Search Results for: label/career


Save the Date: July 17

I was invited to be on a panel hosted by Women Innovate Mobile on July 17 at the Apple Store in SoHo. “What’s in a name? Likely a brand. In the social era, personal brands are a market-defining career tool, generating influence and opportunities. Join Women Innovate Mobile for expert branding insights from Racecar Driver, Julia…


Guest Post: Air Force

Brittany emailed me a month ago sharing her story about being in the Air Force. On the blog, I tend to focus on women and careers that are most like mine (bloggers and entrepreneurs and writers), but that’s only because it’s what I know. Obviously there are a million different types of careers out there. I’m…


A Summer Look

I’m excited to partner with thredUP on this post today. After advice for starting a blog, my next most asked question is how to build a wardrobe on a budget, without sacrificing style or quality. I have been using thredUP for a couple of years actually. It’s one of the websites I always go to when I’m looking for a particular item of clothing from a past season.


7 Habits to Adopt

Today I’m sharing a few habits that I think everyone should start working on. I’ve been thinking a lot about how much life has changed since graduating college. A lot of these habits are ones I’ve been working on, especially since graduating, but really it’s never to early to start! 1. Ask for Help I…


Shop My Closet!

I am insanely excited about my latest partnership with thredUP. You guys know how much I’ve been loving their website, which is the largest online thrift shop with all of my favorite brands up to 90% off. I’ve found it to be an incredible resource for finding pieces that I missed out on in past seasons and I love how it gives clothes a second life. It’s guilt-free shopping.


Back to School- Elementary

Since summer must come to an end eventually, I thought I should do a “Back to School Special” on my blog. I’m going to do an elementary school, middle/high school, and college edition. Today is all about the youngsters! Hand sanitizer is an absolute MUST, especially with Swine Flu. Remind your child to wash hands…


DIARY No. 111

Here’s what I’ve been up the past two weeks according to my camera roll…. If you’re local, highly recommend visiting Cam Jam Kids in Summit, NJ– it’s a darling new store filled with various gifts and toys for little kids. It’s CUTE. The perfect place to pick up a birthday gift or a special treat…


Rugby Dress

Ah! I had a few rugby dresses back in the day and I’m so happy to see that they’re coming back. I had a Lacoste one that I wore all the time in high school. It’s fun to see trends come back around! This dress is from Nordstrom’s new 1901 line. It’s very J. Crew-esque with…


Natural Deodorant Journey

I’ve been using natural deodorant for about six weeks now. I wanted to share my personal experience. There’s a LOT of information (and misinformation) out there, so I recommend doing your own thorough research, speaking with your doctor or dermatologist, and ultimately figuring out what works for you. This is what I’ve done, and why…