
Summer Picnic

In Florida, our schools always got out early in May and we returned to school early August. I relished the month of May, it felt like a “free” summer month. And June! Oh June, it seemed to go on and on and on… and then the Fourth of July would roll around and just like that, summer vacation would be over in approximately a blink of an eye.
I swear, for whatever reason, this has rung true for me regardless of whether I’m in school or not. This has me very much relishing the long June days, soaking up all the summer. One of my favorite ways to end the day is to find a little shady spot in Central Park to picnic. It’s my favorite thing to just sit there and watch the sun slowly duck behind the tree line, the cotton candy sky magically changing by the second.
Now, keeping things very, very real here… My picnics are always impromptu. I’ve gotten much better about knowing what to grab, but I always pick things up on my way to the park. No planning; just grab, go, and gorge (I kid…). If I don’t go to a deli for a sandwich, I run into the grocery store and load up the basket with little nibbles.

My shopping list of go-tos:
– Water Crackers
– Wedge of cheese (I’m going through a major brie phase)
– Baguette
– In season fruit
– Something sweet
– Something salty
– Lemonade
(I could probably stop at the cheese and crackers if we’re being honest.)

** You can win one of the picnic blankets by following any of Barbour’s social media accounts and sharing how you will make the most of the summer with the hashtag #BarbourPicnicRug. 

Say Hello


Audrey Lin

Should I cut back on the cheese and crackers? Yes. Will I? No. Any regrets? Never 🙂 Loving the Barbour picnic rug and whale cutting board! I also like tucking away a good book and an umbrella in case I get stuck in the heat -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

Southwestern Prepster

Ahh, picnics are always fun! I am with you there on the Brie and crackers, the heat from the summer day helps melt it just the slightest bit to make it even better with the crackers! And nice call on grabbing both sweet and salty, it's good to be prepared for a change in cravings!
xx, Mikkaela
The Southwestern Prepster

Lindsey Saxby

I love picnics and that you just grab stuff and go. I always try to plan out a menu, but your idea is so spontaneous and fun! I can never say no to crackers, bread, and cheese. My boyfriend finally has a Saturday off so this may be a nice weekend date if the weather is nice. 🙂

Also, that whale cutting board is so cute! Where is it from?

Lindsey | Finding Balance in Life


I LOVE a good picnic!! I used to try making all these perfect "picnic foods" and figure out how to transport them but then I realized that it took most of the fun out of the whole thing so now I typically just grab sandwiches and call it good haha! I love your idea to just grab some finger foods, makes it look like more of a spread but still just as simple!

More time to actually enjoy the picnic! 🙂

xo Mary-Katherine
gold-hatted lover

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