Search Results for: label/career


Carly the Prepster

Have you guys noticed the new changes around here? I recently underwent a mini rebrand. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it because, in a lot of ways, it’s not a big deal. My goal for the rebrand was to make it feel very seamless because nothing was really changing except for the…


On My Radar

It’s been a surprisingly good week over here. It was low-key, and I loved it. Sometimes I miss summers as a kid when school would get out, and there were zero responsibilities for two months. No homework, no tests. Just days mindlessly spent playing made-up games with my sister and hours that melted into each…


Six Things Living in NYC

Someone tweeted at me saying they were sad that I was bashing on New York City! Truly, my goal while posting about my move to Connecticut and why that move made the most sense for me was to stay positive about the city. Even though my time in New York ran out, it doesn’t mean that I didn’t…


Art & Copy | I watched this in college so it’s been a while, but it’s a great nerdy documentary about advertising. It’s like the behind the scenes of Mad Men if they actually showed more of the campaign doing and less of the drinking. Audrie & Daisy | A Netflix documentary featuring two different…


Mom Blogs

One of the most frequently asked questions that I get is what blogs I read. I definitely keep up with my friends who blog. And I almost always check out the blogs of people who tweet at me or email! I love seeing what everyone is up to. However, I don’t really spend that much…


And you tried to change, didn’t you?

I’m breaking the kind-of-written rule that I have to talk about boys for a little bit. This is not going to be me dishing on all my dating drama (trust me, it’s not pretty). But instead talking about something that I have personally struggled with since I started seriously dating (rather dealing with) men in…


On My Radar

One picture to sum up my entire week: Striped Shirt + Fluted Skirt + Ballet Flats + Stacked Bangles Iced coffee for days. So much summer sunshine and I am one happy girl! I normally get an iced coffee from Starbucks every afternoon, but Dunkin Donuts is such a treat. Seriously, they make their iced coffee…


Tips for Writing Cover Letters

Jaime and I were blown away by the career questions everyone had. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted one. Jaime is here today kicking off the first of the readers’ questions posts: Tips for Writing Cover Letters by Jaime from The Prepary Thank you all for the amazing questions and career post ideas! We…


Don’t Know What to Do?

It’s a Maxie Monday today and a great one! I love her advice today and it’s definitely something I follow in my own life. I don’t like to force decisions, especially when they’re extra important. (I even go as far as giving myself “permission” to not think about a decision at hand until I absolutely…