
On My Radar

Has this been the weirdest, most stressful week of all time?! I can’t even really process what is happening, it doesn’t feel like reality. I’m beyond grateful for an intense work schedule this week as it served as a productive distraction I could channel all of my energy into. Regardless of what happens, I think I’m really disappointed and alarmed that it’s even this close. Because it means half the country thinks this kind of presidency is okay and they would CHOOSE IT AGAIN. Unfortunately, I’m not surprised though I was hopeful that maybe we were better than this.

On My Radar

On My Radar

We harvested the last of our peppers. Most had to be cut off before they were fully ready because it’s been so cold out… It was exciting but also a little bit of a sad moment because that garden has brought me so much joy during this pandemic. I loved going out to check on our peppers and I’ll miss that daily ritual. 

ONE // Local Food Banks

If you’re feeling as helpless and disappointed and frustrated, I just wanted to put a plug out there for your local food bank. Food banks are so important for communities and provide more than just food for people in your community who are in need. They can be lifelines– providing job support, access to medical care/resources, and even just a safe place to go during a crisis. They’re ALWAYS important but during a pandemic, it’s more important than ever.

I talked about this on my IG Story this week, but just wanted to reiterate how focusing local can magnify what you’re able to do and what you’re able to contribute. Of course, big elections ARE important and they are big deals… but so is what happens right in your own neighborhood. I have made the choice to channel my resources (time and money) into our food bank, but you may find your community has other needs that you can help with.

TWO // Riley Sheehey for Moda Operandi 

My friend Riley launched a collection with Moda Operandi and it’s gorgeous. I’m so proud of her– it all looks so fantastic. I have absolutely loved watching Riley find her artistic groove over the years! She keeps raising her own bar and I know this is just the beginning of great things for her.

THREE // Mom’s Daily Remote Learning Announcements

Need some levity?! This video of a mom giving daily announcements on their house intercom speaker for virtual learning had me in stitches. Absolutely hysterical. But the best part? I was picturing like first graders or something……. wait until the end 🤣

FOUR // My Needlepoint Collaboration with Le Point Studio

I have been working on a needlepoint canvas with Abby from Le Point Studio! I love all of the canvases she does. So I was thrilled when she asked if I wanted to collab on one. I absolutely couldn’t say no! Of course we did a big blue bow! It’s designed for beginners, so even if you’ve never needlepointed before, this could be a good place to start. (But it’s also a joy to stitch if you’re a pro!) Launches at 10 am EST/9am CT.

FIVE // Infinity Song

Mike sent me a video of this group of siblings singing and I’ve been hooked ever since. They are insanely talented. Check out their cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Dream.”

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Maybe a far-fetched recommendation, but if you love(d) checking on your peppers daily, then maybe you occasionally daydream about life far away from the city with nothing but a vegetable garden and bunch of chickens as your companions, and then maybe you would also enjoy watching the Simple Living Alaska youtube channel. It’s kind of a vlog-style channel following a friendly young couple who went off-grid in Alaska 2-ish years ago and has been my favourite channel to binge watch the last couple of weeks! Some of the videos you might want to skip unless you want to learn how to “harvest” moose meat or chickens, but these videos always come with a heads-up, and anyway there are infinitely more video on growing and canning vegetables or building chicken coops!


100% agree about this election. I cannot fathom how he was ever elected once, let alone almost twice. {Please let it be only once}. I don’t understand how it’s even a close race now that we’ve watched and listened to him these last four {long} years. The biggest heartbreak for me this week has been thinking so many others saw him for what he is and that it would have been a landslide.


You may want to speak with those who are supportive of the president. By not trying to understand other people’s viewpoints we will all continue to be frustrated with each other.


To be clear, I have talked to people supportive of the president, I read articles from both parties, and have received an ungodly number of DMs from Trump supporters… it’s why I’m frustrated and disappointed.


Hi Alayna, most of my beloved family are supporters of his. And since they’ve heard or seen the same bullying tweets and comments about….a disabled person, our soldiers, a teenage female climate activist, a war hero, people of color, etc., etc., etc., I have truly tried to understand. But in all honesty, it has baffled me and broken my heart that they don’t/won’t see who he is.


