
On My Radar

I can’t even tell you how relieved I am that it’s Friday. The week started off strong and then took a dip. It was an emotionally draining week to say the least. By Wednesday night I was at a 0% energy wise. I’ve been working out but haven’t even been in the mood to read or even to needlepoint. I’m going to really focus this weekend on trying to get back to baseline. Organize some spots that have been neglected in the house, deep clean the bathrooms (one of my favorite mindless activities ha), and spend some time in the backyard reading and maybe some stitching. 🙏🏻

Here’s what has been on my radar this week:

ONE // Lycette Designs’ New Website

Super exciting new chapter for my friends at Lycette Designs! They launched their new website a couple of weeks ago. I’m so happy it’s live! Many people ask me where they can buy needlepoint canvases from and Lycette is always at the top of my list of recommendations– you used to have to call to order, but now you can order right online and even sign up for waiting lists for backordered/out of stock canvases. If you’re looking for a beginner canvas, this is probably the first one I’d recommend! (And here’s a post I wrote about everything you need to know to get into needlepoint.)

TWO // Anniversary Photos

This post from Cup of Jo made my heart grow three sizes. A couple has been taking a photo in the same spot every year on their anniversary. It’s such a beautiful way to mark the passage of time and to see how their family grows throughout the years!!

THREE // Chunky Cardigan

How perfect is this chunky cardigan?! The “Alex” behind Alex Mill is Mickey Drexler’s son… so clearly good fashion genes here. Every fall, I find myself just lusting over all the sweaters. Will definitely be giving this one a try. The question is… which color to buy?! I ended up going with the golden khaki and I hope it’s a winner!

FOUR // Your Surge Capacity Is Depleted

A bunch of my friends have been sharing this article on Twitter and Facebook this week. I thought it perfectly described how a lot of us have been feeling over the past month or so. I know I personally sensed a great shift (in the wrong direction) at the end of July and, well, now I know why. I really liked that the author included healthy ways to cope too. 

FIVE // Seersucker Scrunchies

If you guys remember Katie from 1 Girl: 5 Outfits last year, she has started an Etsy shop! She is selling seersucker scrunchies in fun, bright colors and they’re so cute. I love seeing people take up new hobbies during the pandemic 🥰

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I really liked that article about tips with how to cope, thank you!!! My mom has taken up embroidery, I got a Kindle and have been tearing it UP, lol but still some weeks are hard. I started gardening this summer and my cucumber plant gave me 3, but my tomato plant never produced tomatoes so I’m trying to think of some fall/winter vegetables I can plant in pots. It really did give me something to get excited about when checking on them everyday and seeing their progress. I’m trying to have things to look forward to, I started saving for a Europe vacation for who knows when, but it’s giving me hope for when I actually CAN go and something to visualize in the future and I know it will be so worth the wait.

Katie McCarty

Love that your saving for a fun Euro trip! That really is the best way to hope and dream of the future! I started saving for my future wedding photos…and I’m not even dating anyone HA! <3


It is good to read that the pandemic is also robbing others of strength and energy. Ideal world at Instagram and others is quite nice now and then (to dream), but you feel all the worse because you can’t be so productive and relaxed. Thank you for your very good contributions!

christina villecco

Loved the article on depleted surge- strong piece to read for me on a day where Im struggling, for no reason I can pinpoint, and feeling guilty and angry and irritable (like I am most days lately). I agree with you-something about the end of July and beginning of August really reignited the disinterested boredom and malaise the article describes. Heres to brighter days ahead 🙂

Katie McCarty

OMG! Carly!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I haven’t had sales in a few weeks, then got a sale today and was SOOO excited. Then I checked and saw my page views spike today and knew the traffic had to come from somewhere. WOW, just THANK YOU! You are really the sweetest ever! I am over here tearing up. =)


This post was exactly what I needed today! Always nice to hear you aren’t alone on having a super draining week! Absolutely obsessed with the chunky sweater!! The anniversary pictures were so cute- kinda what to start that too!

Thanks for sharing!! Hope you get to recharge this weekend (:
