
One Year!

Now is as good a time as any to do a little reflecting. One year ago today, my company TCP, Inc was officially incorporated!!!
I really had no idea what I was beginning and I definitely had no idea where I was going. At the time, I had finished a course about entrepreneurship the semester before. During the class, I met a ton of amazing people who really helped me direct my focus. That summer was definitely a turning point. I had opted out of tradition internships (risky) and instead paved my own path (worth it). Over the past year, I’ve worked harder than ever and the greatest thing is that it’s been so rewarding!
There are two things that I know I need to work on personally. The first is balance between work and play, which I’m constantly trying to be better with. Sometimes I work way too much and forget to stop and just have fun every once in a while. 
The second thing is that I have a tendency to forget to celebrate milestones and accomplishments!
“Celebrate what you want to see more of.”
– Tom Peters
I am a HUGE goal setter. I love determining new goals to reach. My biggest issue is that I forget to celebrate reaching the goals! When I know I’m about to accomplish a certain goal (that’s right before I even reach it), I start coming up with the next step, the next goal. It’s a horrible cycle because even when I reach a goal, I’m thinking forward to the next one so it’s like I never actually accomplished anything.
Except that I did!
So I’m making this post as a reminder to celebrate.


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Devon Shea

How exciting! Congrats! When's the move to NYC (so jealous, my favorite place in the world)

– Devon

Megan G.

Congratulations, this is so awesome!! You have really shown us all how hard work can pay off in big ways. I think you're great at what you do. Take some time to celebrate and just have fun today! 🙂


Hey Carly,

So I went from one link to another and ended up reading your "have more faith" prep talk. Then decided to give you some tips about anxiety control. Not only when it comes to anxiety, faith is like everything, but when we are talking about panic we must be really alert. Actually took me lots of time to realize I was having panic attacks, but once i found out things went better. Here is my technique, really simple indeed, think about something that makes you really happy, something huge you know, like family, love, christmas time, this sort of thing. I also take some meds for panic control, but they would have been nothing without all the love around me. I guess, in the end, I really realized how important I am and started respecting myself a little bit more, and that was unique.

And, congrats C.!!!! Stoping the clock can be wonderfull every once in a while.

And thanks for inspiring me for this writting thing, I love this, but don't do it really often.


Little Ms MishMash

Congrats Carly! I have loved your blog for sometime now and you have helped inspire me to start my own! So this August I am celebrating the creation my own!;-)



Would love to see more about "what is TPC, Inc" and how you go to where you are! What great motivation for aspiring entrepreneurs!

Julia D.

This may be an unpopular idea, and I am by no means saying it works for everyone, but I personally try to shy away from the idea of balance. If I'm doing a lot of things in one area that I love, but other areas of my life aren't suffering in a significant/concerning long-term way, I don't see an issue with that. I think it is unrealistic to think that a perfect mix of family, friends, work, fun, and health will ever be achieved but as long as you are enjoying yourself and have your priorities straight (which are different for everyone) I think you've achieved the ideal life that those who encourage the principle of "balance" are trying to help everyone achieve.

As for celebrating, since it is one of your goals and something that is harder for you to prioritize, have you ever thought of giving yourself tangible rewards for certain achievements? Celebrating can have to do with anything you like (experience, possession, etc.) and shouldn't feel like a chore, even though I can totally relate to being MORE motivated by the achievement and wanting to continue pushing forward.




One year ago [from yesterday], I published my first post.

I decided to make a blog one late night in my freshman dorm’s common room. I was super stressed out about final exams. I kept saying how I wanted to do something cool and different… I came up with the name first: College Prep. And the rest sort of fell into place.

I couldn’t start the blog until after exams, of course. I came home, caught up on sleep, and then began my “blog research.” I designed and cut out (by hand) my header and then photoshopped it until it was perfect.

I honestly had NO idea what my blog would turn into.

My blog has opened doors that I didn’t even know where down the hall.

In the past year, I have:

Gained 182 followers on Blogger
Gained 235 followers on Twitter
Written a book after realizing how much I enjoy writing
Gotten a behind the scenes tour of a preppy company
Been inspired in countless ways

Thank You!

-College Prepster

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