

I’m sitting down to write today’s blog post and I’m just, like, what happened this week. The news of the leak about Roe v. Wade definitely clouded every thought/moment of the week. I’ll be honest, I am exhausted. I recognize that it’s a privilege to be exhausted about it, but I’m just being honest here. I had DMs demanding I say something and, frankly, I had no idea what to say. I still have no idea what to say. It feels like we’re living in a dystopian world and I have not felt super equipped to discuss at length many issues over the past few years (and, man, have we faced some serious issues over the past few years). Personally, throwing up a few IG slides and then moving onto more frivolous things felt worse to me. Even this post feels icky to me (it feels insane that we live in a world where we can discuss an event such as the Met Gala on the same night this kind of devastating news about reproductive rights leaks), but again, I simply don’t know what else to do.

So that is where I am– feeling sickened and helpless.

ONE // Is This How Roe Ends?

One of my favorite podcasts to listen to is “The Daily” from the NY Times. This particular episode is thirty minutes and dives into what happened on Monday night and what it could mean moving forward for abortions. I thought this did a great job explaining the real trickle down effect, which is that people in blue states will still have access and wealthy people in red states will still be able to get access to abortions (by having the means to travel somewhere where an abortion could be performed). The people who suffer the most are those who are already at a financial disadvantage, which only exacerbates the issue. (Also why donating to abortion funds is a great option.) And, look, I’m very much pro-choice, even though abortions make me uncomfortable– but banning abortions doesn’t stop abortions, it only stops safe and legal abortions particularly for already vulnerable populations.

TWO // Lindsay Lohan Breaks Down 18 Looks from 1998 to Now

This is one of my favorite Vogue series. Lindsay Lohan is priming herself for another comeback and she sounds so great in this video! (Rooting for her!!) In the video, she flips through eighteen of her various red carpet looks throughout the years and shares some personal anecdotes along the way.

THREE // Baby Loafers

I ordered a pair of these little baby loafers for Jack. TBD on how they fit, but they look so cute online. He spends most of his time barefoot and wears these booties to daycare until he starts walking… but sometimes he needs a complete “look.”

FOUR // “We’re Leaving Seattle”

The Crosbys family has one of my favorite channels to watch on Youtube. The kids are super talented (you may have seen Claire performing with her dad on Ellen a bunch a few years ago) and I just think they seem like a super loving, sweet family. And if you need further proof…. just watch this video of Dave surprising his wife with their new home. (Warning: it’s a tear jerker.)

FIVE // Sydney Sweeney for Tory Burch

I never really have interest in red carpet events, but I loved this little video of Sydney Sweeney getting ready with Tory Burch. Obviously the nod to the iconic The Princess Diaries scene was just *chef’s kiss*. And I thought she looked stunning in that gown.

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Thank you for saying something. And I think it’s not mentioned enough that, if the GOP wins both the presidency and legislature, they can pass a federal law which will threaten reproductive freedom for even women in the bluest of states.


In regards to women’s rights in general. I really don’t think anyone should have the right to tell a female what she can or can’t do with her body. On the flip side, if it is a life that would survive that’s another issue and at what month is survival possible without any long term effects that would render that little person a full and happy life……So it’s a very sticky subject and not everyone’s life is the same. What I do know is that when you make a woman MAD that is something no one wants to contend with. As women we need to step up to the task (all of us) make serious changes in the way things are done and show men that we make the decisions on what we want our life to be. Not a man, not a politician, not an insurance company……..There is a reason why women bring life into the world…..


Hi Carly! I definitely visit your blog as an escape from the news, but I still really appreciate when you share your thoughts about important political and social issues. If there’s a reel of the Met Gala in the same post, well, I’ll take a pick me up where I can get it during these dark times.

Lisa M

Carly, as a long-time follower it has made me so happy and proud to see you speak up for justice over the last few years more publicly. I know it can be a little tricky and you face the possibility of backlash but know that it’s extremely brave and important that we are all having these conversations!!!!!! <3

Kate K

Thanks so much for speaking up about Roe! I’m a long-time follower and really appreciate it 🙂


“I thought this did a great job explaining the real trickle down effect, which is that people in blue states will still have access and wealthy people in red states will still be able to get access to abortions (by having the means to travel somewhere where an abortion could be performed).”

The NYT is wrong. A human rights violation is still a violation, even if some individual women might be able to mitigate some of its worst impacts with cash. Income will not protect women from the harms of abortion restrictions, especially in medical emergencies. It doesn’t help to have a high income if you are denied emergency medical care for a ruptured ecptopic pregnancy or if you suffer from sepsis after a miscarriage (what are you supposed to do, book a first-class ticket to Finland while writing in unbearable pain)? Income also does not protect women who are under coercive control, either by abusive male partners or their family members (which is especially a problem for teen girls – how does their family’s income get them out of the house to an abortion clinic if the family won’t permit it period?) Let’s not even get into the risks that interstate travel will be restricted for women (as is already happening in Idaho) or into the risk that abortion will be considered homicide, which will affect all women regardless of SES.

We can acknowledge that we must overcome the barriers that poor women face to getting abortions – those barriers are very real, especially for women living in rural areas. What we should NOT do is give in to the narrative that rich women are somehow insulated from misogyny. That narrative seeks to divide women and prevent them from recognizing their power as a class (if you can get women with resources to call themselves fortunate when their rights are under attack, then you’ve effectively cut off a powerful bloc from feeling the urgency of supporting abortion rights – just what the anti-choice side wants). Women must band together and not let outside forces divide them.

We must also name the sexism and misogyny driving anti-abortion laws. They are targeting women as a class and they will not stop at abortion (contraception is next in line). We cannot fight back against this if we cannot name the battle accurately.


I simplified their podcast– but recommend listening to it anyway.


I think you’ve laid out something SO important here, and I totally agree with your point on the moral imperative we have to stop this kind of human rights violate. However, all that can be true, and it’s still true that wealthy women will be able to get abortions if they need them.


Carly, thank you for sharing the podcast. I thought it was really interesting & well-reported.

Liz, thank you for your comment, too! I often fall into the trap of saying that overturning Roe v Wade will disproportionately affect poorer women, but you’re right that it will have far-reaching effects and women of all economic backgrounds will be in danger.

As someone who is currently in the throes of IVF, I’m really scared that IVF, after-miscarriage treatment (e.g. D+Cs which are abortions) and other life-saving ‘abortion’ procedures will be outlawed.


One thing I really love and admire is that you are willing to say publicly “this makes me uncomfortable but that doesn’t mean I get to make that choice for other women.” I know you’ll get hate no matter what you say, so I really appreciate your bravery.

I also think bloggers get so much flack for not commenting on political issues, which I really hate. I wish you all could always be comfortable saying “this isn’t my lane.” Some people advocate strongly that there an obligation to use your voice, but I disagree. If people are going to change their minds, it’s going to be due to thoughtful, respectful conversations with people they know, not because someone who’s clothes/home they like posted an RBG quote. If people disagree they’ll unfollow, or ignore it. I hope you continue to share your thoughts when it feels right, and don’t feel too much pressure the rest of the time.


Thank you for speaking out in defence of women’s rights. I really respect and applaud you doing so, in the face of potential backlash from those who would see those rights taken away. Isn’t it astonishing how some states wouldn’t support a teen reading The Handmaid’s Tale but are entirely comfortable making that teen live it out?
