
On My Radar

It’s been a surprisingly good week over here. It was low-key, and I loved it. Sometimes I miss summers as a kid when school would get out, and there were zero responsibilities for two months. No homework, no tests. Just days mindlessly spent playing made-up games with my sister and hours that melted into each other swimming in the pool. I totally realize that I have a dream job with immense flexibility (and frequent work travel to incredible places), but there’s still the everyday responsibilities of, you know, keeping everything afloat and running. It’s still work at the end of the day.

The bright side of working throughout the summer is feeling the freeness of past summers in the smallest moments. I tend to appreciate it more and fully savor every second.

Half of me feels like summer is flying by and the other half of me is trying to remember just to love every in-between moment as much as possible!


Here’s what has been on my radar this week:

ONE // Weeki Wachee Feature in Vogue

I don’t think you can grow up in Florida without knowing about Weeki Wachee. I’ve never personally been, but I’ve heard all about the mermaid shows (seriously). I find it equally strange and amusing. Vogue recently photographed some of the mermaid performers along with a history of the shows.

TWO // Graphic Designer Earns One Million Dollars

I think one of the biggest (and worst!) myth is that there are only certain jobs that guarantee success. IT’S A LIE! Everyone talks about “starving artists” and whatnot… but a career in the arts, or anything creative career really, doesn’t mean you can’t be successful in the financial sense. You absolutely can! I loved hearing this graphic designer’s story because I think a lot of us can relate to not fitting into a traditional job scene.

THREE // Public School Students’ Art in the Met

Speaking of the arts, I think every young person should be exposed to it. There’s no right or wrong, and you don’t have to be good to enjoy it! I love that some work of New York City’s public school students will be on display at the Met. (I’m impressed by everyone’s work!)

FOUR // “Another Day of Sun” School Project

Apparently, there’s a theme to this week’s On My Radar post. A high school recreated the opening scene of La La Land– they did such a fantastic job. And props to the teacher for encouraging her students to pursue the challenge.

FIVE // Audrey Hepburn’s Personal Collection

Christie’s is hosting an auction of some of Audrey Hepburn’s personal items. How amazing would it be to purchase a pair of her iconic ballet flats?!?!?

SIX // Gal Gadot on The Tonight Show

Have you guys seen Wonder Woman? I loved it and have a girl crush on Gal Gadot!!! Her interview on The Tonight Show made me love her even more. She seems so cool.

SEVEN // Average Fashion Blogger

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and stumbled on these hilarious videos. The account pokes fun at fashion and beauty bloggers and totally nails it! I was laughing so hard and sending the videos to everyone I knew.

EIGHT // How Children See Differences

This is such a sweet and inspiring video of kids talking about what makes them different from each other. I think the world can take note and remember that we learn prejudice– it’s not something we’re born with.

NINE // New Sunglasses

I do not need a new pair of sunnies, but after seeing them in the teaser for the new Fifty Shades of Grey movie (#guilty), I splurged on them! They’re SO cute and the perfect classic, yet modern, shape.

TEN // New Police Puppies

OMG, I can’t handle the cuteness of these puppies!!!!

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Kristen from Pugs & Pearls

Ah! Weeki Wachee is something I haven’t thought about in years!! My grandparents didn’t live too far away from there, and they would take us when we came to visit. The mermaids are mesmerizing! It’s really amazing how they can swim with those tails. I actually don’t live too far away myself now, it would be a fun day trip! Such memories!


I totally get what you’re saying about summer. I’m a teacher but always try to get a certain amount of work done in the summers or work on my now defunct blog. This is the first summer where I’ve said no to any type of productive goals & to just enjoy it. I have 2 little kids, so don’t want anything to distract from my mom time.

Honestly just taking the idea off the table of maybe getting some stuff done this summer has been such a huge difference. Clearly for non-teachers this isn’t an option, but I think keeping weekends work-free or relaxing your level of productivity on your own time is a good call to just enjoy summer!


I love your on-my-radar posts each week! They are always positive and unique stories and a perfect way to start the weekend!


I really loved this roundup and enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos you linked. Thank you!


When I heard the news about the Audrey auction at Christie’s, I immediately wanted to sell all of my belongings and buy a pair of her ballet pumps. They actually aren’t as expensive as I imagined they would be!

Briana |


Love those sunglasses! I’ve been looking for a pair that doesn’t swallow my face and those look great! Can’t wait to see how they work for you!

Alex C

Love the new sunglasses, Ray Bans are always a classic! Too funny that you found them through a Fifty Shades trailer– fashion inspiration comes from unlikely sources, I suppose 🙂
