It’s PI Day!

Happy Pi Day!
Sorry, I’m such a nerd. What better way to celebrate this gloriously nerdy day than rounding up the most delicious pies I can find! Pies were supposedly going to be the new cupcake, but I don’t think it really caught on as well as everyone thought. Pies are just a little bit too difficult to eat, right? But they’re still a wonderful dessert. (And filling… and if I’m going to have dessert, I want it to fill me up.)
I love rhubarb pie… so this version with strawberries has to be, like, incredible. Right? It’s two amazing ingredients combined. Winner in my book.
Apple pies are classic, but make them mini and they’re extra special. Mini things are just too darn cute!!! Oh, and anything with a mason jar is instantly precious.
I pulled this one because it looks oh-so-old-school. It looks completely like something Laura Ingalls Wilder would make and eat!
There’s a pie shop in Tampa with the most divine pies, ever. One time when we were driving my sister up to a soccer camp, I drove in the car with the owner. He brought along a giant bag of mini pie samplers in little cups. Oh, they were amazing. Ever since then, I’ve been completely obsessed with pecan pies. You can’t go wrong with a classic Martha Stewart recipe.
This isn’t a recipe, but rather a pie. That exists. Already baked. In a bakery. In the city. Two words: Field trip!!!!!!!!!!
What is your favorite type of pie? Happy Pi day!!!!

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Vina Smith

Mmmmm the peanut butter chocolate one looks delicious!!! My math teacher is actually bringing in pies for us to eat in class today 🙂 happy PI day!


Kelly Meyerhofer

I worked at a pie shop in my hometown and we made this peanut butter french silk that was to die for. A pound of peanut butter went into each pie. Happy PI Day!
