Search Results for: label/handle with care


Organize, Please… GMAIL

I am a gmail addict and have a huge system worked out. I have a few email accounts.  An AOL one (I know, so 1990s) that I use for pretty much everything, my Georgetown address, and a few gmail accounts. (Speaking of email addresses, you can reach me at carly [at] thecollegeprepster [dot] com) Before I…


6 Reminders When Making a Big Decision

This may be my favorite Maxie Monday post she’s ever written. Big decisions aren’t something we face every day, but when we do face them it can feel daunting. Equal parts exciting and daunting (and a full range of emotions in between). Max is sharing six things to remember to do when you’re about to make…

gift ideas


When I put out a request for people to submit small businesses for a gift guide, I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away by how quickly the form filled up… and then going through everyone’s websites I was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of items. I am so proud of everyone,…


Teddy and Hamilton

There’s this beauty product that you’ve been dying to get your hands on. It seems like so many people have used it and loved it. This miracle cream is supposed to do everything for your skin from taking away wrinkles to making you the happiest woman alive. Oh, and the packaging is just the cutest ever…


6 Ways to Handle Hard Days

It doesn’t matter who you are, at some point, everyone experiences a tough day in one form or another. I wish it wasn’t the case, but life isn’t always “rainbows and butterflies.” Maxie has seen me through a few rough days and I’ve seen her through a few of her own. Loving her tips here…


How to Handle Things Being Really, Really Good

Have you ever gotten a sore throat and then promised yourself that you would never take swallowing for granted ever again? But a week after the illness passes, you go right back to forgetting? It’s really easy to note when things in life aren’t going as swimmingly as we’d like and usually it requires some…


3 Ways to Handle a Transition Gracefully

Just this weekend I was talking to three friends all going through different transitions. One was starting a new job, one is looking for a new job, and another is moving across the country for a new job. They were three separate conversations, but all revolved around the same anxieties about transitions. I will be…


What to Do with Criticism

Maxie is one of those super close friends that I have with whom I can share anything with. She’s been the first to hear great news countless times. She has heard me cry, brainstorm, and vent. She’s been a cheerleader, a support system, a sounding board, and a constructive critic. I’ve done the same for her….


I’m Moving!!!

Well, WE are moving! Garrett, Teddy, and I have packed up the apartment (but not really, it’s still a disaster) to move to Connecticut tomorrow. If you had asked me three years ago, as I was putting together Ikea furniture and eating takeout on the floor while I unpacked, if I would ever leave NYC the…