I feel exactly the same about the election. Regardless of politics, it’s also frightening that so many people are willing to support a president who is actively trying to undermine our democracy. Voting shouldn’t be a partisan issue.


As Andrew Yang said, “If 68 million people do something, it’s vital that we understand it.” I implore you to dig a little deeper to try to understand why the President has so much support, other than how it seems on the surface. The same goes for the other side, as well. It is only then we can hope to move forward.


Lovely comment. I also encourage anyone who favors Biden to understand why half the country wants the president for a second term. If we really are about love and acceptance I don’t think it’s too much to ask for that to be extended to the other 50% of Americans you don’t agree with. You don’t have to agree but speaking and having conversations with those who support him will be much more fruitful than ignoring or labeling them.


pst: it’s not half the country. it’s like 1/5 of the country according to the number of the votes he got.

Mary Katherine

This is so wise. I believe the average supporters on each side are good, kind, hard-working Americans. We desperately need more national unity, and I think that will only come from level-headed, genuine efforts to understand each others’ perspectives. Once we’ve done that, then let’s disagree over policy, not over which large groups of people are morally “good” or “bad.”


We will never have national unity until we get a fair, unbiased media. Until then, people will only get one-sided affirmations based on where they choose to get their news. Media is the problem and they have too much power. I am a Trump supporter based on policy issues and see that he has done really good things for ALL Americans. It hurts me when I hear people say things like “I thought we were better than this”….


The families of the 235k people who perished from COVID due to lack of leadership from the White House would beg to differ.


Again, this is what your media is telling you. I haven’t heard Joe Biden state exactly what he would have done differently, except that he may enforce a national shut-down. That works for some people but not for those whose jobs rely on an open economy. It needs to be a personal choice. If you feel safer not going out, then don’t go out. Remember many lives were also saved based on President Trump’s decisive and quick actions.


Trump politicized masks and repeatedly downplayed the severity of the virus. You don’t need the media to tell you this, it’s all in his own words right on his Twitter feed.

Jenny Yang

That’s silly. I’d never look to another person to see what they’re doing before I make a decision for myself. Trump never said “don’t wear a mask”. He simply chose not to. You can choose to wear one. It’s a free country.


But do you not think the the exact thing could be applied to Republican news sources? Personally, I’m a news lover and have watched both “sides” for news, and for me, it’s never been what any media source has told me. It’s the bullying I’ve heard/seen him do with my own ears and eyes. At the very least, I would ask people to understand that he is a uniquely controversial person with the things HE says and does, and for a lot of people, no matter their party affiliation, that is disqualifying.


I don’t think it’s media that’s the problem. I’m a disabled woman – Biden/Harris have a section on their website for disability policy issues; Trump has no specific disability policy anywhere. It’s not what the media is telling me – it’s directly from the candidates themselves. Trump has done nothing positive for disabled Americans – he has threatened the ACA, which provides protections for disabled patients, and he has made the pandemic MUCH more dangerous and risky for me and others with disabilities than it needed to be. None of these are things the media has told me – they’re directly a result of Trump’s policies.

Jenny Yang

I agree. The media is vicious on both sides. They spread lies and hate and only tell part of the story to sensationalize and divide this country. Case in point – this country is not racist. Rather, there are racist people in this country. HUGE difference!!


Mary, how do you deal with Trump appointees doing horrible things? Stephen Miller for example. There are concentration camps on our borders and 500+ children might never see their parents gain because of the inhumane policies of the Trump administration. How can you say THEIR lives are better because of Trump? Or the people of color who must live in fear because he says to “stand back and stand by” to white supremacists? Americans of Mexican descent who have been called rapists? (on that note, what about the lives of the women he has raped and assaulted?) Donald Trump has spewed hatred every day of his presidency, and before you accuse me of only using one news source, this is from his Twitter, not from a news source.


Hi, with all due respect to Andrew Yang, I could dig to China but I will never understand, accept or encourage anyone supporting “the school bully”. Someone who actively ignored pleas for equality, shockingly mocked a disabled person and on and on and on. It’s one thing to not see political things the same, it’s another to not SEE a bully.


