

Just a lot more of “the same” around here this week. Mike and I are definitely starting to feel a little stir crazy. Trying to get out as much as possible– walking the dogs, just going for a walk, driving through to get a coffee. With the excitement of Christmas behind us, I think the reality of winter is setting in. This is when I’d usually have a few trips lined up just to beat the monotony, but obviously that’s not the case this year. Going to have to get creative if anyone has any ideas… I AM ALL EARS.

ON MY RADAR 1.15.20

ON MY RADAR 1.15.20

Here’s what’s been on my radar this week:

ONE // Gingham Sweatshirt

How adorable is this gingham sweatshirt from The Tiny Tassel? I love the perfect cornflower blue paired with the light pink. Would be the perfect thing to wear when you’re looking for a bit more cheery color.

TWO // “A Pandemic of Broken Toes”

I’ve become a pandemic statistic. A couple of weeks ago I broke my pinky toe… while walking in my house. It was the dumbest thing of all time and hurt like crazy. It’s still pretty bruised but the swelling has gone down a ton and I can walk normally again. But apparently toe injuries are on the rise because people are spending so much time at home without shoes on. Obviously this is not a huge issue all things considered with everything going on with the pandemic, but… it’s a good reminder to wear slippers 😜

THREE // Cute Sneakers

Maybe it’s because of my broken toe or because we’re not getting dressed up for anything, but I’ve been living in my sneakers. I have a few pairs of my casual/athletic shoes that are super worn down and I haven’t gotten around to replacing yet. I may go for these light pink beauties.

FOUR // Wellness Influencers and the QAnon Connection

I am fascinated– and deeply, deeply disturbed– by QAnon. What seemed like a “fringe” group of Pizzagate believers has now, unfortunately, gone mainstream. I feel like every single person that I know knows at least one person who has fallen “down the hole” so to speak. It’s scary to watch friends, family, coworkers get further and further radicalized by this group.

FIVE // Starry Lake Pajamas

Lake Pajamas just released a limited edition print of pajamas with little stars on a light blue fabric. I have a pair from a few years ago when they did royal blue stars and they’re one of my favorites. Whenever I wear them people ask if they’re still available…. so now is your chance to get this year’s version! I am obsessed.

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Hi Carly! Since you have been loving sewing, why not try sewing a quilt? If you choose a simple block pattern, every time you finish a block is satisfying. And wouldn’t it be lovely to have a quilt you made yourself in your house?


Missouri Star Quilt Company. She does a new tutorial every week and is really good at explaining things


Re: the QAnon fascination, if you haven’t listened to the NYT podcast, Rabbit Hole, I highly recommend it. So interesting/terrifying.

Jennifer Record

I’m a family travel blogger (and high school teacher) and we’ve been sticking to exploring a different state park each weekend… I have lots of upcoming posts on hiking 🙂 It feels like the safest thing. There are also lots of “trails” for different pizza, ice cream, cupcakes, and tacos etc… In Connecticut, there are lots of published trails for different interests.. Maybe you and Mike can research your favorite “thing” and create your own trail to sample different spots. It’s a great way to support small business too…


One of my professors (physical therapy school) is a nationally-known foot expert. He told us in class a couple months ago that he’s been seeing so many patients come in with what he calls “pandemic-related foot pain!” It’s not so much that people are going barefoot, he explained, but that people have dramatically changed from wearing shoes all the time to hardly ever with being at home.

Emily M.

The NYTs has a series in their travel section “How to feel like you’re in ____ tonight”. Usually they recommend a recipe, a short playlist, a movie, maybe a game too, to help you feel like you’re traveling. Might be fun to plan a “theme night” to help feel like you’re traveling

Tori Beth

I know that somewhere in that preptastic wardrobe, you’ve got some outdoor clothes! Try heading outside for a day trip to a state park, the coast, or even just somewhere local where you can spend some time outside (that’s not your yard). The change of scenery is nice and spending time in nature is super good for your mental health 🙂

I also second what another commenter said about quilting! It’s a little more fussy and involved than usual sewing but it could help keep your mind (and hands) busy.


yancey williams

Plan a staycation, I mean really really plan it. Choose a destination, the appropriate food, appropriate movies and music. Buy yourselves a few staycation clothes, perhaps a new night gown or pj’s. Buy fresh towels and sheets. Splurge on fancy pants toiletries, that you might associate with a resort or spa.
Seriously, my hubs and I have done this several times, and it’s saving us during this difficult time.
Stay well, stay safe!


