
On My Radar

It’s that time in the summer when I start to panic that time is slipping through my fingers. June, to me, is all about slow, long summer days. Creeping up to the longest day of the year feels luxurious. Like we have all the time in the world for venturing the beach, eating dinner outside, wearing sandals. And then, the days start getting shorter. And while the actual amount of sunlight we’re losing isn’t that noticeable, the pressure of time running out starts to build. The summer marathon begins to feel like a sprint.
That’s where I am right now. Sprinting through the summer, reaching out trying to grab everything I can before the crisp mornings of fall arrive. Blueberries! Cut off shorts! S’mores! Fireworks!
Anyone else currently in the frantic “savor the summer” mode?
Here’s what has been on my radar this week:

ONE // Taylor Swift’s Motivational SpeechIt’s the motivational speech I didn’t even know I needed. I think I may start every morning listening to this. Wow. If you only click one link in today’s post, make it this one!

TWO // New Sunglasses

I picked up a new pair of sunglasses this week. It wasn’t something I necessarily needed, but I have been trying on different pairs since April trying to find a new look. On Wednesday, I had a lunch meeting in Greenwich and forgot my sunglasses. I never do this. I was already late so I couldn’t turn around to get them. I ended up popping into a store just to look at the sunglasses. (Famous last words, am I right?) The salesperson there was insanely helpful and gave his super honest opinion about which pair looked best… and I agreed. I’m excited for the new look!

THREE // La La Land Trailer

OMG how have I not heard of this movie yet?! Watching the trailer gave me goosebumps. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are so cute together. (I love them in Crazy, Stupid,Love.) Doesn’t it look great?

FOUR // The Tragedy of Pokemon Go

I wasn’t into Pokemon as a kid and I’m not into the game now, but I have been interested in following articles about it. I find the whole thing downright fascinating!! I thought this article was particularly interesting because it talks about other ARG (alternate reality game) video games. I had no idea it started back in 2001– and the article goes through the different ways players connected. (Fax machines were involved, ha!)

FIVE // Lip-Syncing Family

Okay, this might be the best Hamilton video to date. An entire family (including mom and dad!) lip syncing to the Hamilton soundtrack. Not only is it entertaining, it’s heartwarming. I can just picture the whole family practicing during their drive, making mistakes, restarting, laughing. Bonding! That’s hard to come by nowadays!

Anything fun summer-y plans this weekend?

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Audrey Lin

Thanks for the share! I was especially interested in the Pokemon Go article 🙂 Hmm I actually haven't been in a rush for summer, thought I have a feeling that will change once it's August! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

Tori A.

I totally understand your need to savor the summer days that are left! July has always been the month that signals back-to-school preparation for me: finishing school assignments, getting school supplies, registering for classes, etc. As for now, I'm trying to take your approach!

Tori A. from Prep For A Day

Alyssa J Freitas

Such a great roundup this week! I hadn't heard about La La Land yet, but now I am wicked excited. Also, that family lip sync to Hamilton was priceless.

Bella Secchiaroli

I can’t help but completely agree with the feeling of summer slipping through your fingers!!! I love the new website!!! Please do a meet & greet in CT soon!!

Monica Pendlington

I most definitely did an open mouth gape at your new website! It’s absolutely stunning and I love watching your site grow as you do.

Taylor’s motivational speech was exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve just started party planning and am incredibly exhausted but all of the worries of starting a business start to creep in and I love Taylor. It’s a win-win listening to her speak.


Absolutely love your new website! It looks gorgeous. I love that Taylor speech. I’m a total sucker for anything Taylor!
