Stacy and the Real World

My sister Stacy and I are so close. We’ve always been that way. Even when we had our differences as kids, my mom would send us to our rooms, and we’d concoct ways to communicate to each other (mostly about how much we didn’t like mom– sorry mom!) between our doors. At one point, we had a pretty intense pulley system set up with twine where we could pass notes that would slip under our doors.
Because we’re two years apart, you’d think it was easy to compare us or that we’d be competitive with each other as some sisters are. Maybe it’s because we look nothing alike or have very little in common in terms of likes/dislikes and strengths/weaknesses, but that’s never been the case. It is, however, pretty cool as a big sister to watch her go through milestones that I only just went through in her own way.
She graduated college…
Spent a month in Paris and London…
Is now starting her job today…

And will be moving into an apartment later this month…
As a big sister, I couldn’t be more excited for or proud of her!!!

I’m also pretty jealous of her apartment in Tampa. It’s in the best location and she’s moving in with one of her best friends (since kindergarten!). How’re the both old enough to graduate college and move into a real apartment on their own is beyond me.  Our families would go to the Keys together every summer and they’ll kind of always be the sandy seven year olds in my head!

Stacy wanted help coming up with ideas for her apartment. I happily obliged!
This Rifle Paper Co Wallpaper is the centerpiece/inspiration for the room. I’m obsessed with all the pineapple prints, but these colors seemed the most “Stacy” to me. Neutral with a little pop and not too girly, but still feminine with the blush pink!

I had way too much fun putting this together this weekend! Who knows what she’ll end up going with (it was always the joke that she’d ask me to French braid her hair and take it down four minutes later)… but I can’t wait to see what she comes up with! #airmattressforme?
Have any of you older siblings watched sisters or brothers go through big milestones?

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Tori Moore

I'm currently watching! I can't believe my baby sister is about to start her senior year of high school. It makes me feel so old!


Mana Smith

My little brother just got engaged. He was 13 and obsessed with video games when I left home 10 years ago, and now he's marrying his college sweetheart, I can't believe it. I adore that room you designed for Stacy, it's so pretty, I think I'm going to have to put that wallpaper in my house.

Fashion and Happy Things

Jessica Mezo

It must be so awesome to see your little sister go through life milestones – I have 2 younger brothers, so it's just not the same. Boys approach things totally different than us girls. 🙂

Ellen Borza

My sister just graduated from high school, and we celebrated this past weekend. It's been exciting to see her choose a college, and now she's heading off to orientation. It's amazing how quickly time goes by!

Ellen | A Pop of Pink


It must be so great to have a sister! Your post really shows how proud you are 🙂 I wish I had a sister too… . And also, the graduation picture is amazing, so cool.


Wow, using your sister as an excuse for yet another list of RStyle links, Carly? That's low…does she know you're exploiting her accomplishments to make money for yourself?

Stacy seems like a really cool, interesting, and REAL person. Congratulations to her on her recent achievements!

Kristen Bruning

My sister is 4 years younger than me and she just graduated high school! We've always been really close and now she will be going to college 5 hours away. It's definitely going to be a challenge not seeing her almost everyday, but I am so proud and excited for her!

Congrats on all of your sisters big milestones!!!

Life & Laughter
