
On My Radar

This was a GOOD WEEK. Great week even. I mentioned last week that I was having a rough start to the year (thank you so much for all the kind emails and comments) and I’m really hoping this week is a good omen for what’s to come.
70 degree weather. Afternoons at the beach. Jack Rogers sandals. Puppy snuggles. Time with friends. Calls with mom. 
I was really trying to commit to clicking the reset button, leaving the worrying thoughts behind in the past, and moving forward to a fresh start. Between the ski trip this weekend with Gar’s family, getting to the bottom of a tax problem, and picking up our new pup… I think I did just that.
I will never, ever take living by the water granted again. Julia, Meg, and I hit up the beach this week for a pup playdate. It was crazy packed and absolutely gorgeous out. Something rejuvenating about being by the water and digging your toes into the sand. Teddy had the best time ever and Hamilton snoozed the entire time on my lap.

ONE // Lilly Pulitzer Promotion

Just a little heads up that there’s a great Lilly Pulitzer Gift with Purchase sale starting tomorrow morning! They always have the cutest gifts for these promotions… and this one is really good. The new arrivals are really cute right now so I think I’ll definitely be making a purchase, especially since I have a Florida trip coming up! I’m eying this pineapple dress and this pink scalloped dress.

TWO // Under Armour Advertisements

 I cannot get enough of these Under Armour videos. When I saw this one with the US Women’s Gymnastics team… I was ready to set my alarm for 5:00am to squeeze in an extra workout.

THREE // Weird Things Couples Do with Their Dogs

This is the truest Buzzfeed video EVER. Crying actual tears from laughing.

FOUR // Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection

Only four this week because this one is SO important. Everyone should watch this. I really struggle with perfectionism. It sounds like a good thing, but it’s incredibly debilitating for me. I always feel like I’d rather not do something altogether if I’m not going to be great at it. Reshma Saujani absolutely nails it in this. I teared up watching it. It was especially timely for me because I had just had a conversation with Garrett’s 10 year old niece about this. So, so important. WATCH!

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Vienna Rose

That video came at the perfect time. I'm a junior in high school, and all this pressure to be the best student ever, best musician ever, prettiest girl ever has really gotten to me. Last night was my breaking point, and I'm looking to spend the rest of the year focusing on my strengths and my bravery, not just seeking perfection.


So happy the video came at a good time for you– honestly it was the best timing for me too!! Definitely something we all can work on!

Katie M

So glad you're having a better week! I am so jealous that you were at the beach, although I can't complain about North Carolina's warm weather right now! I love the Lilly scalloped dress, can't wait to shop tomorrow!




On My Radar

Oh, it’s beginning to look a LOT like Christmas. I wish it felt like December all winter long. Something about the holiday decorations that just puts a permanent smile on my face. The 60 degree weather we’ve been having is a huge bonus. It’s like the best of the holidays minus the freezing temperatures.
I’m really excited about this weekend because my sister is in town! We’re heading to a Christmas tree farm today with our friend Carter and Garrett and then plan on spending some quality sister time. I’m seeing a lot of shopping in our future!

Here’s what has been on my radar this week:

ONE // Melissa Joan Hart Explains the 90s

This video! Bustle has really been producing some hilarious celebrity video content. I couldn’t stop laughing at this (in a good way!), especially when Melissa Joan Hart nails the little side kick that Clarissa did too.

TWO // Upright Pose

I realize this seems like such an infomercially product but I am so tempted to try it out. Apparently it sticks to your spine and gives you a little buzz when you start to slouch. I’ve really been trying to work on my posture but it seems so impossible. There’s even an app to help “train” yourself to stand up straighter. I’m curious….

THREE // Family’s Annual Christmas Dance Video

If this isn’t a case for having a ton of kids, I don’t know what is. How adorable are these videos of this family dancing to Christmas songs. They do one every year! Here’s the one from three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, and this year’s.

FOUR // Backcountry 20% off

If my analytics says anything it’s that you guys love Patagonia as much as I do. Right now, Backcountry is giving $40 off orders over $200… aka 20%. (They have a great selection of brands, including Patagonia!) Perfect timing on my end because I’m getting Garrett this fleece (don’t tell him!) and this for my sister (shh don’t tell her either!).

FIVE // Coke Festive Bow Labels

Although I try not to drink too much soda… I like to have a Coke every now and then. How amazing is this label design?! I thought it was fake when I first saw it. So brilliant!

Anything fun weekend plans?!

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Jackie {York Avenue}

Oh my god do I need that buzzer thing! I'm the worst at slouching and I know how absolutely terrible it looks, so constantly trying to combat it. I agree with you though, it feels impossible. I guess a buzzer on my back would certainly help…but sounds a little scary as well!

