
On My Radar

This week, I was pretty focused on some major choices. It’s hard as an adult when the onus completely falls on you. Sure you can enlist friends and family to help, but at the end of the day… it can feel like everything lands on your shoulders waiting for you to give the final say. Luckily I think a lot of the decisions have been made and it feels great since they’ve been looming over my head for quite some time. Phew! (Getting away this weekend seriously helped… I went right into the week with a clear head.)
The best of what’s been on my radar this week:
I feel like Sesame Street has to be the best television show out there– my sister and I totally grew up watching it all the time. (We even watched Shalom Sesame in hebrew school!) I was so excited to see that Sesame Street welcomed a new character… Julia the first character on the show with autism. If you haven’t already, you have to watch the video of “The Amazing Video.” 
Another reason to go to Australia? These milkshakes. I’m tempted to make a few of these at home, but I know better considering my lack of self control. They look unbelievably unhealthy, although they’re pretty fun to admire from across the globe…. Right?
I can’t wait for this collaboration! I’ve been trying to get back into the yoga swing of things. Since our move, I haven’t committed to a studio yet. It’s on my list of things to do… I miss being consistent about it!
Netflix is killing it with these revivals. Who doesn’t love Gilmore Girls?! I can’t wait to see how the new mini-series goes. Anyone have any guesses or wishes for what they include?
I’m having major puppy fever over here (I keep reminding myself how stressful it was when Teddy was new!). I’ve been pinning a million cute pups and looking up funny Instagram dog accounts to curb the desire. I stumbled on this little guy and oh my if he doesn’t have the sweetest face ever!

What’s been on your radar this week?

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Cristina on Campus

I'm so excited to see Netflix's Gilmore Girls revival! I hope they bring back some of Rory's old love interests – that would be interesting to see.



I loved Shalom Sesame! I'll never forget the episode where the woman asks the girl "How do you say 'banana'?" then asks for pajama and telephone then lunch, assuming it's the same word and it's this phrase that's nearly impossible for her to pronounce. Feel free to follow my dog Finn's adventures on Instagram. You can find her @Finnstagram123012.


I went down the rabbit hole of browsing dogs on Instagram when I was bored and now I follow more animals than people. So embarrassing. I think I need to create a new Instagram just for the all the French bulldogs I follow.



On My Radar

I’m kicking off today’s post with a few photos of Teddy. There must have been something in his water this week because I swear he was extra adorable. 
We finally finally finally got to enjoy Central Park this week. Taking him out before 9am in the winter is extra challenging because it’s so cold. Both for me and the little guy! I felt like he was going crazy from being cooped up (me too) especially after this weekend’s rain. I saw that the forecast was above 32 degrees and we went for it. The sidewalks of the park were legitimately covered in ice (you can see how glossy they look in the upper left of the photo). Teddy didn’t mind, but I was scooting along like an old lady. Still worth it– I mean, look at his little smile + tongue.
An unmade bed and laundry still waiting to be put away is primetime nap real estate for Teddy. He loves my Devon Maryn yoga pants!!!
Sometimes I wish I could trade places with him… he certainly lives a dreamy life.
This is my new favorite photo of Teddy, albeit a blurry one. He is such a weirdo sometimes… He literally sits like that. Not real. (Here he is trying to get a good peek at the ear he ripped off of his favorite stuffed bunny.)
I will miss him this weekend as Garrett and I are heading up to Vermont to ski!

I feel so, so strongly about this. My mom was great about letting me do my own projects from the very beginning. I’ll never forget the first time I realized that my project sucked compared to my friends… but it’s because I did it completely on my own. My panda poster looked like a second grader made it because… a second grader made it. (Compared to one girl’s 3D replica of a Chinese palace that looked like a senior architect’s masterpiece.) I will say that it motivated me to do better projects on my own. Shout out to my mom though for the endless trips to Michael’s with me for craft supplies!

TWO // Plastic Ball Prank

Two thoughts on this… 1) That would be so much fun to play in and 2) I’m glad I’m not the one who had to clean that up.

THREE // Yoga Inspiration

One of the things that I absolutely LOVE about yoga is that it’s something that everybody can do. The classes I go to are filled with people of all shapes and ages and levels. There’s the sweetest old woman who sits next to me a lot and she really inspires me to do better every class! I love love LOVED this Buzzfeed roundup! The woman in #13 has the best attitude ever and the pose #12 is doing is so something I want to work towards myself.

FOUR // Why You Hate Work

Such an interesting look at why you might not enjoy your work.

FIVE // 1.5 Billion-Pixel Photo of Andromeda Galaxy

I mean… talk about feeling small! This is such an incredible zoomable photo and there’s a video version too. I love that technology allows this kind of thing to be available to everyone to explore. Sometimes it hurts my brain to think about how truly infinitesimally small we are compared to the entire universe. Blows my mind!!! 