What’s giving me some optimism is that it’s only the electoral vote that’s so close. The popular vote and thus the number of people who don’t find the current administration acceptable is significantly higher than those who do. As I write this, the popular vote separates the two candidates by roughly 4 million, and that’s a lot of people.


I agree with you wholeheartedly on the election. I’m glad you made your stance clear here!


I completely agree about the election. Thanks for being clear about your position! It is heart breaking to see that so many people in this country still chose white supremacy or at least didn’t see white supremacy as a deal breaker and voted for him again. Feeling hopeful about Biden and there is still a lot of work for us to do as a country.

Denise Groulx

I so approved your first remark. My own distraction was welcoming my new cocker spaniel puppy at home two weeks ago and having to bring him to learn a lot of things in a short period of time. He’s like a baby. We must show him EVERYTHING. So it’s so demanding that I have only a glimpse on and off about what’s happening in my country and yours… and the pandemic. God made little puppies to make us enjoy life even more! Have a great day.


Regarding the election, I think it is important for us to remember that everyone voted how they did for various reasons. While I, too, cannot fathom four more years of the current administration, I have several loved ones whom I respect deeply and admire that voted differently than me, for a variety of reasons that are very personal to them. Yes, there were voters that were influenced by conspiracies and radical ideologies, but there were also some who were not. If there is any hope for our country to reunite, as it is clear that there is a significant divide, then we must remember that, and not blame or ostracize those who voted differently than us.

Jenny Yang

Exactly!!! Calling Trump supporters racists and bigots is a gross over-generalization and exactly the kind of rhetoric that’s fueling hate and divide.


Chelsy, I, too, have family and friends and coworkers who support the Trump administration. and I have never stopped telling them the reasons why I disagree with them. Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot. If you support a racist and a bigot, what are you, if not a racist and a bigot? No matter what, you’ve decided that racism isn’t a big deal to you. What do you call someone who believes that?


I loved your message on IG stories earlier this week about how politics starts locally and I’m happy to see it again on the post this week. It’s so true; change starts in our communities–on our school boards, on our city commission boards, through our local organizations like food banks and nonprofits–and manifests from the ground UP to the “bigger” races. I think that’s pretty clear from what’s happening in Georgia right now! Some amazing organizations on the ground there like the New Georgia Project and Con Mijente have been working hard to turn the tide in voter registration and local races and we’re seeing that manifest in the national race (and hopefully, the runoff Senate races). It’s such an important message, and a tangible way people can peel away from the TV and get involved, so thank you again for sharing!

Christine S.

I feel you, I have been throwing myself into work this week as a distraction. I am not surprised at all by how many people voted for Trump (part of me expected him to win – we live in the worst timeline), but I was hoping I was being too pessimistic.

And RIP, Great Pepper Watch of 2020!


I work for a food bank–thank YOU for this shoutout. People, unfortunately, are always in need of food–now, more than ever. The pandemic and the economic shortfall that has ensued has pushed many families into first time food insecurity.

Becky H

I agree with your thoughts re: the election.

On to happy things: Congratulations on your successful launch with Le Point Studio! I was refreshing the website from 9:50am until it loaded. I am so excited to work on this piece, as my second ever needlepoint project!

Erin Rice

For perspective Bush /Gore recount way more stressful than this. It went on for a monthor more.


But… Neither Bush nor Gore were Trump. I don’t think people are stressed about the timing, so much as what’s at stake.


I know you do not intend for your page to become a political platform, but as one of your followers who is probably much older than most, I take issue with the comment “I was hopeful we were better than this”. My experience has shown that our country is mainly made up of really good people – both Democrats and Republicans. It is really only the extremes on either end that we hear from on a constant basis who are pushing their own agendas and causing such division in our country. The middle of the bunch basically agrees on most things, but each have their individual issues that they are passionate about and they vote accordingly. The fact that our current president is not very likable and certainly not the “presidential” personality that we would all like to see in our leader, should not play much of a role in why people vote for him. People should vote for him on their party’s issues and his record of accomplishments while in office. The fact that the democratic candidate is a very likable person and seems to be more “presidential” should not be a reason to vote for him. People should vote for him based on their party’s issues and if they believe he can accomplish their party’s goals. It was never intended to be a personality contest – it’s the most demanding and important job in the world so it takes a lot more than a good personality. I believe in the people of our country – on both sides of the party line. I hope that the younger people who are making their way into leadership in this country – as both political leaders and social leaders on their individual platforms – will strive to understand different views and not only tolerate each other but embrace differences of opinion. That is what has made our country great – that is what is missing.