Amanda B

That's so awesome that you get to spend quality time with your sister! I can't wait to get home next week and spend the holidays with my family!

xo -Amanda @ Blissful Gal



On My Radar

What a week! Garrett and I flew to Atlanta from Bonaire and then took a 16 hour road trip back up to NYC after picking up his car there. (Not going to lie, I slept through the night while Garrett drove straight up the country! He’s the best.) I tried to take it relatively easy on Labor Day and then hit the ground running Tuesday.
I fit in a lot this week including a breakfast with my friend Meghan, an amazing teeth-whitening at Lavaan, a 90 minute kicked-my-butt yoga class at Pure Yoga for Yoga Month, nailed down details for an event coming up super soon (stay tuned!), finished a book and started a new one, saw Louis CK on the streets of NYC… and, you know, managed to get through just another typical work week.

Here’s what has been on my radar for the week:
I saw this recipe on Twitter and it is going to the top of my to-make list. It’s apparently a five star recipe according to everyone; Marcella Hazan’s most famous! I’ve been flexing my muscles in the kitchen more and I love trying new recipes. (Also, can we talk about how Youtube tutorials are the best things in the world for learning kitchen techniques?!)
I have my own methods for increased productivity, but I think I’m kind of obsessed with finding out how other people are most productive. This is such a great and comprehensive piece on productivity– if you want to be more productive or you’re simply curious about learning more tips, check it out.
Cue the tears. I honestly teared up watching this little girl attend her first day of kindergarten. Seeing the video from her perspective (whoa grownups are tall!) is brilliant. When she turns around to see her parents before she gets on the bus?! Waterworks. 
BaubleBar just sent me this ring and I really love it. I actually purchased another monogrammed ring a month ago and it ended up being, um, a little too aggressive. This one is perfectly sized and doesn’t scream monogram.
While working yesterday morning, I received a Google Alert saying Reese Witherspoon had mentioned me in a quote. I honestly thought it was a joke. Then I got an email from People’s PR team and I honestly couldn’t take it. Reese mentioned my friends Julia and Ashley and me as her favorite bloggers…. WHAT?!?!?

Anything fun on your radar for the week?!

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Oh my gosh!! That's so exciting that Reece Witherspoon mentioned you in that article! One of my favorite actresses talking about one of my favorite bloggers! <3

Laura Bruce

So exciting about Reese! You and Julia are my favorites…and I'll definitely check out Ashley's blog now too! 🙂 yay for fashion bloggers!


Nicole Lam

I can't even with that video. As a mom who recently just sent her first-born off to Kindergarten, it reaped all the feels. Congrats on the mention! You girls rock!!



On My Radar

This week flew by. My parents were in town, so I’ll have to do a separate recap of their trip. It’s fun to have an excuse to frequent touristy spots and eat great meals. I will say, we did a LOT of walking. Every night I’d have to soak my feet in the bathtub they hurt so much!
Thursday was the first “back to normal” day in basically a week. Weird, but it felt good to get back into a somewhat normal routine. I spoke on a panel with the Smart Girls Group. Definitely a highlight. The panel went great, but it was getting to put the faces to names online that really made it special and amazing for me!
LOTS of videos on my radar this week… but they’re good ones!

ONE // How to Put on Your Face
I watch beauty videos frequently to learn new techniques, but this video is absolutely not what I was expecting and 100% awesome. I might just have to watch it every morning. Great positive affirmations and reminders for living a good, healthy, and happy life!!
Taylor Swift wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal… and I loved it. Talk about someone who truly gets “it.” It being both the industry, her fans, and how to magnify her passion for music. It’s a really interesting read and won’t take too long at all. Ultimately, what she has to say about the music industry and how to create a lasting effect with fans is something that can be translated into various industries and brands.

THREE // WWII and Preschooler’s Special Friendship
BRB, I just died of cuteness. Literally. You have to watch this video because it’s literally the best thing I’ve seen in a while. Talk about pure joy. This might even be better than the unlikely friendships of unique animal pairings that float around the internet from time to time. And don’t even get me started on the matching tractors!
So let me just say… I had absolutely amazing teachers growing up. And Mrs. Bell was one of the best!!! The hardest, but the best. We had an interesting first quarter my freshman year of high school with a million hurricanes and so it was easier to get an A. Then it was all downhill from there. Some classes were “easy As” and Mrs. Bell’s class was anything but. You truly had to earn that A and it was the hardest transition into high school, but one that set the tone and pass and bar for the remaining three years. Her open letter  to her 9th grade students and their parents is great!

