Search Results for: label/regatta


1/2 Year Recap

I can’t believe that we’re officially in the second half of the year. When I think back to where I was on January 1… it wasn’t pretty. Carter came to my parents’ house to shoot some stock photos for my blog, and the minute I got into her car, I broke down in tears. I was crying…


Fall Colors

Where has October gone? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was holding out on pulling the riding boots out, but it’s… like… almost November now. Fall has to be the most beautiful time of year. I have next to no memories of fall in Florida. Maybe we get three or four days of…


Organize, Please… School Documents!

I’ve discussed a little bit about how I’m a little OCD about how I organize my laptop. Because the semester is beginning to pick up speed (already, I know), I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to share just how detailed I organize my documents. But first, I want to say something to Microsoft…



One of my biggest fears (probably top five…) is that I’m going to turn into a straight up hoarder. I’m talking, need-to-call-TLC-asap kind of hoarder. I love to keep things, especially when there are lots of memories attached to them. Which is practically everything. I’m not kidding, I have to force myself to throw away stuff….


Favorite Movies

I love watching movies. I’m normally not the biggest fan of rewatching movies… unless I absolutely love them. I watch all kinds of genres and have a few too many favorites. Really though, it takes a lot for me to dislike a movie. At the very least, I just love watching a movie– in a…



The day is finally HERE. I am so excited to announce that my capsule collection for VoyVoy is live. Nat (founder of VoyVoy) and I met at a regatta in Florida when we were both seniors in high school. We both were going to Georgetown and had joined a Georgetown rowing Facebook group and met up…


Head of the Charles

This afternoon, I’m packing and getting ready for… the Head of the Charles! I miss rowing a little bit, but I’m way more into watching it. Someone asked me if I wanted to cox here in the city and I really didn’t want to. I feel like that part of my life is over, at least…


Living a Life Without Regrets

Someone asked me a question on Tumblr that really got me thinking… She asked if I had any regrets in my life. Sometimes I think that I move so fast through life that I don’t have time to really sit back and dwell on the coulda/shoulda/wouldas. (I mean really, it feels like the weather was…


Missing the Sport

It’s weird… I really never missed crew after I quit. I had an amazing senior year without the sport (truthfully). I definitely do not regret my decision to quit. At all. However, I kind of do miss it. I think it’s like missing any part of college (sororities, friends, exams– LOL just kidding). While I only…