Search Results for: books


How I Read A Lot

So I’m just going to preface this by saying, I don’t think that I read “a lot.” That’s a pretty subjective measurement! “A lot” of reading for a working mom is going to look different than “a lot” of reading for a student during summer vacation. In 2017, I only read 31 books and about…


Books I’ve Read & Recommend by Black Authors

A highly requested post has been books I recommend by Black authors. I am sharing my favorites here that I’d recommend reading. As I’m committing to reading more about anti-racism and even more Black stories, I’m sure you’ll see even more recommendations in my monthly roundups. But for now, this is just what I’ve already…

gift ideas


This post is sponsored by Shutterfly and ShopStyle Collective Right now, you can use my code SHOPSTYLECARLY for an additional 5% off sitewide promos on! I had so much fun putting together these photo books. We had a busy, busy summer filled with a ton of beautiful and fun memories. And my overflowing camera roll…


My Current Bookshelf

I’ve been devouring books lately. A lot of work-related things have been weighing on me (ugh) and I find that reaching for a book at night is the best way to clear my head before falling asleep. No screens, just as many pages as I need. Some nights I get through ten pages and other…


Three Book Suggestions

I blew threw three books last week– special thanks to long commutes and a vacation for that! In college I used to read at least a book a week and I miss that steady pace. I miss meeting new characters every week and being able to transport myself somewhere new. It was nice to have…


My Tips for Audiobook Listening

I am fully aware that a) I have mentioned these tips sporadically already through other posts and b) that audiobooks are considered controversial by some. To address these two things really quickly: – Because I share my reading experiences on my Instagram (personal, and now my bookstagram), I have been getting a ton of questions about…

Some of my Favorite Audiobooks


What I Read This Summer

I read some amazing books this summer. I love to read year round, but there is something extra great about sitting down with a book during a slow summer day. (Probably only second best to a snow day spent reading.) In today’s post, I’m going to share books I read, what I’m currently reading, and a…


Little Free Library

I have always loved the idea of Little Free Libraries. Everything about them makes me feel happy. If you’re unfamiliar, the concept is that they’re mini depots (although someone sent this massive one to me on Twitter!) where books are shared within communities. The premise is that you can take a book and leave a…

Build Your Own