FIVE // Jimmy Kimmel Attempts Sia’s “Chandelier” Dance
HILARIOUS. I love the Sia music video with Maddie from Dance Moms (and it’s been on my blog at least once before!) and Jimmy Kimmel is just too good. The dance is super creepy and weird, but put him in a leotard and copying Maddie and it turns into a hilarious skit!!!
What’s on your radar?


PS I stopped by the Henri Bendel press preview this week. I’m now obsessing over the Jetsetter Backpack!

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That video of the little kid becoming best friends with the older man next door is the cutest thing ever!! I was almost in tears when they said they were moving. So sad but so unbelievably awesome 🙂

Annie N Belle

Mana Smith

I am obsessed with Taylor Swift's Op-Ed piece. It was great to find out that someone I adore is as well spoken and intelligent as she appears to be, and that she really gets the future of the music industry. Her Red CD was the first CD I bought in 10 years. All my other music has been downloaded from ITunes, and even though I downloaded every single she released before hand I decided to go buy the CD even though it was more expensive.
And that open letter to 9th graders is so important. I didn't get my first bad grade until 9th grade when I failed social studies. It seriously messed me up. A lot. But I recovered, retook the class and passed with an A. It was a matter of actually having to study on top of paying attention in class (I had never studied before.)

Fashion and Happy Things


I loved the How to Put Your Face On video! These are great messages to remember every morning when getting ready to have a happy and healthy day!

morgan gonzalez

To this day Mrs. Bell is the best teacher I've ever had. She's one of the few whose lessons still stick in my head to this day. What a sweet shout out to her, she's so deserving. Love the blog Carly! 🙂



On My Radar

I think the best way to measure the week is that I’ve been at (almost) inbox zero before going to bed every night. I’ve been trying to really prioritize staying on top of things. With lots of travel coming up, sometimes the best way to not get too far behind is to properly stay ahead before leaving. Sometimes I leave a lot of emails for the weekends, but I don’t want to get back to my desk on Monday and start the week already feeling like I’m drowning.
Over the next couple of days, I’ll be doing a little photoshoot with Tuckernuck, meeting with a group of PR students visiting the city, speaking at The Lady Project summit, and spending the weekend with Alison (so needed!!!). Phew! Honestly, I’m so excited for every bit of it… I’ve been extra grateful lately for really having a dream job.
Onto what’s been on my radar…
ONE // 2048
Earlier this week, I was meeting with a guy who’s been helping me set up a TCP mobile app (!!!). We started talking about how we had both become a little bit addicted to games on our phones. Both of us had been playing Quiz Up obsessively. (Garrett and I played a few too many rounds together… Almost all of which I lost….) I showed him how Lyne worked and then admitted that I was in the middle of a Puzzlejuice nine-day single game streak. It’s a problem.
And then someone tweeted at me to play 2048. Oh. My. God. This game. I’m terrible at it, but it’s kind of addicting. I read some tips and tricks online (#nerd) and one thing that helps is to never click the up arrow until you absolutely have to. Please don’t hate me if you become addicted, hehe!
TWO // Prince George
I had never really been into the Royal Wedding. I personally just didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. But… I have to say, the pictures of Prince George and his recent playdate has to be the cutest thing. He looks like a normal, healthy, and totally happy little boy. (And the picture above? Melted my heart!!!)
 photo anigif_enhanced-buzz-960-1396897047-21_zps8cbb71f9.gif
Elephants are cute. Baby elephants are cuter. Baby elephants in GIFs are even cuter. I mean, I can’t even. The floppiest little guys.

FOUR // Kate Spade and Lilly Pulitzer on Sale has so many cute Kate Spade and Lilly things on sale. You kind have to dig around to find styles and sizes, but from what I can tell it’s totally worth it. (Or bookmark it and come back often… As I’ve been doing!)

FIVE // Braids

I desperately need a haircut, but I am holding off a little bit until I’m done with a couple of projects so my hair is the same length. (Side note: have you ever noticed during The Wizard of Oz that Dorothy’s hair/braids change lengths throughout the film?!) The length of my hair is just a bit too long for me… it’s been unmanageable, especially when it’s windy– or when I’m simply too lazy to do anything to it in the morning. For now, braids seem to be doing the trick… that is, keeping me from chopping off my locks in between haircuts. There’s nothing terribly novel in this Refinery29 article, but it does provide clear and easy steps to follow for some basic braids. Once you know the basic braids, you can experiment with different positions and styles to come up with cool looks!

What’s on your radar this week? Any fun weekend travel plans? 

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omg. my roommate plays that game all the time. She's a math major though, so it's kind of fitting. Can't wait to see your app! 😀

Alexandra Aimee

I'm a big fan of Kate's classic style, so I have to confess to being a HUGE royal watcher. This image above is by far one of my favorites to come out of the tour so far. He really does look so happy!

— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo
