giggles and laughs they share and the silly games they invent make my heart swell. They are four and two now and they fight with passion and love each other fiercely. It’s beautiful and hard and I’m so proud of myself for getting through that first year because it is the very very best now. You’re going to be such an amazing mom to both your kids- your heart will grow even more that you can imagine! Think about how much our bellies grow to hold our children —- our hearts grow too, to hold them!!

Laura J

The article about going from one to two was so wonderful to read as I sit here nursing my almost 3 month old while my almost 2 year old is at daycare. A lot of that really hit home!!! We had one of our worst nights this week but then saw the most special new sister moment the very next day when my oldest was so happy to slowly push our youngest in the baby swing and wow the smile our youngest had on her little face brought both my husband and I to tears. You are going to do great and while there will be hard days (and nights) it truly is worth it and your heart grows so much!!!


I’m 11 weeks in as a mom of 2 (with a 23 month age gap). It is the very best chaos. We are tired, but our hearts are SO full. We are figuring out our new rhythm, and while it’s not without its ups and downs, our family just feels more like ‘us’ now that our newest addition is here. Also, my PPA was much, much less this time around, as I’m more confident in my ability to take care of a child. So excited for your whole crew!