I’d say it’s more than “not likable.” I understand that I’m not going to change your opinion, but I just want to be very clear about mine. I do NOT believe a racist/misogynist/ableist who does not believe in fundamental human rights for Americans should be the *LEADER* of our country. It’s more than politics– it’s basic. human. rights.


Hi, Alexa. I’m not sure what you mean by that. I was simply agreeing with Carly. Could you please elaborate on your comment to me?


Agreed completely! And I’d say believing in basic human rights for ALL PEOPLE is a pretty low bar to be president honestly. It should just be a given…and yet it isn’t. Which is why I also agree completely with the statement about believing we were better than this. I yoo thought we were better than this.


I’ have voted for various Republicans at different elections in the past but would not vote for such a shameful bully to be the president of my HOA, must less my country. The moment he mocked a disabled person, I could not see or hear anything else he could possibly say.


Helen-I agree wholeheartedly with your statement as well. As a history major and a lover of American history, so many people ridicule our current President for his personality. If they read actual biographies from nonpartisan biographers, they would find that the lives of many of our Founding Fathers, their campaigns, their personalities were equally-if not far worse than Donald Trump’s. This is not an excuse-it is a fact. I would like to see you, Carly read biographies instead of fiction for one year straight and learn and blog about our Founding Fathers. I have hundreds-literally hundreds of books that I could recommend to you. Team of Rivals and War of Two is an excellent start. I am disappointed that this blog has gone this way. While it is not a fact-based, political or policy blog-it is a SOCIAL blog based on clothes, exercise, hobbies, fictional books and light-hearted topics and to try and speak with the authority of a subject matter expert on a topic you discuss once a year is disappointing. I come here to escape the discourse and the one time I need it-Carly you opine and pointedly defend your viewpoint to anyone who would dare to think otherwise. Full Disclaimer-I have been an avid reader of your blog for over three+ years, I live in a very blue state (CA) and I am an actual subject matter on politics. I have been one for almost thirty years. This is the first time that I have commented on your blog.


I’d like to welcome you to My Blog, where I can comment and write about anything I want. Some days that’s my opinions on clothes, exercise, hobbies, fictional books and light-hearted topics and other days it’s my opinion on how I feel about the current state of the world. This isn’t a restaurant with a menu where you get to choose what to eat– it’s a seated dinner with a menu set by me. You can choose to dine (read) here or not, that is your choice.

Christine S.

Wait, so people are supposed to vote for Donald Trump because he is supposedly better than the Founding Fathers? Honestly, I wouldn’t vote for the majority of the Founding Fathers if they ran for office today. And maybe that’s your whole point?

Just remember that this is a BLOG, Carly is allowed to voice her own views. To not comment at all on the election, Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, etc. would be incredibly tone-deaf right now. The bloggers with actual integrity are all commenting on political and social issues right now, Carly included (or have you not read her posts this year?). If you want someone who will stick to light and fluffy subjects, find a different blog to read.

Hayley (MPP, FCH)

So politics is only for those who are subject matter experts?

Politics affect everybody. Everybody gets an opinion. Everybody gets their say.

The rest of the world has responded to the brilliant news that Biden/Harris won as if a war has ended. That’s not normal. Trump is not normal. This isn’t like George Bush, where one could disagree with his policies but felt that he genuinely wanted to make America a good place, and that’s why he ran for President in the first place. EVERYONE has an opinion on this, and is well entitled to one. This affects the world, not just political experts. We’re not arguing some fine point of policy here. People have been hurt, many of them not ‘subject matter experts in politics’.

