
Oxfords 3 Ways

Button downs, button ups, or oxfords.  No matter which way you say it, the oxford shirt is a staple in the closet.  I typically wear one at least once a week.  I even have one that’s my go-to for rainy days!
I love how the shirts can be worn in completely different ways.  Last night, I was babysitting for four extremely fun (read: crazy) little kids.  I’m talking about wrestling on the floor, wii video games, lifting them up, pulling them apart, and dodging Nerf guns.  I wore a loose oxford with jeans and ballet flats and couldn’t believe how resilient the shirt is.  Seriously, when (if?) I have kids (…many years from now) I will definitely wear one, basically, every single day.
Here are three outfit ideas for how to wear an oxford shirt.
Oxford x Sweet

Oxford x Simple

Oxford x Cozy

How do you wear yours?


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Madilene Lake

Love the oxfords! I run into a slight problem being petite – a lot of them end up being very boxy! I'm not discouraged though, I'm still on the hunt! But I've worn some of the boxy-er ones with leggings and a skinny belt. Adore!


I love them, but find that the fit is hard to get right. I often run into them pulling around the shoulder area, especially when lifting the arms, or they will be larger but run down the torso longer and all-around looser.
How do you find a good fit? Wearing one tucked out of a skirt must require a tighter fit so as to not hang too low or look to drabby/droopy.
