Search Results for: label/lacoste


How to Manage Your Email Inbox

Emails are one of those things that are bitter sweet. On one hand, email has seriously improved our ability to communicate. It’s awesome! But then on the other hand you’re always “available” to a certain degree. And everyone is using email. Besides the fact that it means you can reach anyone, it means it can get…


Dressing for Your Body Type

One thing that I’ve really learned over the years is the importance of dressing for your body type. For years, I struggled with finding clothes that fit properly. And by years… I mean essentially my whole life. Seriously, since birth… I giant when I was born so I’m sure that I wasn’t fitting into any newborn…


ELLE | Horoscopes

I’m not really sure how I feel about horoscopes, but I read them. All the time. If I come across a link online, I click on it. If I’m reading a magazine, I read it. I search for consistencies with my life, but almost always fail to see any real connection to my reality. Except…


Oliver’s Labels

A month or so ago, I did a post about Back to School for Elementary aged kids. I commented about making sure everything a student brought to school was labeled in. My lunch box was left on my bus on an almost weekly basis! Oliver’s Labels graciously sent me samples of their labels. Let me…


Fall Colors

Where has October gone? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding out on pulling the riding boots out, but it’s… like… almost November now. Fall has to be the most beautiful time of year. I have next to no memories of fall in Florida. Maybe we get three or four days of…


Organize, Please… School Documents!

I’ve discussed a little bit about how I’m a little OCD about how I organize my laptop. Because the semester is beginning to pick up speed (already, I know), I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share just how detailed I organize my documents. But first, I want to say something to Microsoft…


You Know You Love Them- Nico & LaLa Giveaway

The last Nico & LaLa giveaway was super super super successful! So successful, Nico & LaLa decided they would absolutely LOVE to offer College Prep readers the chance to win one of their NEW calendars! N&L sent me one to swoon over.  And swoon I did. N&L are beyond amazing with small touches.  The raffia matches the…


The College Prepster’s BIG Giveaway

The long awaited, much anticipated giveaway has finally begun!What makes the giveaway so big??? There are five separate giveaways! Monogram Personalized Wall Art $25 dollar gift certificate for Vinyl Monogrammed Stickers Lilly Pulitzer stationery and Whitney English stickers Kiel James Patrick headband and a SURPRISE SUPER SECRET giveaway Since this giveaway is a little larger…



The snowpocalypse has definitely come to Georgetown University. I cannot believe how much snow is outside my window! We were supposed to have a 7 am practice, which would have meant walking down to the boathouse at 6:25 in ALL THE SNOW! I mean, A LOT of snow. While it was still snowing! We got…