It might make you feel better to get the view from an ‘expert’. I’d never call myself such, because seriously? There’s always much more to learn. I’ve studied politics extensively and worked in it for years, though, so here you go.

Trumpism has made the world a less safe place. Any sense of unity has been torn apart as he’s bullied his way through traditional alliances and agreements. America is objectively worse off. People who didn’t have to die are dead. Lots of them. Your national debt has increased massively – and for what? People go bankrupt every day trying to pay their medical bills, and he wants to make that harder?! Your minimum wage is what, $8? That’s pathetic. And then you think a candidate who lies, cheats, bullies, disparages, issues ad hominem attacks, threatens, and obviously doesn’t care about ANY of the above – you think he could make things better?! Or that we should respect and listen to people who venerate him, when they have done nothing to show any sense of remorse, shame, or understanding?! Or worse, that people should ignore it if they’re not an ‘expert’?!

The above may sound like I dislike America. I actually love America, but you should know, as an ‘expert’, that the rest of the (actually) free world is rejoicing that most Americans see it can be so much better, and have voted accordingly. I AM angry, I can tell you that much. Your comment was rude, divisive, and amazingly ineffective. What, do you not know how to change a website if something doesn’t interest you?

By the way, the ‘Founding Fathers’ thing is ridiculous. I suspect you’d say we can’t judge past behavior on the standards of today, so I’d point out that doesn’t mean we should apply the standards of the past to (reprehensible) behavior today.

Lorraine Barnes

Helen – The problem with your post is that a leader of such a large country as ours needs to first and foremost have a “personality” that UNITES and does not ever DIVIDE us. His policies may have put money on the table for some and may have furthered the agenda for some, but his attitude, personality, words and hateful rhetoric has done more to HURT us than any American leader I have studied. Our country should be about fairness and equal rights. How do you think a black person or a disabled person feels when the leader of our country says the vile things he says? Finally, trust is also a key element of any president. Now, of course, most presidents have lied or twisted things for sure, but no one has lied as extensively, frequently and thoroughly as Trump. His lies have been listed, proven and re-proven. No American should condone his divisive and his lying words. They should be willing to give up the White House for 4 years and pick a better candidate next time around.


Whole-heartedly agree with you on all of your election commentary. It’s devastating to see how many people in our country support this racist, misogynist “leader.” To put it bluntly, I think a lot of people vote for what’s best for them and not the country as a whole.

Lorraine Barnes

Thank you N.!! Like I said, Republicans should be willing to give up the White House for 4 years to let this man stop his divisiveness.


Thank you for using your platform for good, Carly. It’s a good time to unfollow any bloggers/influencers who don’t speak up on the issue. This election is wildly upsetting and different from all previous elections re: what is at stake, so there should be no comparison to previous ones. Furthermore, the current president has made it very clear through his lies and recent reactions that should Biden win, he will not cede peacefully. Hoping we can get through the rest of the election somewhat sanely. I’m practicing lots of self-care and deep breaths.


I think I wouldn’t write off the half that voted for Trump. I think it’s probably more important to understand why they voted for Trump. I refuse to believe all of them are racist white supremacists.

Lorraine Barnes

I know they are not all racist white supremacists. But they should wake up and understand they are siding with them nonetheless.


thank you carly for speaking up! also if you’re sad about pepper watch.. i’ve already started thinking about what I want to grow next year, LOL. this summer I was successful with cucumbers!!! and I only bought ONE plant from the grocery store like, in MARCH when things were shutting down. I’m definitely going to get more plants next year. Unfortunately my tomatoes did not ever fruit (it’s too hot here in Texas.. sad) but next summer I definitely want to try with a different tomato variety, cucumbers, and maybe zucchini. It is so therapeutic and really gave me something to look forward to when I would go outside to check on my cucumbers and see how they were growing. I might have to try bell peppers this summer 🙂


Wow, what makes you think I care about your politics? Please stick to what you do best. Thank you for letting me express myself.


Thank you everyone for voicing your opinion… Just want to give you fair warning, I won’t stop voicing mine 🥰 if it’s not for you, you can find other blogs to read or continue to read and skip over posts that don’t resonate with you. Either works for me.

Heather J.

