
Summer Done Simple

Does anyone else find something they love and then wear it too many times to count in a row? That’s how I have been with this linen sweater. I bought it before Ireland on a whim. (I went in for one thing and came out with something completely different.) I wish I had bought it…


Mount Juliet Estate

Garrett and I flew direct to Dublin. The flight got in right around 10 in the morning. With Ireland being five hours ahead and sleeping on airplanes nearly impossible, we were running on pure adrenaline when we arrived.   That’s the fun part about traveling with friends, we had two things to look forward to:…


Tony Awards Gala

Attending the Tony Awards Gala last year was so much fun and I really hoped I would be invited by IBM again. Garrett, unfortunately, was working an overnight, so I asked my friend Carolyn to join me.  With the tragedy that happened in Orlando early Sunday morning, it felt strange to be celebrating and having a…