

I will be honest, I don’t really know what to say about this week. I was talking to a friend about how it’s become hard to keep, I don’t know, putting one foot in front of the other while all sorts of terrible things are happening around the world. It’s easy to slip into feeling helpless. Honestly, I feel like it’s weird to pretend like everything is fine and also weird to address such a horrific world event and then just…. keep doing my regular job. When my regular job is just simply not important in the grand scheme of things. I was getting whiplash on my phone yesterday scrolling through Instagram stories between videos coming out of Ukraine and “regular” content. I finally just put my phone away.

For now, I figured I’d make this post specifically about ways you can help. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling sick and heartbroken.

These three organizations kept coming up when I was searching for ways to help yesterday:

Voices of Children: This organization provides psychological and psychosocial support to children affected by the war in Ukraine.

– United Help Ukraine: United Help Ukraine has a multifaceted approach, providing food, medical supplies, and support to soldiers and civilians affected by the war.

– International Committee of the Red Cross: The ICRC’s team of water engineers and doctors is on the ground in Ukraine to keep critical infrastructure in place and provide support for the victims of the conflict.

And I’ll end with this retweet from Brene Brown. As she put it perfectly: “Breathtaking courage.”

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Rebecca T

Thank you so much for addressing this. I was catching up on the news last night, and it was just one horrific thing after another, in Ukraine. I started sobbing and put myself to bed super early.
I wish there was more that I (we – everyone) could do.

Allison B

Excellent post. Last night I was feeling very overwhelmed by the tragedies. Looking at normal posts felt weird. I also put my phone down and I’ll probably stay away from social media for a bit.


Thank you. As someone who works for a company with offices in both Russia and Ukraine, this has been hard to process. Plus, many coworkers in nearby countries (Romania, Hungary) are truly anxious that this will spill over the border.
It is a hard time. We have to keep moving forward with work/life, but it can be tough. I just keep praying.


This is why I will continue to follow you. You get it. Like others I am struggling between what is coming out of Ukraine and what I’m seeing on social media. I feel so helpless. I truly appreciate the resources you have provided.