Haven’t you chosen to make a career out of your blog? Your readers and their purchases contribute to your income. Yes, we have a choice to read or not to read- but bottom line is you NEED readers.
Please find it in your heart to be open and accepting of all people regardless of their viewpoints just as you are regardless of their race/ gender/ sexual orientation. Or you are no better than our president.


But I have plenty PLENTY of readers. so losing a few literally doesn’t matter… both to my financial bottom line and more importantly for me to change how I want to express myself. I pride myself on the community I’ve built. Smart, open-minded women who are interested in all kinds of content. This space isn’t for everyone and I’m okay with that. I can’t be everything for everyone! So if it doesn’t work for Fran, it doesn’t work for Fran. But it doesn’t change my position.


Hi, Heather. When you say that Carly should “be open and accepting of all people regardless of their viewpoints”, are you saying that she should be supportive of people who are openly racist or sexist or who support someone in power who’s both?

At times like this, it’s important to take a stand and let others know how you feel. I applaud Carly for being open about her views here. Given how many bloggers have been silent on this issue, it’s refreshing to see Carly speak frankly.


I guess the most mind-blowing thing to me is how there is an absolute line that’s been drawn.
It’s not hard to understand why people would vote for him or not vote for him.

People naturally see it from their point of view. Which is normal and expected.

Then immediately label the other side as crazy and unrelatable. Yet ALL types of people have voted on each side.

Just about 50% should pretty much say that acceptance of each other is really the only way out. This it’s my way or no way from both sides is going to be a disaster.

Heather J

Sam- what I meant by my comment is just that. As a nation, we have to be accepting of others viewpoints PERIOD! Where would we be if we only accepted and liked people who shared our own views? Change would never occur. Discussions would never happen. This is America and we live in a democratic state. All we have been hearing for the last 6 months is get out and VOTE! People have voted in outstanding numbers! We should be celebrating that not criticizing how many people voted one way or another. You can’t say get out and vote and then express disappointment because people didn’t vote with you…
I agree with Kristina- all types of people voted on each side for a wide variety of personal reasons.
And no one in America should have to defend their vote. Every vote counts and we need to count every vote.
I am a high school American History and that the lesson I am teaching this week.


Hi, Heather. I appreciate your feedback here and your willingness to share your thoughts. Thanks, too, for being respectful in your response.

With that said, I think it’s important to take a strong stance and plainly state that racism, sexism and xenophobia are wrong (even if many Americans support such things). Americans who espouse such views or support those who do are on the wrong side of history and will likely be judged in the same manner we view people who fought to keep segregation a part of society between the 1950s – 1970s or supported the Nazis in the 1930s – 1940s.

Simply put, just because many Americans feel a certain way doesn’t mean we should assume that’s correct or acceptable. I’m not saying that everyone should feel the same way about all things. I do, however, think that all Americans should look to move towards a society that supports and empowers its members regardless of their race, sex or creed.


Thanks for this, I feel the same way, and thank you for giving back to your community! I wholeheartedly agree that we must do what we can within our spheres of influence and in our communities to make change and help people. PS – I love pepper watch and am sad it’s over 🙁

Jenny Yang

Carly, please be more proactive and less reactive as an “influencer” in the future. This is so typical, with BLM everyone on social media showing and supporting black friends AFTER the problem has been exposed. Now the election – why weren’t you talking about politics before?? Now that it’s already happened and it’s too late, now you’re going to share your opinion and outrage? Funny and sad at the same time.


Carly discusses politics and her concerns over the state of the country periodically. She’s encouraged her readers to get involved and has described ways to do so. Not really sure why you’re criticising her about this.


agree with Sam- Carly has been pretty outspoken about the election and the importance of voting. Not sure where you’ve been, Jenny, but she has said more about BLM and the election than most other bloggers out there, which I have really appreciated.


Carly where is your case for me iPhone from? I’ve been looking for nice cases unsuccessfully.


My grandmother used to say that when you don’t know what else to do – feed people. There will always be someone who needs a meal.

Thank you for using your platform to speak out for what’s right. Active support of unethical and discriminatory behavior shouldn’t get a pass in the name of ‘kindness’. No one who votes for systemic racism and homophobia is entitled to the emotional labor of the rest of us to try and understand where they’re coming from.

