Search Results for: little v


Eyelash Extension Review

If you follow me on Instagram stories, you already know some of this story, but I’m going to explain all of my thoughts on eyelash extensions further. Some backstory: Two or three years ago, I got eyelash extensions for the first time. I was very nervous to get them, but the place I went to…


DIARY No. 70

It’s been…. over a month since the last time I did a diary post?! Honestly not too much to catch up on as I’ve been sharing the exciting bits as they come. And life when we’re home is just nice and low key, so not too much to report. But I thought I’d share some fun…



This such strange timing to make a blog post about needlepoint stockings. It’s March! Everyone is counting down the days until spring! Well, maybe it’s because it feels like a winter wonderland as I’m writing this (we are getting the tail end of a nor’easter) or because I’m in the thick of stitching Mike’s stocking…….



I decided to do a little Q&A post on here and got some great questions from people on Twitter and Snapchat. Q&A posts are always my favorite to read on other blogs because I feel like you get to know the person a little more.  1. If you only could wear one outfit for the…


2016 Favorites

This is one of my favorite posts of the entire year to write. I start to look forward to it come December… especially this year. It’s been a challenging year. I’ve tried to stay as upbeat and optimistic as possible, but I’d be lying if I said this year didn’t give me a run for my…


ON MY RADAR 6.9.23

Well this week was kind of a crazy one. High highs and low lows. We had the BEST time in Colorado for Little V’s wedding! (I’m going to do a dedicated post for it actually with all the details, so stay tuned.) And then my Neely & Chloe collection launched…. Unfortunately I got pretty sick…


iPhone Snaps

Ugh. It’s been a hectic few weeks. I don’t feel like I’ve been able to give my blog (aka you guys!) enough of my attention lately. There’s been a lot going on in the backend business end of the blog– big partnerships, tax season, setting up in NJ, etc not to mention the energy it…



While I soak up this precious newborn time, I’ve asked a few of my friends if they wanted to contribute a guest post for my blog! Today I’m excited to introduce my Insta-Turned-IRL friend, Sam. I have been following Sam on Instagram for a while and we recently met for the first time (though it felt…


DIARY No. 68

I think the last Diary post I did was over a month ago! I have no idea where I left off so I’m just going to use this post to play a little catch up and share some fun recent photos. Probably no rhyme or reason, but hopefully this gets me back on track! We…