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Audrey Lin

That crazy plastic ball prank is the best! I've seen it floating around my FB newsfeed with everyone sharing that link, but I never got around to actually watching it. I wonder what they did with all those balls afterwards haha. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

White Cabana

The plastic ball prank certainly put a smile on my face and the galaxy photo is remarkable! Oh – and who doesn't love pics of cute dogs? Hope you enjoyed the visit to Central Park!


The class projects done by the parents was one of my parents biggest pet peeves, and I don't blame them! My parents would always spend time helping me because they didn't want me to feel embarrassed, but they were pretty upset by the whole flawed concept. Eventually we home-schooled (not because of that, haha) so that solved that problem! Actually that's one of the best things about homeschooling, it teaches kids to be really self-driven, and the parent can decide how guided or not each individual child needs to be! (I'm kind of a #proudhomeschooler)

Alina Ermilova

Teddy is freaking adorable in all the photos, the 4th is my favorite too! And that plastic ball prank is insane! I pretty much have the same thoughts about it, would be so nice to play in it, but cleaning it all up… hell no ahaha!




I clicked on the "why you don't enjoy your job" link just to check it out… Started reading and came across a name – the Albermarle CEO- and realized I know him! His parents go to my church and he grew up in my church and he worked for my dad in the summers. I may have to reach out to him about this. Glad you posted this. Small world….. From tiny town South Carolina!



On My Radar

I spent half of yesterday thinking it was Tuesday. (Better that way than thinking it’s Thursday on Tuesday though!) I was super confused looking at my calendar in the morning until I finally figured out it was Thursday. Bring on the long weekend! Personally, I can’t wait to spend time with friends and get out of the city.
This week was a great one. Lots of things going on… so much so that I definitely had to delete apps to make room for all the photos! A few favorites from the week that I just had to share on here. (On my radar at the bottom of the post!)
Garrett took me to Pommes Frites in the East Village. WHOA. Just about every kind of French fry you can get and the best dipping sauces in the world. Truly delicious. (PS It’s been added to this list… Not sure if you’ve noticed the new tab on my blog, but I’ve been collecting my favorite places and things to do in case you find yourself in NYC!)
Tuesday was a fun (long) and accidental sunburn kind of day. More outfit changes than I care to admit, but any excuse to wear a million fun dresses is a good enough for me. (Like this Kate Spade, c/o, dress. I mean…. The bow. The black version is on sale!)
Elevator selfie. (This is a #framer.)
A serious highlight of the week? Stopping by the Lilly Pulitzer show room. The fall collection is too cute. (But I definitely can’t get enough of the summer collection right now.)
Garrett and I headed to an event hosted by Sail to Sable on Wednesday night out in Greenwich. So. Much. Fun. The rain held off and we just had a great time meeting everyone and doing some serious shopping! Loved getting to see Kearsley from Tipsy Skipper. Such a talented girl she is!
Grey day = grey shirt… but I couldn’t resist a pop of color! Love the way the scarf frames my monogram necklace!
And (finally) onto what’s been on my radar!
Love Sarah and her wedding photos are gorgeous. They’re on Martha Stewart right now as a featured “destination wedding.” Absolutely stunning. Her dress, the beach; I love it all!
TWO // Black Flour
You know Maxie right? Her sister is down in Dallas and makes the most incredible cookies. I ordered a bunch for my rewardStyle consultant to thank her for helping me and just for being awesome. The end result blew my mind. I knew they’d be cute, but Megan took it to a a whole new level. (And from what I hear, the cookies were devoured by the team in no time!) Highly recommend Megan and Black Flour… and she ships!

THREE // 100 Days of Dance

I don’t know who this kid is, but wow did he rock this dance. Absolutely ridiculous, but totally amazing. Talk about dedication. The way he edits it all together is super entertaining. I hope you get as much of a kick out of this that I got.

FOUR // Garance Dore’s “Chill” Post

An amazing read. Loved reading this post. My favorite quotation from the piece? “But it’s also very cool to just love your job as it is, to love the place where you live, and the world you’ve created for yourself, whatever that may be.” Read the post and let me know what you think!

FIVE // Elizabeth Bauer’s Studio

Stumbled on this photo via Pinterest, which sent me on a wild goose chase to figure out who it belonged to and to figure out what I didn’t live there. I’m not much of a studio girl (totally think I’d go nuts with my bed in my living room), but this layout and design totally made me rethink the idea of a studio. Or at the very least, it gave me some ideas for if (LOL, def not happening anytime soon) I redo my apartment.

What’s on your radar this week? Any fun Memorial Day plans?

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Alyssa J Freitas

I just checked out the "Chill" post and have to agree that it is a struggle to understand those who have dreams of different magnitudes than you. It is certainly difficult for me to even decide how big my dreams are, much less comment on others. Perhaps now I will pause the next time I am about to naggingly encourage someone to do more.

Brianna Kolota

I just went on a Caribbean cruise to celebrate graduating from the University of Florida with my bachelor's degree in public relations, so I'm keeping this weekend pretty low key. I'll just be reading by the pool or on the beach. Hope you're having fun! 🙂