Mary Katherine

Conservatives could say the same thing about abortion: “Why try to understand someone who advocates murdering the unborn?”

My intention isn’t to be inflammatory or to debate these hot-button topics here. I simply want to illustrate that each side could completely write off the other as amoral, but there is no good to come from that. Yes, we should vigorously debate these important ideas, but at the end of the day, we must unite as Americans and truly know and care about people on the other side of the aisle. We can’t let politics rip apart families and communities.


I just don’t think that there’s any mystery about the what or why people are on ideologically different sides of the river in a lot of cases. I can listen to someone talk about how they don’t think gay people deserve the same legal rights as everyone else but what would be the expectation after that? Just smile and say ‘well, I’m glad we had this conversation’?

This isn’t about arbitrarily writing anyone off as amoral – it’s about expecting people to face the consequences of their actions. Advocating for discrimination, homophobia and racism SHOULD have consequences.

Mary Katherine

Yes, say you’re glad to have had a conversation! Be grateful for the opportunity to share your perspective. There are obviously extreme situations where this response is inappropriate, but otherwise, yes. You will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. In other words, if you want to win someone over to your worldview, try doing so with love, not condemnation. Telling a moderate Republican than he or she is racist and irredeemable doesn’t endear him or her to your viewpoint, it only entrenches both of you further in opposing views and will ultimately lead to our collective demise. I really believe most Americans have more in common that not – let’s embrace that!


So, just “thanks for letting me know more about your homophobia. I really respect your homophobia and will continue to smile politely when I see you so that you don’t feel uncomfortable even though I find your views repulsive.” Yeah…I’m gonna pass on that one.

Besides, the reality is that most moderate republicans ARE racist the same way that most people are racist and have deep seeded racial bias. Irredeemable? No. But making an active choice to support policy that pretends racism doesn’t even exist isn’t exactly doing the personal anti-racist work necessary to achieve redemption.

There is plenty of common ground to be found and compromises to be made – but we shouldn’t be willing to compromise on domestic human rights. I mean, other people might be willing to do that – I’m just not.

Mary Katherine

I think you’re missing my point and that we might not reconcile our perspectives on how to engage others. Thank you for your time. I wish you the best!


It makes me really sad how you demonize Trump and his supporters. The media also could not mention one positive thing he did. The media is the true bully. They think they can say anything they want and we’re all supposed to just accept it. Politics is greed and corruption. This is supposed to be a representative republic but people elect representatives who consistently let them down- jobs sent overseas, regulations, broken promises. What about the manufacturing jobs that came back to the US under Trump? Thriving economy for all people? Prison reform? Care for veterans? NO WARS for four years! End of ISIS. These were some of his accomplishments. How long will it be before we are embroiled in another war under Biden? We have been involved in foreign wars every year I have been alive except for these past four. It breaks my heart to think of all the people who died for our wonderful republic to now have it run by those intent on socialism and control. But I guess time will tell. I admire Trump for at least having the balls to stand up to the media and the corruption on both sides of the aisle. We really need a third party.


What koolaid did you drink?

We are still at war in the middle east and let remind you a Republican president started these wars.

Thriving economy? I’m an economics major and work in finance. Trump inherited a strong economy and has subsequently plunged us in to greater and greater amounts of debt.

Unemployment? Once again he inherited an almost fully employed country and in the last year millions of people have been left unemployed because he didn’t handle this pandemic appropriately. I won’t even mention those that died.

Prison reform? Don’t make me laugh. Private prisons have thrived under the administration and millions of ppl are still incarcerated.

End of ISIS? Do you read the news? End of what? Terrorism is still a huge threat as is ISIS.

Care for Veterans? He actively and consistently mocked veterans. Veterans are still struggling with huge amounts of unemployment and re-entry in to the workforce.

LOOK I appreciate you drank the koolaid but at least don’t make yourself look stupid by acting like he achieved anything. There have been some amazing republican presidents but this aint it and you need to start digesting all the abhorrent things he has done. Peace out cub scout. Do better.
