Scared or Not, Here You Come

Maxie is here today sharing such a good message. If I had to say one friend who was the most fearless, Maxie comes to mind first. I’ve watched her bravely lead meetings, speak in front of hundreds of people, and travel all around the world alone. I very much look up to her when it comes to being brave.
Scared or Not, Here You Come
Guest post by Maxie McCoy
There’s a lot of things most of us don’t do in life because we’re scared. Like really scared. We don’t say yes to that date. We don’t sign up for the school play even though we dream of being on stage. We don’t raise our hand for the solo. We don’t tell someone how we feel. We don’t see the most beautiful view because we were worried about climbing up the rocks to get there. 
Fear can be a powerful thing. But only if we let it.
I’ve always envied the people that seem to constantly be doing things despite their fear. The ones who speak up for others even if it means he or she might get criticized (Carly). The ones who go jumping out of airplanes. The ones who go after huge opportunities and seem like they’re not blinking. They’re so unafraid.
I’ve always wanted to be brave like that. 
Bravery has been a feeling, a virtue, that I’ve been consciously channeling into my life: to do more things because I’m moved by them regardless of what anyone thinks. I want to whip off my shirt in the middle of a super hot and sweaty workout because I just don’t give a damn. I want to say yes to bungee jumping when someone asks. I want to tell that guy I think he’s attractive, regardless of how he’ll respond. I want to forge my own path and not hide behind the security of someone else’s.
I’ve been channeling bravery so hard that I even got a prayer necklace devoted to strength and bravery (they’re called mala in the Hindu religion). I got it because I’ve been feeling fear pretty often: of the unknown, of my future, of people’s opinion, of failing. 
And then I got a text message that said “Maxie, you seriously might be one of the most fearless people I know.” To which I immediately responded, “what?? no. not me. I’m scared 95% of the time.”
“Just because you are scared doesn’t mean you aren’t fearless.” She responded. And in that moment changed my entire perception of bravery.
That is it! That is the definition of bravery. To fearlessly go after the things you want in life, in spite of being scared or of feeling fear.
And that is exactly how you can be a bit braver in your own life. You have it inside of you. You just need to keep acting in spite of being scared.
We all have big fear moments. Even the people you and I both look up to like Carly, get so worked up about doing something that they’re practically sick. Even Beyonce gets nervous. Even the things you do repeatedly will scare you when you take it up a notch (like the time I went on a solo trip to India and about had a panic attack on the plane wondering what I was doing).
But the more you learn to act in spite of being scared, the bigger your life will become, the more strength you’ll find, and the braver you’ll be. Channel that brave soul of yours and don’t let anything hold you back from your dreams.
Scared or not, here you come.

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Southwestern Prepster

Too true! One of the most popular quotes about fear is "You only miss 50% of the shots you don't take" – too many times we let fear dictate our lives, choosing to avoid situations that incite fear in our stomachs. I am working on taking more chances, so ready or not, here I go!
xx, Mikkaela
The Southwestern Prepster


Thank you for this post. It is exactly what I needed to read tonight. I have recently been given the opportunity to start my dream career but it requires me to move to another country for four years with no concrete guarantees. I have been terrified about making this decision and terrified of the risks I have to take. Thank you for the reminder not to hide behind fear and the importance of being BRAVE. Time to be a little more "fearless".

Alyssa J Freitas

I don't think it's possible to ever eradicate fear 100% from your life, but it is certainly possible to be daring despite those fears. It's important to realize that everyone is afraid at some point, so beating yourself up for those feelings is never good. You just have to muster the courage to take that chance and realize, for the most part, everything will turn out just fine!

Alyssa J Freitas


this is such a lovely post written with such truth! it was such a nice way to start the morning!

Michele Hart

Such a motivating post that I definitely needed to hear (pretty much like every other post from her)! I love these Monday Maxie posts:)

Lindsey Lam

"To fearlessly go after the things you want in life, in spite of being scared or of feeling fear." So, so true. As of late, I am constantly needing to remind myself of this. Living fearlessly is undoubtedly one of the biggest things I want to achieve for myself. I, for one, do not want to be that person who looks back only to wish she had taken the leap at that time and in that moment.

High Heels & Happy Feels

Emily L

I love this distinction you draw here between the notion of being fearless and simply not being scared. "Fear can be a powerful thing. But only if we let it." WOW what a great piece of food for thought. Great work Maxie! 🙂
