
How to Follow Your Heart

Does anyone else look for signs? I’m kind of superstitious and will find myself saying, “Oh, this has to be a sign…” A string of red lights when I’m running late? A sign that my next meeting won’t go well. Finding twenty dollars in a pair of jeans I haven’t worn since last year? Definitely a…


What to Do with Criticism

Maxie is one of those super close friends that I have with whom I can share anything with. She’s been the first to hear great news countless times. She has heard me cry, brainstorm, and vent. She’s been a cheerleader, a support system, a sounding board, and a constructive critic. I’ve done the same for her….


The Power of Living with Less

THIS. I remember when Maxie first told me she was considering selling everything in her storage unit. She’d basically been on the road for a year and, after she expressed hesitation, I asked, “Did you even need anything in the unit during the year?” The answer was no! I’m impressed with Maxie’s ability to get…


Don’t Know What to Do?

It’s a Maxie Monday today and a great one! I love her advice today and it’s definitely something I follow in my own life. I don’t like to force decisions, especially when they’re extra important. (I even go as far as giving myself “permission” to not think about a decision at hand until I absolutely…


The To-Do List You Haven’t Made

Maxie does it every time… She writes exactly what I need to hear! This week is no exception. As huge as I am into to-do lists and more so that satisfying feeling of crossing something off my list, I have definitely let things slide. I respond to every single email but for some reason can’t…


So You Want to Travel?

Maxie is probably one of the most adventurous travelers I know. I feel like there are people who travel all the time in crazy ways (backpacking or on someone else’s dime), but Maxie’s travels are totally attainable. She has the best let’s-make-it-happen attitude when it comes to travel and she’s sharing them here! So You…


Conquer Your Public Speaking Fears

I find myself speaking publicly way more often than I ever imagined I would. In fact, just yesterday I participated on a panel at a conference here in NYC. Even though I do these types of things frequently, I still get nervous. (Maybe one day I’ll share my Conde Nast elevator story…. Not pretty.) It’s funny…


5 Ways to Stay Positive

Maxie’s here with the perfect Monday post. I always find that if I start the week off on the right foot, it’s much easier to stay that way as the week continues! So let’s get positive and stay that way… 5 Ways to Stay Positive Guest post by Maxie McCoy Have you ever been around someone…


How to Tap Into Your Creative Self

I was just saying to a friend that one of the best parts of my childhood was the arts and crafts table my mom had set up in our basement. It was fully stocked with an endless supply of crayons, markers, spin art, glitter, sand art, puffy paint… you name it, we had it. My…