
On My Radar

I know if you’re anything like me, this week has been more riddled with anxiety than usual. Mike and I canceled our trip to Banff at the last minute and so we’re staying home to try to do our part in reducing the spread of the virus. We’re of course disappointed as we were looking forward to it, but all things considered it was unequivocally the right thing to do. I will say that I’m keeping things relatively business as usual over here. There is SO much out there on the internet related to the virus and I’m hoping to keep my blog a place that can be a respite from it. 🥰

Other than the constant news updating I did this week, I also got my permanent retainer removed and started Invisalign. Getting the permanent retainer out was easier than I expected and adjusting to braces again has been harder than expected. I forgot how much it hurts!! I also got trained to start volunteering at a local food pantry, which I’m really looking forward to doing. I was impressed with the organization already, but going through the training made me realize how much more extensive the services they offer are– it’s an incredible resource for members of the community.

ONE // “Afraid of the Coronavirus? I Know What That Fear Is Like”

One of my friends from Georgetown wrote this incredible essay about Coronavirus and living with health fears as she was born with a rare liver disease and has gone through two liver transplants. It’s a really level-headed take on the virus not to mention incredibly well-written and thoughtful.

TWO // George Clooney to Direct Boys in the Boat

Boys in the Boat is my favorite book of all time and I was thrilled to hear it was being adapted for a film. George Clooney was just announced as the director and, well, I absolutely can’t wait now.  If you haven’t read the book yet, I can’t recommend it enough. It’s fantastic!

THREE // Serena & Lily Sale

Serena and Lily just announce another sitewide sale– nearly everything is 20% off. Definitely a good time to make a splurge purchase if there’s something you’ve been eyeing for your home. I took a pretty big break from home purchases around Christmas just to feel a bit more settled and now I am just about gearing up again to do a few more “projects” around the house so I’m back to window shopping!

FOUR // Everything Smoked Salmon Tart

As soon as I saw this recipe pop up in my blog feed, I saved it. Not only is it beautiful, it sounds downright delicious. Would be a great thing to make for an at-home brunch.

FIVE // A Photographer’s Parents Wave Farewell

This is a really cool collection of photographs called “Leaving and Waving.” It’s a beautiful tribute to the passing of time and also the relationship between parents and children. I’m sure every single one of us has driven away from a driveway, or walked away from a car at the airport, and parted ways at a restaurant and had a family member wave and watch you leave.

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I just finished The Boys in the Boat after picking it up from one of your prior recommendations. It was so good and I was really, really invested (definitely teared up a few times throughout! Haha). It will be exciting to see what George Clooney does with it!

Brittany H

I clearly have PMS because I literally teared up at the paragraph that you wrote about parents waving goodbye, not even at the photos themselves. haha. Hang in there, Carly!


I lived 5 hours from where my parents lived. The last time my Mom waved goodbye to me was the last time I would see her alive. She died in the ER 3 weeks later.


Please post about the services and support Food Pantries provide, I’d love to learn more!

Lauren G

Love the Boys In The Boat audiobook! Its narrated by the late actor that played Rory’s grandfather in Gilmore Girls!!


Thanks for opening up about your anxieties and your decision to keep your blog a happy place. The next few months will be unpredictable and scary, but you provide an important relief from all the news and fear. Thank you <3


Once I moved out, my parents did this every time I came home to visit. After my mom passed three years ago, I invited my dad to come live with me. I knew it would be hard on him being alone for the first time in his life, at 77. He stands outside and waves goodbye every morning when I leave for work. He always waves until I am out of sight. It’s
such an act of kindness.


looking forward to The Boys in the Boat, I read the book on your recommendation


Definitely appreciate you keeping your content normal and light! I know I can come here and catch up with not being swarmed with corona news

Erica B.

Been here for a while and always love an On My Radar post. Your friend’s NYT article was exactlyyyy the content I needed this weekend, thanks for sharing. Appreciate your attitude and openness in all of this craziness … stay safe/sane out there <3


The Parent’s Farewell images made me cry! I live 3 hours away from my parents and they have walked me and my family out to our car for over 17 years now after our visits….the years of our babies growing into the teenagers they are now. Those photos evoke so many of my own memories. Thank you for sharing that in your post!


I have never read that book. Although I think Clooney is good actor I don’t think he is a great director. The last movie that I watched that he directed was Tomorrowland and it was so boring. I kept thinking that it could be so much better with a different director!
