Search Results for: label/career


On My Radar

I had a packed week! So many great things, but also a whole lot of late nights to make up for the fun. Plus, I’m in Dallas right now for the rewardStyle conference so I was trying to fit so much in before hitting the road. This is how I felt every night around 2am…


Egg Salad for One

After being away all weekend and eating out for every meal (travel calories don’t count, right?), I’m definitely going to be hunkering down to work this week and also get back on track with (trying) to cook at home. Lunches are the hardest for me because of my schedule, sometimes it’s easier to opt for…


Tips From a First Year Blogger (Part 2)

In more ways than I can count, I am proud of Miss Maxie McCoy. She is one of the most hardworking people I know and she’s about to launch something huge this week!!! And she’s been blogging for two years. Because blogging is something that has changed my life in such a big way, I…


I’m Moving!!!

Well, WE are moving! Garrett, Teddy, and I have packed up the apartment (but not really, it’s still a disaster) to move to Connecticut tomorrow. If you had asked me three years ago, as I was putting together Ikea furniture and eating takeout on the floor while I unpacked, if I would ever leave NYC the…


Staying Safe with Social Media

This is another one of the questions I get frequently as a blogger. (Here’s my post on how I edit photos and how I make collages for my blog.) As a disclaimer for this post, there are a million different ways to keep yourself safe with social media and everyone is different and has unique circumstances….


A Young Adult

A strange shift has happened to me. I feel like a young adult. It took me a bit of time to wrap my head around how I was feeling, but I kind of can boil it down to this: At 25, I still felt unsure of myself. A kid pretending to be an adult, like walking…


Meet and Greet with Dear Kate in NYC

I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be co-hosting an event with Dear Kate next Thursday (February 4) in NYC. It’s been a little bit since my last meet and greet in NYC so I’m hoping I get to meet a bunch of you, and see some of the city regulars again! (I featured Dear Kate’s founder…



I decided to do a little Q&A post on here and got some great questions from people on Twitter and Snapchat. Q&A posts are always my favorite to read on other blogs because I feel like you get to know the person a little more.  1. If you only could wear one outfit for the…


Happily Ever… As is.

Oh, Valentine’s Day. The day we all love to hate and hate to love. Right? I was thinking about what I should write for the day and I realized that I’ve been keeping a post written in my head for a while and never really gotten around to sharing it. But today, it seems extra…