A couple things have really helped me lately! I try to go on a walk first thing in the morning as the sun is rising. The birds are chirping and it seriously almost feels like spring! As soon as I get home I try to get to work but purposefully put my work station at the window to get ANY natural sunlight I can. I don’t know why, but these things have worked WONDERS for my overall mood.


Highly recommend planning out for your garden, Carly! It gets me through the NH winter, I love buying seeds & new pots or tools. & it won’t be too long before you should start peppers (from seed) inside that you want to grow this summer! 😉


My husband and I have been working from home since March….I agree with you Carly, we are starting to go insane! And with all the snow in our area, we aren’t even leaving the house.


Try hiking! You probably have most of what you need for a basic hike. NJ has a great selection of beginner-friendly trails. (and their app) is a helpful tool for finding trails in the area. I’d recommend staying under 5 miles and under 1,000′ elevation gain for starting out!


I had to get a pair of EVA Birkenstocks because my feet were going crazy without any arch support walking around barefoot 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m glad I haven’t had anything as bad as a broken toe! As for getting out of the house, I’ve just been looking up any new trails/hikes around me that I’ve never been on – the Alltrails app is great for finding new places!


Hi Carly! Love your blog! I am a runner and I used to love New Balance… until I discovered the company was/is a big donor to Trump’s campaign. So sad! Their sneaks really are cute, but I’ve stopped buying them.


I very much don’t think this was your intent, but there’s an older association with New Balance shoes as white power symbol. ( Very much don’t think you’re promoting that theory or anything but the juxtaposition of being up qanon with a promotion of the NB brand could be interpreted as some conspiracy messaging. Just wanted you to be aware if you’re not already.


Carly – You said exactly how I’ve been feeling! So restless and trapped. Now that Christmas and the holidays are over I feel like I have nothing to look forward too 🙁 Even just a sunny day at this point would break things up!


Totally hear you about wanting to travel! I’ve recently gotten into watching walking tour videos of different cities on YouTube. Obviously it’s not the same experience as being able to actually travel, but it’s a fun way to explore new places from home until real travel becomes possible again.


I’m so sorry to hear about your toe! If it makes you feel any better I’ve also broken a toe by just walking in my house. Granted, it was years ago when I was in high school, but it was painful! Glad it’s getting better 🙂


Oh, an idea for you and Mike is to rent a small cabin that’s within driving distance. My boyfriend’s brother and his brother’s wife found a small cabin in Arkansas (we all live in Missouri, so it’s not a far drive) and stayed for a long weekend. They bought groceries ahead of time and made meals for themselves. Basically, they did the same quarantine routine but in a remote(ish) cabin. They did not come in contact with anyone. They were able to bring their dog and go on walks while still being safe. As I said, they pretty much stuck to their routine but at least they were somewhere else. Something to think about!


My boyfriend and I did this too in the fall! Well we stayed at this really interesting Airbnb in Austin. We picked up food, went on drives and did a nature walk. And also binged The Queens Gambit in 2 days lol. It’s nice to just get out of town for a change of scenery!!


I also have a Peloton and LOVE it, in an effort to mix it up in this monotonous winter and add something fresh to my daily workouts I started drawing an instructor out of a hat each week to do 3-4 classes with. It’s such a small little thing, but it’s been fun to try something “new” by riding/strength training/yoga with instructors outside of my normal rotation.


Hi Carly! I have been embracing fake travel through food. This past summer I made a big Spanish paella with sangria and had churros for dessert. For Christmas I did a roast beef with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes and sticky toffee pudding. I make a whole event of taking time to cook and eat and listen to themed music.

I’m also celebrating holidays more to have things to look forward to. Mardi Gras and Valentine’s are just around the corner so I am starting to make plans to make each special, even if it’s nontraditional. I’m thinking a strawberry themed Valentine’s brunch for 2 as one example. I found all last year having something to look forward to was key so I also put all of this on a big calendar and really let myself get excited.


So many things to do with extra free time!
Read biographies
Plan out numerous trips
Start learning a new language
Learn new vocabulary words
Learn new computer programs
Create photo albums or make special frames
Try new recipes
Research family genealogy
Interview older family members
Help out an elderly neighbor or single
Read the Constitution
Conduct your own wine-tasting
Try new foods
Keep up your enjoyable blog!
Thanks, Carly!
